CensusViewer shows Cable TV zones nationwide
CensusViewer Premium is a very powerful tool to quickly analyze the reach of every cable TV zone or Interconnect in the nation. With CensusViewer you can compare cable zones instantly for any demographic target group. Cable TV advertisers can save a lot of time and money by using CensusViewer to compare cable TV zones when they are planning their ad campaigns on cable.
New York City cable TV zones compared by Income levels
In the image above we are looking at the cable TV zones in New York City. The income levels are shown as income deciles from the lowest levels in bright yellow to the highest income levels in red. The image shows that CableVision/North Nassau has 131,010 people 18 and over predominantly in the most affluent income deciles. Time Warner/Queens has a more regular income distribution with the top categories in the middle. Cablevision/Bronx, on the other hand, includes mostly people in the lowest 30% income levels. By moving the mouse to another cable zone the composition of the population is shown for that zone instantly. The image above shows the cable zones for the entire population 18 and over but in CensusViewer you can also look at specific demographic target groups.
New York City cable TV zones compared by Income level for Married Females 35-54
Let’s assume we want to run a cable TV spot targeted at affluent married females age 35-54. In the image above we have selected married females age 35-54 and we are looking at the same three cable zones. Time Warner/Queens and CableVision/Bronx reach 4-5 times as many people as CableVision/North Nassau and are probably more expensive to run ads. However, when we look at our target demographic we see that CableVision/North Nassau includes 10,198 people in our target group versus 11,803 for CableVision/Bronx and 24,748 for Time Warner/Queens. The income distribution shows that there are actually far more affluent women in our target group in CableVision/North Nassau than in either of the other two zones although they cover much larger populations. CableVision/North Nassau is clearly a much better choice to reach this group.
We can also look at other attributes when comparing the cable zones. In the image below we are looking at the Median Years of Education.
New York City cable TV zones compared by Median Years of Education for Married Females 35-54
In the above image we looked at the five most prevalent years of education, 11 years through 15 years of education, for each of the cable zones. CableVision/North Nassau has an spread whereas whereas Time Warner/Queens mostly has married females with 11 or 12 years of education. In CableVision/Bronx most of our target group has 11 years of education.
Instead of looking at graphs it can be helpful to export the counts to a spreadsheet for further analysis. With just a few clicks we can generate a spreadsheet with counts for all cable zones in the state of New York.
New York cable TV zones by Income Decile for Married Females 35-54
The spreadsheet above shows all cable zones in the state of New York with over 10,000 married females age 35-54. The zones are sorted largest to smallest population for our target demographic. This spreadsheet was generated in CensusViewer in a matter of seconds and exported to Excel.
With CensusViewer Premium you can make any demographic or psychographic selection for any state. The population is visualized instantly in Bing Maps and with just a few clicks you can compare cable zones. Cable zone comparisons that used to take many hours to do can now be done in minutes with CensusViewer Premium.