WWI Cereal Box Project
Task: To create a cereal box portraying the “nutritional value” of one of the major players in the First World War. The countries to research are: Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, Great Britain, and Italy. Your cereal box will be accompanied by a 2 page paper that describes the role your country played in the First World War (there is more about the paper at the bottom of this sheet).
- Select one of the six countries involved in WWI to research.
- Complete the research worksheet.
3.Bibliography: as you research remember to complete a bibliography as you research your country and World War I
- You must use and cite at least 4 credible sources in a bibliography that will be attached to your timeline.
- Your textbook will count as a source.
- You must find at least one other book / non-Internet source in addition to your textbook.
- You may use the Internet, however, you should be sure that Internet sources are credible. Wikipedia is not a credible source.
- Create a cereal box. You need to have least 4 sides of the box completed. You will be graded on the accuracy of your information and the appeal of your project. You want to create a cereal box that contains all of the information from your research worksheet in way that is appeal and would entice people to buy it (if for example it was on a store shelve).
5. Write a research paper that is at least 2 pages on your country that includes each of the items described on the work sheet.
- Detail your country’s involvement in the First World War. Your paper should chronicle your country’s role in World War I.
- Analyze and describe the reasons your country joined the war as well as the role they played in the First World War (also general information on the war).
- Give background information on the cultural aspects and history of your country.
- Describe the impacts the First World War had on your country and how the war concluded (treaty).
- These are simply suggestions to get you started you should gather a plethora of information from your research that you can incorporate into your paper.
- The page requirement is simply a minimum you are encouraged to exceed this.
- Must be typed
- Must be double-spaced
- 12pt, Times New Roman Font
- No Larger than 1 inch margins
- Include a Bibliography
You have a lot of time to work on this project (create the cereal box and write your paper). Make sure what you turn in is a reflection of this. This project will count as a unit test grade
WWI Research Cereal Project Worksheet
Remember all of your information needs to be found between the years 1911-1919!!! This is a project on World War I. This is simply a guide to get you started you MUST have additional information beyond what is on this sheet (this is the minimum). The more information you have the better the grade you will earn. Make sure the information you gather is accurate and pertains to your country and the First World War.
- Country:
- You need to have a flag and map of your nation from this time period
- Geographic features (what were they and what was their impact?):
- Population:
- Size (sq. mi.):
- Government (Description/makeup):
- Culture:
- Language:
- Currency (it’s not the Euro):
- Major Religion/Religions:
- Unique aspects of culture/other information on culture:
- Leader/Leaders (government and/or military- have pictures of these people)
- Reasons for entering the war (at least 2):
- With whom did your country form and alliance? What as the name of your alliance? Why did they join this alliance?
- Technological advancements used or developed during the war and the influence they had (have at least 4 examples for your nation along with pictures of these advancements.)
- At least 2 major military victories (Who, What, When, Where)
- At least 2 major military losses(Who, What, When, Where)
- What was the ending point of the war for your country? Why did they stop fighting? (Treaty?)
- If your country was on the winning side what did they gain? At least 2 (territory, money, recognition)
- What did your country lose? At least 2 (territory, money, recognition, men)
Make sure you gather pictures of key people, technology as well as cultural aspects of your country. You will need visuals to create the cereal box portion of your project.
Make sure that you have your sources cited correctly! There are pamphlets at the library desk to help you. Cite your sources as you go! All the information that you gather needs to be cited and you need to know where it came from. This is simply a place to cite your sources as you are researching, you need to have one typed and attached to your project.
World War I Cereal Box:
PointsAvailable / Description / Points
Earned / Points
Available / Description / Points
2 / Flag / 4 / Leaders (Military)
4 / Geographic Features / 8 / Reasons for WWI (2)
4 / Map / 4 / Alliances
2 / Population / 16 / Technologies (4)
4 / Size / 8 / Victories (2)
4 / Government / 8 / Defeats (2)
2 / Language / 4 / Treaty
2 / Currency / 8 / Gains (2)
4 / Religion / 8 / Loses (2)
4 / Leaders (Govt.) / 68 / Sub-TOTAL
32 / Sub-TOTAL / 100 / TOTAL
World War I Paper:
3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / ScoreResearch / Did not use/cite a reliable source / Used/cited 1-2 reliable source / Used/cited 3 reliable source / Used/cited 4+ reliable source
Bibliography / None included / Included but with several errors / Included but with a few errors / Included with no errors
Required Content / Included none of the required content areas / Included some of the required content areas / Included most of the required content areas / Included all of the required content areas
Mechanics / Paper was unreadable due to spelling /grammatical errors / Paper contained several spelling /grammatical errors / Paper contained few spelling/ grammatical errors / Paper contained no spelling/ grammatical errors
Length / 1 Page / 2 Pages / 3 Pages / 4+ Pages
Formatting / Incorrect Formatting / Several formatting errors / Very few formatting errors / No formatting errors
Overall Writing / Extremely difficult to understand and follow / Very difficult to understand and follow / Somewhat difficult to understand and follow / Easy to understand and follow
Use of Time/Behavior / On task 25% of the time / On task 50% of the time / On task 75% of the time / On task 100% of the time
TOTAL / _____/96