UMLY 2016 George Mason Team Travel Code of Conduct
Expected Behavior when on the Team travel meets:
·Act and conduct myself with dignity and respect for others and the property of others.
·Always practice and teach good sportsmanship.
·Promote positive team spirit and morale.
·Win or lose, offer congratulations to my opponents and support my teammates.
·Be a goodwill ambassador between our team, our YMCA, and the sport of Swimming.
Prohibited Behavior at Team travel meets:
·Use of alcoholic beverages.
·Use of illegal drugs or improper use of prescribed medications.
·Smoking or other use of tobacco products.
·Destructive behavior.
·Inappropriate or unruly behavior, including failure to adhere to team standards.
At the meet
·Swimmers must obey the curfews and room restrictions as determined by the coaching staff.
·Swimmers must attend all team meetings.
·Swimmers must wear the designated team uniform.
·At all times, swimmers must show respect for coaches and fellow athletes, especially in matters of safety and discipline.
·Prescription medication is the responsibility of the athlete and his/her family and physician. The coaching staff should be notified in advance of any condition or medication that could affect the health, safety, and performance of the individual.
·Swimmers and parents understand and agree that coaches reserve the right to search rooms and bags of meet participants at any time deemed necessary.
·Swimmers and parents acknowledge that the coaching staff is in charge of policies and procedures of the meet. Parents who attend are spectators who do not function in a supervisory role unless a staff member expressly asks a parent to serve as a designated chaperone.
In Preparation for Departure
·Coaches will provide a checklist of items to pack.
·Parents will ensure that their child’s bags do not contain any illegal items or substances in violation of this code of conduct.
Possible CONSEQUENCES FOR Violation(s) of this Code of Conduct
·An athlete may be removed from an event or swimming session for a violation of the Code of Conduct.
·Any damaged or missing objects billed to a hotel room are the responsibility of the athletes in that room.
·Elimination of all non swimming privileges during the trip.
·Sending the swimmer home ahead of schedule and at additional expense, to be borne by the swimmer and his/her parents.
·Temporary or permanent dismissal from the team.
I have read the UMLY Travel Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its provisions.
Signature of SwimmerDate
I have read the UMLY Travel code of conduct and I agree to its provisions.
Signature of ParentDate
UMLY Swimming Medical Emergency Card
Swimmer NameDate of Birth
Parents’ NamePhone Number
Child resides with: Mother Father Both Cell Phone
In case of emergency please contact:______
Place of employment:Phone Number
If parent(s) are unavailable, please contact:
AddressPhone Number
Swimmer’s Physician Phone Number
Authorization for Emergency treatment of Minor:
The undersigned is the parent/legal guardian of the minor identified. This authorization is being provided to the Emergency Services Department for use in the event of the need for emergency treatment of the minor identified when neither the undersigned, the emergency contact, nor the family physician listed can be reached to provide consent.
Child Name
Health InsurerPolicy Number
The undersigned hereby authorizes Physicians of the Emergency Services Department or their designee to perform on the minor listed such emergency treatment or procedures as deemed appropriate, provided that my consent or the consent of the emergency contact, or family physician will be sought first unless the delay in communicating with such parties, is, in the opinion of the physician, imprudent under the circumstances.
Is he/she allergic to any drug, insect bite, food, or other substance? Yes No
If yes, please identify:
Is he/she taking any medication? Yes No If yes, what and why?
Is he/she suffering from any condition requiring special attention such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc? Yes No If yes, what and why?
Has he/she been hospitalized or under the care of a physician in the past year?
Yes No If yes, what and why?
Does he/she have any physical disability or handicap? Yes No
If yes, what?