Mrs. Sutton’s 3rd Grade
Classroom Management and Behavior Plan
Classroom Expectations
- Respect yourself, others and school property.
- Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Talk at appropriate times and at appropriate voice levels.
- Use kind words.
- Be ready to learn and always do your best.
Students are expected to follow our school-wide behaviors and expectations in all common areas such as the hallway, playground, cafeteria, and restroom. These expectations will be taught the first week of school and reinforced on a regular basis throughout the school year.
Positive Behavior System
This year, students will learn about personal finance and economics. To help reinforce these very important concepts and help students understand them from a real-world stance, we will have a Classroom Economics System in our classroom.
The students will work to earn (play) money throughout the day. Each time a student follows classroom expectations (i.e. follows directions quickly, stays on task, etc.) he/she will receive money. The amount of money received will depend on the task. Students will also receive money for showing responsibility (bringing their daily folder, homework, having a clean desk, etc.) and showing academic growth throughout the year.
Just as students will earn money, they could also lose money. Student may lose money for things such as forgetting their daily folder, not putting their name on their paper, etc.
Students will be responsible for keeping track of their “deposits” and “withdraws” in their check registers. About twice a month (if not more frequent), we will count our money and the students will get to spend their money onvarious prizes/rewards.
Other Positive Rewards
Students will have the chance to earn other rewards on a daily basis. These rewards could be any one of the following:
- Verbal praise from teacher and/or fellow students
- Stickers, stamps, or sticky notes on desk
- Phone call or note home to brag
Behavior Management Plan
In the event of unwanted behavior, students will move through five levels of behavior managment. Level 1 will be a verbal or visual reminder to redirect students behavior and get them back on track. Level 2 will be reflection time in our classroom's Safe Seat. This will be a place for students to sit and reflect on their behavior, calm down or just take a minute for themselves to get themselves back on track. Level 3 will result in lost time at recess. Students who lose time at recess will walk laps around the perimeter of the playground and then will be allowed to play. Level 4 will be a call home, and level 5 will be an office referal.
Students who reach level 2 and beyond will receive a "code" in his/her folder for his/her behavior. This will be my way of communicating to you how your child's day went. I will write in your child’s Daily Folder if he/she received a code for his/her behavior each day. If no code was given and the folder is blank that means your child had a great day! If a code was given, I will use the following key to communicate the behavior the code was given for:
1.Iwasn’t following directions.2. Iwasdisrespectful.
3. Iwasoff task.
5.Iphysically hurt someone.
6.I didnothaveself-control.
Please let me know if you have any questions about our Classroom Management and Behavior Plan.
Amy Sutton