Mr. Collison Geography
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Year 2016
Junior Cert
Complete section 1 and 2 Higher level EV (English Version)
Ms. Whyte Music
The main focus over the next few days is practical work. Each student is responsible for their own instrumental practise. Remember that we have now chosen parts for the recorder duets so just focus on descant 1 or descant 2 over the next few days rather than working on both. Solo pieces start working on articulation and dynamics once you're playing the notes accurately.
Singers - have a go at performing pieces without the words and try your best to learn the pieces off by heart.
Piano players - practise each piece and aim for fluidity - any area you are struggling in particular with, isolate and practise repeatedly until it's properly under your fingers. Perhaps start with the piece you struggle with the most.
Ms. O’Toole Science
Complete write up of coursework - making sure to find averages etc. of data collected - use template given - research on Internet to be completed and use this material to help your conclusions and evaluations - must be handed up on Monday
Ms. Behan History
Revise "The American Revolution"
Compile a list of keywords and phrases about "a Jewish person living in Germany under the Nazi regime."
Use this list to write a People in History question on this person.
Ms. Puetz Science
Work on investigation write-ups as discussed in class.
Ms. Puetz Maths
Work from exam papers & learn 5 theorems off by heart.
Ms. Daly French
Continue with revision of written questions in exam papers.
Complete the written questions on "notes" that were distributed in class.
Work through all of the tasks.
Ms. Young
Complete all work that was set out on worksheets given to classes on Tuesday in the event of snow.
Ms. Mooney Business Studies
Study mock paper and solutions. Also practice according questions.
Ms. Howlin Business Studies
2009 & 2010 Short Questions from Exam Papers
Ms. Horkan Home Economics
Revise weeks
9, special diets and balanced eating
Protein, carbohydrate and fat
20, Use of textiles in clothing and home
21, the sewing machine
22, fibres and fabrics, textile care
26, Practice diagrams.
Above as per your revision timetable.
Use the following websites if you have no books home with you.
All PowerPoint presentations from class are on it under JC Home Economics, curriculum resources.
Also try and decide on your cookery dishes for your practical exam. We will need a practice run on Tuesday.
Remember which one you picked in school yesterday.
Here are the tasks if you need to check yours.
Try and complete written paperwork also in advance of class.
Ms. Smith Gaeilge
The real Department of Education Orals take place next Tuesday 6th March.
All work has been covered for the exam.
Please continue to revise the SraithPictiúri and the Cards in particular.
Any family members available to help to converse with you about the cards would be an advantage.
Ms. Joyce Home Economics
HL and OL - Do Question 1 and 2Part B on 2017, 2016 and 2015 and all short questions.
Fill out cookery sheets for the Practical cookery exam.
Revise all chapters on Consumer studies.
Ms. Sinnott German
Exam Paper 2010.
Complete the entire paper including the Aural, Reading Comprehensions, Letter & Short Note.
Before completing the paper revise: MeineHaustiere, Mein Wohnort, das Wetter and Future tense.
Ms. Montauban
Geography students should complete 2010 Junior Cert Past Exam Paper
Ms Mclean Geography
Continue revision on primary economic activities.
Continue on to secondary economic activities and be able to explain the following:
1. The difference between heavy and light industry
2. What factors influence where an industry is set up
3. A named example of both a heavy and light industry
4. The inputs-processes-outputs of a system in a factory
5. Be able to explain the following terms: footloose, industrial inertia, industrially emergent and newly industrialised.
Ms. Knowles Art
1. Complete your coloured step-by-step cartoons of your process of making your sculpture.
2. Colour in two drawings of two sculptures that you admire from two different artists (Note name of sculptor & piece's title & material)
Ms. dePatoul
1. Continue revising for Oral exam which will now take place on Wednesday 7th March.
2.Complete Past Papers 2012 and 2013 including listening comprehension.
All work is accessible on