East/West Sylvan PTA
Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Time: 9:15am – 10:15am, Teacher Lounge
Attendees: Bernadette Zaharchook, Crissy Gragnola, Deena Baldino, John Ferraro, Jean Alleman
Old Business
· March, 2015 Minutes were reviewed and approved.
· Budget: monthly income and expenses reviewed and approved.
· Principal’s Report – John reviewed Smarter Balance Testing. Started forecasting for next year with 5th graders to be due next Wednesday. Current 6th and 7th graders forecasting coming next week. Hope to have most of schedules “built” by June 1. More scheduling changes for next year… a lot more focused for kids who needs support. Organization support/executive functioning skills with AVID classes (at each grade level), study hall open to all grade levels, specific reading, writing and math Academy classes. Students are identified by teachers, also self selection. 8th grade promotion plan is ongoing, and going fine. There is a paypal account – we could use that for donations/collecting checks. Deena will send John the link and other info on paypal.
· Teacher Appreciation Week – Bernadette reviewed: Cynthia Moon is heading up and planning is underway. Planning for both campuses. Jean working on getting door prize for one of the lunches (everyone will get something). She is aware of budget and asking for food donations etc. Also looking into coffee cart for one day.
· 2015-16 Recruitment – Bernadette sent Liz and Susan the long list of open positions. She also talked to Colleen and Sean about doing registration for next year. Liz meeting with fundraising rep for next year. Outreach, promotion, teacher appreciation, clothing closet, communications chair, membership, directory, fundraising.… among open positions. Bernadette will contact Robin Ferryman and ask if she can do clothing closet next year, and if they need money.
2014-15 PTA Meeting Dates and Times (2nd Wednesday of each month)
5/13/15 at 7pm -- Bernadette will pull together some information on financial aid to provide for parents as well. Should send out information on this meeting to the 5th grade list serve.
6/10/15 at 9:15am – has been changed to 6/3/15.
· April Spring Clean Up Day Contact: Rob Garrisson. Last one of the year. Won’t do again until August. Bernadette will contact Rob and let him know school starts up early next year.
· May - Teacher Appreciation Week.
· June - 8th Grade Promotion- Committee working on it.
· June - Day after school at noon- PTA Sponsored Luncheon for Teachers & Staff. Jean to coordinate and check in with Amanda if they are doing in June and if they have left over funds we can use for this. John will help support this as well (providing and “entrée”) so parents can supplement with “sides”.