Faculty Senate Agenda & Minutes
September 4, 2014 3:10 pm
Signal Mountain Room, University Center
Division / Present / AbsentPresident / Susan Davidson
1st Vice President / Joanie Sompayrac
2nd Vice President / Claire McCullough
Secretary / Charlene Simmons
Past President / Deborah McAllister
At-Large / AlleenePingenot
Manuel Santiago
Gavin Townsend
Jim Hiestand / Brian Rogers
Kay Cowan
Adjunct / Madonna Kemp
FT Non-Tenure Track / Kathy Winters
Behavioral Sciences / Nicholas Honerkamp
Helen Eigenberg
Terri LeMoyne / Irina Khmelko
Fine Arts / Steve Ray
Ron Buffington
Humanities / Jonathan Yeager / Thomas Balazs
Charles Sligh
Heather Palmer
Math & Sciences / Francesco Barioli
Andrew Ledoan
Jennifer Boyd / Terry Walters
COB: / Diane Halstead
Randy Evans
Joanie Sompayrac
CECS: / Claire McCullough
Bryan Ennis
Charles Margraves
CHEPS: / Barbara Norwood
Nicholas Boer
Jennifer Ellis / Linda Hill
Susan McDonald
Library / Valarie Adams
Ex-Officio Members / Steven Angle
A. Jerald Ainsworth
David Rausch
Richard Brown
Theresa Liedtka
Others in Attendance:Karen Adsit, Jocelyn Sanders
Agenda / Discussion / Action/Responsibility / Status/DecisionCall to Order / Meeting called to order at 3:15 pm by First Vice President Joanie Sompayrac
Approval of Minutes 9/4/2014 / Motion to approve, 1st by Nicholas Honerkamp, 2nd by Nicholas Boer. / Passed by voice vote.
Unfinished Business /
- The slate for the Handbook Committee was presented.
- The slate for the Committee on Committees was presented: Randy Evans (COB), Steve Ray (THSP), Barbara Norwood (NURS), Charles Margraves (ENGR) and Jennifer Boyd (BIOL)
- Moved to confirm the Handbook Committee – 1st by Claire McCullough, 2nd by Manuel Santiago.
- Moved to confirm the Committee on Committees – 1st by Claire McCullough, 2nd by Manuel Santiago.
- Handbook committee confirmed by voice vote.
- Committee on Committees confirmed by voice vote
Administrative Reports / None
Committee Reports / None
New Business /
- The Provost would like input about who should read names at graduation. According to the handbook it is the Faculty Secretary, but several individuals interested in the job said they were not interested in reading names. In addition, more than one person is needed to read names. For example, we might have volunteers from each college read names for their college’s graduates. A decision about December’s graduation needs to be made soon.
Gavin Townsend suggested the Senate Exec committee look into the possibility of using the Senate Budget to reward readers. - A number of ad hoc committees are being formed, including a committee on diversity, another on workload, and a third on realignment of the budget. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is working with the Chancellor’s office to suggest individuals for these committee. If asked to serve on any of these committees please do so.
- Faculty Exec Committee
- Faculty Exec Committee
- Open
- Open
Faculty Concerns /
- On behalf of a student: By the afternoon the Mocs Shuttle has fallen behind schedule and the two buses are often running together rather than staggered.
- Several Senators expressed frustration over having to log in multiple times to access University Web services.
- Several senators mentioned maintenance issues, including a motion sense in the 1st floor men’s bathroom in Brock Hall that remains on 24 hours a day and a bathroom on the 3rd floor of EMCS with a toilet that leaks.
- Richard Brown - will discuss this with CARTA.
- Need to check with IT.
- Richard Brown - will look into it and will forward an email to campus about how to report problems through online system.
- Open
- Open
- Open
Announcements / None
Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 pm.