Final Inquiry Project

Seriousness / Language /Wisdom / Love / Virtue / Innocence/ Sexuality / Equality / Authority / Unity

Each week, I have reminded you about the theme we explore together. Your job is to explore what this word means and how it is applied to the world.

The end result of all these discussions will be for you and two / three other classmates to take one of the themes we’ve explored and do a 30 (+/-) minute interactive discussion at the end of the semester to the class about your chosen theme. This presentation will be a larger mark (rubric on the back), so try your best. If you have another theme you want to explore, see me first.

Your presentation should have the following:

a)A clear overarching idea that encompasses your chosen theme in an easily accessible manner. In other words: A catchy title.

  1. For example: “Love can be the degradation of modern society”

b)Research that fits your chosen theme. Use sources from my own blog if you’d like. You can answer the questions on my blog as a grounding pole for your research. You need at least five external sources.

c)An interesting presentational hook for us to maintain interest. Good examples include visual aids, PowerPoint presentations, handouts (like worksheets) games… anything to make your theme shine. (No Prezi though. I hate Prezi with all my heart.)

d)A 1000-word piece of writing for me that connects to your presentation. This is a collaborative project so only one per group. You can write in any style you choose. (Reflection, synthesis, narrative, etc.) Just make sure to source your information.)

Don’t worry about doing all of this on your own. Perhaps this is your first inquiry. I will give you a lot of class time to do this and I will help you every step of the way. Innovation, insight and creativity is what I’m looking for.

Rubric for Research-based Project (Inquiry)

Categories & Expectations / Criteria
Knowledge of content / The student demonstrates knowledge of content (e.g. facts) / The student demonstrates limited knowledge of the content. / The student demonstrates some knowledge of content / The student demonstrates good knowledge of content / The student demonstrates thorough knowledge of content
Understanding of content / The student demonstrates understanding of content (e.g. significance of concepts, ideas, theories) / The student shows limited understanding of the content. / The student shows some understanding of content / The student shows good understanding of content / The student shows insightful understanding of content
Use of creative/critical thinking processes / The student uses creative/critical thinking processes with effectiveness to create a new product and reflect on the learning / The student uses creative/critical thinking processes to create final productand reflect on their learning with limited effectiveness / The student uses creative/critical thinking processes to create final productand to reflect on their learning with some effectiveness / The student uses creative/critical thinking processes to create final productand to reflect on their learning with limited effectiveness / The student uses creative/critical thinking processes to create final productand reflect on their learning with limited effectiveness
Expression and organization of ideas and information in oral, written, and visual forms / The student expresses and organizes ideas and information with effectiveness / The student effectively organizes ideas in presenting results of inquiry with limited effectiveness / The student organizes ideas in presenting results of inquiry with someeffectiveness / The student organizes ideas in presenting results of inquiry with considerableeffectiveness / The student organizes ideas in presenting results of inquiry with a high degree of effectiveness
Communication for different audiences and purposes / The student communicates for different audiences and purposes with effectiveness / The student presents findings of inquiry for different audiences with limited effectiveness / The student presents findings of inquiry for different audiences with some effectiveness / The student presents findings of inquiry for different audiences with considerable effectiveness / The student presents findings of inquiry for different audiences with a high degree of effectiveness
Making connections within and between contexts / The student makes connections between project and the world outside the school / The student makes a limited number of connections between the project and the world outside the school. / The student makes some connections between project and the world outside the school / The student makes a variety of connections between project and the world outside the school / The student makes a wide variety of connections between project work and the world outside the school