VISION / Champions for safe, affordable and accessible housing across our Yarmouth County communities.
GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Viewing our work through an equity lens. /
GOALS / To create awareness and understanding of housing issues in our Yarmouth County communities. / Identify and engage all interested stakeholders to address housing issues across Yarmouth County communities. / Identify and apply best practices to address housing needs and services in our Yarmouth County communities. / Explore and advocate for rules and regulations that create safe, affordable and accessible housing in our Yarmouth County communities.
Components (Activities)
Components / Education Campaign / Partnerships with Local Governments / Housing Across the County / Standards
· Explore plain language support on tenancy rights and available supports for housing issues. Partner with tenancy board (locally, Suzanne Pothier).
· Explore ways to use media to distribute information (e.g., youtube videos, interviews, etc) / · Engage with local politicians to build awareness of CHOICE activities and housing issues in Yarmouth.
· Explore Partnership agreements (MOU’s)
· Explore value of having councilors “officially” appointed as representation on CHOICE.
· Engage local Planning and Advisory Committees (PAC) on relevant housing related issues,
· Collaborate with efforts towards updating municipal planning strategies and work with Town Planner as opportunities present.
· Presentations on CHOICE work to all 3 councils in the county. / · Perception that housing issues are “town” based. Explore why vacancies and waitlists are disproportionate and advocate for changes that create diverse communities. (e.g., transportation and services).
· Advocate for options across all communities of Yarmouth County. / · Explore implementing “Safe, Warm, and Dry” policies as minimum standards for rental stock.
· Explore “licensing” options for rental properties to meet minimum standards.
· Explore implementing policies that would ensure a % of units built are affordable, particularly when public resources are involved.
Affordable Housing
· Continue to advocate for and partner with Co-Op housing initiatives.
· Explore relationship opportunities between not-for-profits, native, private and government groups to provide affordable, supportive and transitional housing options.
· Explore potential to retro-fit public buildings (e.g., schools, vacant buildings, Hebron Residential Center)
· Develop partnerships to create transitions/supportive housing options across the county.
· Work collaboratively with Housing NS – present ideas, vision and needs. / · Explore what policies are needed to ensure diverse, mixed communities are created (e.g., transforming old building, % requirements for affordable units, etc).
· Be proactive in engaging council as opportunities present (e.g., high school building discussions, sale of public lands) to increase affordable housing options.
· Engage with councils on revisions to Municipal Planning Strategies: bring an affordable housing and equity lens to the issue of homelessness in our community.
· On cost effectiveness of placing energy and money into housing options so dollars are not spent housing people in jails and hospitals.
· Engage media to build awareness of the issue and distribute housing related information and resources.. (e.g., Facebook, twitter, websites, youtube, letters to the editor, vanguard series, etc.)
· Identify key stakeholders that can deliver housing related advice (e.g., financial advisors and cashing out RRSP for home repairs)
· Explore a strategy to gather first voice perspective (appreciative inquiry, photovoice, etc)
Dept of Community Services
· As a group, advocate for a Guaranteed Living Income for all citizens as a means to address housing related issues.
Understanding What is Available / Transportation Initiatives / Housing Distribution / Standard of Living
· Knowing who is doing what. Increasing the awareness of available options (e.g., needs to deeds).
· Map the grants process. Identify what is ‘actually’ out there, for whom and how they access it.
· Map the assets that currently exist around housing / · Support initiatives of transportation group and provide information on the impacts of transportation on housing.
· Keep abreast of ongoing transportation plans following the transportation study done for the Town of Yarmouth. / · Explore what housing options are needed in Argyle and District of Yarmouth to stop displacement into Town. (e.g., YACRO, supportive units for seniors, affordable family units).
· Feasibility study: what are the specific needs in each area? Access CMHC funds to explore. / · Guaranteed Living Income: Advocate for all citizens to receive a minimum income that ensures a sustainable standard of living.
· Explore how ongoing pressures for food, housing and transportation are impacting people’s ability to maintain a suitable standard of living.
Supportive Housing Model (Housing First) / Federal Housing Strategy
· Supportive Housing Person that can help reduce barriers to accessing information and help tenants maintain their homes (life-skills support on being a good tenant). / · Seek opportunities to provide services in the community where people are living (e.g., mental health, addictions, transportation, counseling, etc).
· Identify the specific needs for target populations.
· Apply for HPS funding to implement supportive housing model in Yarmouth County. / · Explore a Housing First approach for Yarmouth to support all individuals to successfully be housed in community.
· Research potential models for providing supportive housing in small communities.
· Access units for this purpose. / · Advocate for renegotiation of a national housing strategy.
· Educate community members and governments about the need and impact of a federal housing strategy.
Municipal Planning / Unify Resources / Revitalization
· Gather data on where rental housing units are and link with municipal planning efforts.
· Explore funding through the job creation partnership to hire people to create this resource and establish a plan to maintain it as a resource once created.
· Explore potential linkages with NSCC technology program. / · Work with transportation groups to increase housing options.
· Collaborate with food security groups to document the impact of current financial pressures and advocate for changes.
· Connect with Local Council of Churches (clergy group) to inform about CHOICE and seek partnership opportunities. / · Support and advocate for efforts that increase accessibility to services in the Hebron area: sidewalks suitable for motorized wheelchairs, safe access to local grocery store, etc.
· Explore infrastructure options to improve residential units (e.g., Hebron area) and bring them up to standard. / ·
TAKEN / · Housing Reports: In Search for Safe and Affordable Housing in Our Communities (Summer 2013)
· Housing in Our Communities: A Quick Look at the Numbers. (2014)
· The State of Housing In Yarmouth (2014)
· Developed Logic Model and established priorities: (Fall 2014)
· Media Series: Discussions with Vanguard to increasing the profile of affordable housing and homelessness in Yarmouth County. (Winter 2015)
· Prepare information on the numbers of households impacted by housing insecurity in Yarmouth County (March 2015)
· Communicate with Housing NS how the rural economy, housing conditions, and bi-law enforcement are creating an affordable housing crunch that needs to be addressed. / · Meeting with Provincial Housing reps (DCS) and Western Regional Housing Authority to explore partnership options (Dec 2013)
· Stakeholder gathering (Feb 2014): identified issues and possible solutions
· Develop Logic Model (Sept-Jan 2015)
· Regular updates on housing matters (locally and provincially) at CHOICE meetings – ongoing.
· Letters sent to the Town of Yarmouth requesting representation on CHOICE (Aug 2013, Nov 2014)
· Community Forum on Social and Economic Issues (March 2015) – Celebrating Our Success.
· Letters of Support from Adult Protection, Senior Safety (municipality and Argyle) and CHOICE in support of a Senior Safety Coordinator for the Town of Yarmouth (March 2015)
· Planning Dept – provided feedback on municipal planning strategy related to housing. Identify priorities.
· April 2015: Prepared proposed solutions identifying 4 components of the logic model to move forward with: Addressing Housing Displacement, Co-Op infrastructure, Supportive Housing Needs, Revitalization in MODY.
· Met with regional and provincial reps (April 2014) to discuss solutions. Rejuvenation and subsidy of co-op units approved. Worked collaboratively to address barriers related to accessing funds in order to meet affordable housing needs in the area.
· Working collaboratively with the Municipality of Argyle to explore housing needs assessment as part of a CDENE project with Gwen LeBlanc.
· Seek opportunities to consider a collaborative Tri-County needs assessment: All three groups will meet with HNS and CMHC Dec 2015. / · Explore other Housing Models or Projects (Lana Townsend, 2014). Presentation by Peter Gillis.
· Apply for CMHC SEED Funding to explore SHYM model in Yarmouth and partnering with Municipality of Argyle to develop housing of properties before they become unusable. (March 2015) – Requires there be an available property in mind – funding not approved.
· Supported the Town’s request for a Neighborhood Revitalization initiative. Announced summer 2015. Participation in efforts to recruit and develop work crews. 180 homes – up to $400,000 approved for revitalization in the South End of Yarmouth.
· Sept 2015 – Needs assessment proposal to create conditions for sectors to build affordable housing in MODY and/or Argyle. Explore housing needs and map rental properties in Yarmouth.
· Co-Op units: Approval from Housing NS to; Arrange for efficiency NS inspections, implement a Rent Freeze, additional subsidy once people are renting, long term viability study and business plan, and $$$ for renovations.
· Aug 2015: Distribute applications to home owners with HNS for the South End Revitalization project. Met with partners to inform them of the project.
· Fall 2015: TCWC exploring options for not-for-profit sector to create affordable housing units (old needs for deeds house).
· Needs Assessment: Submitted to HNS Oct 2015. The information collected will help CHOICE plan strategies that;
1) Assist in keeping individuals housed in their local communities, close to their social support networks;
2) Meet the housing needs of seniors, single parents, persons with accessibility needs, youth and persons with lower incomes;
3) Create the conditions that will assist both the not-for-profit and private sectors in accessing resources and funding to increase affordable housing options across Yarmouth County.
· Funding for vacant co-op units approved. Currently looking for a project manager to renovate the units. Heat pumps will also be installed in all the units. Fall 2015
· Discussions with HNS regarding the possible renovation of the Hebron Residential Center into affordable housing units in the MODY. HNS presenting to council in December 2015,
· Explore creating a not-for-profit society that could be positioned to increase affordable housing infrastructure /provide supportive and transitional housing options. / · Met with Yarmouth Town Planner and Economic Development Officer to discuss housing situation in Yarmouth. (Oct 2014)
· Met with Federal Candidate: Colin Fraser on liberal platform for housing and the situation locally (Feb 2015)
· Prepare information on the numbers of households impacted by housing insecurity in Yarmouth County– with recommendations on local by-law / policy initiatives that would improve the situation. (March 2015).
· Address rules and regulation related to Co-Op housing – work collaboratively to advocate and remove barriers to funding. Spring 2015.
· Work with local councils to have a housing voice at USNM and FCM. FCM pressures caused halt to decreasing federal funding for housing. No new strategy, but the Fed Gov is holding the status quo on funding related to the national housing strategy.
· Affordable housing a priority in Town of Yarmouth Municipal Planning Strategy. Caroline presented on the draft at the Dec 2015 meeting.
· Letter sent to council on behalf of CHOICE supporting affordable housing recommendations proposed in the MPS for the Town.
· Brad Fulton presented on behalf of the Municipal Planning Strategies for MOA and MODY.
Priorities for 2016 (As Discussed at the Jan 2016 CHOICE Meeting)
o Needs assessment funding to create the conditions for both the not-for-profit and private sectors to engage in affordable housing infrastructure, thereby, increasing the available stock across all municipal units in our county.
o Not-for-Profit Housing Society: Explore relationship opportunities between not-for-profits, native, private and government groups to provide affordable, supportive and transitional housing options.
o Develop partnerships to create transitions/supportive housing options across the county.
o Presentation to the Municipality of Argyle and the Town of Yarmouth to update on CHOICE actions, efforts, and planned direction.
o Engage planning and advisory committees on affordable housing