CFA Funding Location


[THE PROVIDER] insert name within brackets



Sections56Child & Family Agency Act 2013

(This document may also be used for funding provided under Section 58 and 59 of Act)

These schedules should be indexed as appropriate in Part 1 of the Service Arrangement

At 28th May 2015


SCHEDULE 1 - Contact Details

Part A – The Agency

Part B – The Provider

SCHEDULE 2 - Quality and Safety

SCHEDULE 3- Service Delivery Specification

SCHEDULE 4 - Performance Monitoring

SCHEDULE 5 - Information Requirements

SCHEDULE 6 - Funding

SCHEDULE 7 - Insurance

SCHEDULE 8 - Complaints

SCHEDULE 9 - Staffing

SCHEDULE 10 - Change Control

SCHEDULE 11 - Tender and Tender Submission (if relevant)


Contact Details


The purpose of this schedule is to set out the key contact details for both theChild and Family Agency (Tusla) and the Provider. Please also complete the Service Arrangement Survey document online at:

Part A – The Child and Family Agency
Name & Address of Service Director
Name of Child and Family AgencyArea Manager(or designated Lead Manager where schedules pertain to more than oneTuslaarea):
Child and Family Agency AreaAddress:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Main contact person:
(This is the nominated key contact person who will have operational responsibility for the contract)
Authorised signatory:
(This is the person who has been assigned responsibility for signing service arrangements)
Service Lead:
Department/Specific area of responsibility:
Telephone Number:
H.R. Contact:
Telephone Number:
Finance Contact:
Telephone Number:
Emergency Contact:
(Ref: Local emergency/crisis protocol)
Telephone Number:
Part B – The Provider
Registered Name:
(Legal Entity)
Trading Name:
Legal Status:
Registered Charity Status:
Registered Charity Number:
Registered Company Number:
Tax Clearance Number :
Tax Registration Number:
(The Provider is deemed to give permission to Tusla to verify the Tax Clearance position on-line)
Parent organisation Name and Address:
(Where an organisation is a subsidiary of a national organisation)
Franchise organisation Name and Address: (Where the legal entity is operating as a franchise)
Main Contact Person:
(This should be the person who has overall responsibility for execution of the contract and will be the key contact person with the Agency)
Chief Officer/Director or appropriate senior official (please give title):
Authorised signatory:
(This should be the person authorised by the Board of the Provider to sign the Service Arrangements)
Chairperson or Equivalent
Telephone Number:
Service Lead/s / Expand where appropriate to each service type.
Specific area of responsibility:
Telephone Number:
Finance Contact:
Telephone Number:
H.R. Contact:
Telephone Number:
Emergency Contact:
(Ref: Local emergency/crisis protocol)
Telephone Number:


Quality and Risk Managment


This schedule should specify the quality service standards, and service assurance aspects which must be adhered to by the Provider in consideration for the funding (see Schedule 6, Funding) provided by the Agency.

1. Mission Statements:

This section contains the mission statements of both the Agency and the Provider.
The mission of the Child and FamilyAgency is:
“With the child at the centre, our mission is to design and deliver supportive, coordinated and evidence informed services that strive to ensure positive outcomes for children, families and communities”
The mission of the Provider is:
Insert details here - the Provider…

2. Corporate and Practice Governance

This section should outline details of the Corporate Practice/Social Care Governance Structure in place.
Documents to be supplied and appended to these schedules (also listed in Schedule 5 information requirements)
1)Organisation Chart Governance – line management
2)Organisation Chart Governance – teams and committees etc.
3)Memoranda & Articles of Association or equivalent
Quality and Standards (As per Clause 24 in Part 1 the Provider is required to have appropriate mechanism in place to assess quality and standards of service delivery)
The Provider shall establish a Quality and Risk system to oversee quality and risk on behalf of the Board. The Quality and Safety Systems should be agreed with the Agency and operates on behalf of, and reports directly to the Board. The following functions should be encompassed by the internal arrangements:
  • oversee the development of a quality and risk programme for the Services;
  • recommend to the Board a quality and risk programme and senior management team structure, policies and processes that clearly articulates responsibility, authority and accountability for quality, safety and risk management across the Services;
  • secure assurance on the implementation of the quality and risk programme and the application of appropriate governance structure and processes (e.g. risk escalation) including monitored outcomes through quality indicators and outcome measures;
  • secure assurance that the service is conforming with all regulatory and legal requirements to assure quality, safety and risk management; and
  • act as advocates at Board level for quality and risk issues

3. Monitoring of Quality and Standards

Monitoring of Quality and Standards
This section should outline the plan/actions the organisation has in place to monitor quality and standards. This should include actions such as:
  • The quality management system for the service
  • Audit tools appropriate to service
  • Service user inputs
  • Service user experience surveys
  • Service user evaluations
  • Staff evaluations
  • Service evaluations
The information recorded below should link to Schedule 3Service Outcomes.
Where an external Accreditation system is in use this should be included, however where possible this should be agreed in advance with the Agency

4. Regulation

Service Providers must ensure they are aware of their statutory obligations with regard to legislation and regulation.

Regulatory Bodies:
Set out the relevant regulatory bodies associated with your service
The following listing sets out those regulations and legislation which the Agency wishes to highlight as particularly relevant for the services under this arrangement. The list below may not be exhaustive and may be added to as appropriate.
Where Residential or Centre Based respite Services are provided the Service Provider must be registered with Tusla Registration, Inspection and Monitoring Service. Evidence of this registration must be provided.
Generic may apply to all / Specify relevant regulations
Please ensure that the generic list of documents accompanying this set of Schedules is examined thoroughly and relevant legislation, policy etc is complied with.
Child Care Acts 1991 – 2011
Child and Family Agency Act 2014
National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA) July 2012
The Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act, 1998
Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (Amendment) Act 2005
Ombudsman for Children Act 2002
Children’s Act 2001
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Protection of Children (Hague Convention) Act 2000
Freedom of Information Act 2014
Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003
Registration Process for Service Providers - Child Care Act 1991; Early Years Services etc
Child Care (Standards in Children’s Residential Centres) regulations , 1996

5. Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance:
This section should set out the requirements, if any, of the Organisation in relation to participation of the Provider in quality assurance programmes e.g. HIQA programmes. Any of the internal policies and procedures may be requested by the Agency for review and approval, in addition the Agency may seek evidence of the Provider’s compliance with same. The Provider shall comply with any such request.
Generic may apply to all / Specify Organisations Quality Assurance policies and procedures or other relevant policies operational in the service
Please ensure that the generic list of documents accompanying this set of Schedules is examined thoroughly and relevant legislation, policy etc is complied with. / National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA) July 2012
Tusla Quality Assurance Framework
“Need to Knows” – risk alerts
Instruction to Agency CEO / Director on the immediate reporting of “Need to Knows” risk alerts by email to the Tusla Quality Assurance Directorate :
(“Need to Knows” are outlined in the Tusla risk alert policy)
Standard Operating Procedures for Early Years Services

6. Quality and Standards Codes of Practice/Guidance

A: Quality and Standards in Place:
This section should specify the additional particular actions the Provider should be implementing to ensure quality and service standards. This list may not be exhaustive and may be added to if appropriate. Any of the internal policies and procedures may be requested by the Agency for review and approval, in addition the Agency may seek evidence of the Provider’s compliance with same. The Provider shall comply with any such request.
Generic may apply to all / Specific
Please ensure that the generic list of documents accompanying this set of Schedules is examined thoroughly and relevant legislation, policy etc is complied with. / Children First – National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011
National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA) July 2012
National Standards for Children's Residential Centres 2001
Policy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (HSE)
National Standards for Foster Care
Early Years Standard Operating Procedures for Early Years Services
B: Codes of Practice:
This section should set out additional relevant codes of practice to be adhered to in relation to the services specified in Schedule 3 Service Delivery Specification. This should include any agreed local and national codes of practice associated with such services. This list may not be exhaustive and may be added to if appropriate. Any of the internal policies and procedures may be requested by the Agency for review and approval, in addition the Agency may seek evidence of the Provider’s compliance with same. The Provider shall comply with any such request.
Code of Practice –Generic may apply to all / Code of Practice –
Please ensure that the generic list of documents accompanying this set of Schedules is examined thoroughly and relevant legislation, policy etc is complied with. / Our Duty to Care - The Principles of Good Practice for the Protection of Children & Young People 2002 (DOH&C)


Service Delivery Specification


This Schedule is intended to specify the quantitative and qualitative details of the services which will be provided by the Provider in consideration for the Funding (as set out in Schedule 6 -Funding) provided by the Agency. The performance of the Services will be monitored as set out in Schedule 4 - Performance Monitoring. Staffing resources applied to meet service delivery is set out in Schedule 9 - Staffing.

This Schedule must be augmented by the addition of relevant reports and completion of online Service Arrangement Survey at

to allow for effective information management. The schedule is divided into four parts:

Section 1 Service Objectives and Overview - this should include a general overview and specific objectives of the services to be provided and may be augmented by the addition of relevant reports.

Section 2This section should include the Service Location, Geographical Area Covered, Where service sits on the Hardiker Model, Service Type and Activity Details.

Section 3Information is also required on the following aspects of the service

a)Anticipated Service Outputs

b)Access, Referrals, Safeguarding, Admission and Discharge procedures

c)Performance indicators

d)Third Party contracting

Section 4Additional Services - This section sets out the process to be undertaken to increase the quantum and scope of services already agreed in this Arrangement.

Section 1:

Service Objectives and Overview:
(1) General description of the service to be provided:
(2) Objectives of the Service(s) to be provided:
If applicable, list additional documents appended

Section 2: (Please note online Service Arrangement Data Survey must be completed in addition to below)

This Section Covers Geographical Area Covered, Where service sits on the Hardiker Model, Service Type and Activity Details
Geographical area Covered
Where Service Sits on Hardiker Model (See Section B of online Service Arrangement Survey at )
Services Provided
Activity Details (please set out detail of volume of service proposed e.g. number of sessions of therapy, target number of persons to benefit, hours of operation etc – refer also to Section 3 (c) below on Performance Indicators)

Section 3: Service Outputs

a) Service Outputs
This section needs to indicate the anticipated outputs that the service will deliver so that they can be monitored and evaluated both on a quantitative and qualitative basis. This is on the basis of an increasing emphasis on outcomes.
Do you have a Framework in Place to Measure Qualitative Outcomes? If so please give details.
It should be noted that:
  • Cognisance needs to be taken not to marginalise the most disadvantaged or complex cases in order to achieve better outcomes.
  • Initial intermediate outputs maybe set out.
The information recorded below should link to Schedule 2 Quality and Safety
For each outcome specified, please state results to be achieved.
b) Access, Referrals, Safeguarding, Admissions & Discharge Procedures
This section should set out the agreed policies and protocols in operation for access criteria, referral, safeguarding etc. for service(s). It should include, when required, agreement on access for all clients including those with more complex needs. Attach, where appropriate, any policy documents in this regard to ensure that everyone (client, families, Tusla staff etc.) understands the criteria governing access to, use of and discharge from the service. Any of the internal policies and procedures may be requested by Tusla for review and approval and the Provider shall comply with any such request.
For Providers with direct service provision such as day, residential or respite services the Admission Discharge/Transfer policies are required to be submitted to the Agency.
Admission criteria and procedure should include an assessment and prioritisation process agreed by the Child and Family Agency:-
Generic policies, procedures etc that apply to all services – list below / Additional policies that are Service Type Specific e.g. residential care
Please ensure that the list of documents accompanying this set of Schedules is examined thoroughly and relevant legislation, policy etc is complied with. / For Service Providers with direct service provision such as Day or Residential Services the Admission/Discharge/Transfer Policies are required to be submitted to and agreed by the Agency
c) Performance Indicators (See Section C of online Service Arrangement Survey at
This section should specify the Performance Indicators required by setting out details appropriate to the service. This should include any relevant local and national standards, where appropriate. Relevant Child and Family Agency national performance indicators must be included here.
(d) Third Party Contracting
This section should provide full particulars of any third parties who are engaged by the Provider to provide any part of the service (Please note that all new third party arrangements require prior approval by the Child and Family Agency in accordance with Clauses 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 of the Part 1 Service Arrangement)
Details to include:
Name and address of third party organisation.
Details of the services delivered, to include service location and quantum
Details of the agreements in place (copies to be provided if requested by Tusla)

Section 4: Additional Services

Additional Services Addendum
Where the scope of the Services provided pursuant to this Arrangement is increased, whether by developing existing Services or introducing new Services, the increase must be authorised in advance in writing by the Agency utilising the Change Control process in Schedule 10 Change Control.
A detailed specification for the Additional Services must be agreed in writing between the parties to this Arrangement prior to any Additional Services being provided by the Provider, including the range, type, and volumes of services, together with the amount and timing of payments due in respect of the Additional Services utilising the Change Control process in Schedule 10 Change Control.
The contract Change Note under Schedule 10 shall be appended to this Arrangement and should be in the general format of the functional headings as set out earlier in this schedule.
Elements to be covered should include.
  • Location of service
  • Geographical catchment area.
  • Description of service
  • Quantum of service if applicable
  • Start date of service
  • End date of service if applicable
  • Staffing implication
  • Funding required current year
  • Funding required full year costs
  • Client profile either individual or general cohort description.
Template as provided on the online link as set out below should be used
See in particular the “Service Arrangement Survey” at


Performance Monitoring


This schedule states the agreed performance management requirements. These have been developed with reference to the Performance Indicators detailed within Schedule 3 (Service Delivery Specification). This schedule also contains the associated reporting timetable regarding reports and meetings. The level of performance monitoring will depend on the type of service and the level of funding.

Information Requirements
The following table should outline the key information required to monitor the activity and performance levels (tick as appropriate). This section aims to set out the list of reports that the Provider must provide to the Child and Family Agency to facilitate the performance management function. (Please note that separate guidance as to the format of the individual reports i.e. financial, activity data, P.I.s etc. will be provided).
No. / Report Required / Annual / Bi-annual / Quarterly / Monthly
Financial Report – Activity
Financial Report – Governance
Activity Data – summary of services
Activity Data – quantitative
Staffing reports
Review of Business Plan Priorities
Statistics (as relevant) to Child and Family Agency
Annual Assurance Declaration (see Schedule 5) / √
Monitoring Returns of the service specification template with updated position at each quarter end. / √
Bi-Annual Complaints reporting (As per Schedule 8) / √
Report on Complaints received by the Provider involving alleged or suspected client abuse involving staff or volunteers. Any complaints dealing with the above should be advised to the key contact immediately. (As per schedule 8)
Key Performance Indicators – This information is to be collected through a monthly process. Information and a template will be provided. See online data template
Other – List

*Where information is available, and for new services, the financial reports should separately identify each separate service, and link the service activity and staffing with the funding allocated.