Collegiate 4-H Meeting
October 2, 2008
7pm Lilly G-126

President Keith Carrell called the meeting of the Collegiate 4-H Club
to order. Michelle Getts led the American Pledge, and Rita Boeglin led the 4-H Pledge. The secretary’s report was accepted as sent out via e-mail. Keith gave Julia’s treasurer’s report of the club having $4,702.31 in its account. Dues need to be paid to her or can be given to Keith or Tyler Cotterman at the end of the meeting. Aaron Birge gave an Ag Council report and stated that there is an Ag Career fair on October 7th. The Ag Council Hog Roast will be held on October 28th.

Old Business
In the service report, Aaron stated that he, Ashley Broady, and
Michelle attended Murdock this week where they made 4-H folders, taught the 4-H pledge, and did activities with the students. Murdock will be on next Tuesday from 3-4:15pm. If planning to attend, please meet behind Lilly by 3pm, and let Aaron know you will be going via e-mail. Jerry Webber reported that we have four officer trainings scheduled for the spring so far. The four trainings will be: Laporte on February 26, Miami on February 18, Johnson on March 24, and Porter on January 26. We also have an opportunity to do activities for the Junior Leaders of Miami County for one hour at their meeting on November the 12th from 6:30-7:30pm. Please let Jerry know if you plan to attend.
Keith gave an update on plans for the Regional conference on November
14-16th. The cost of early registration, which ends on October 10th, is $100. Late registration is $120 and ends on October 20th. Keith also suggested that we re-order the C 4-H polos for members who do not have them. Seeing interest, he will be contacting Freckles about the availability and price of the polos with the same design as were ordered last year.

Steve McKinley gave an update on the judge’s list by saying that it had been compiled with information of all those interested information and will be sent out soon to the counties shortly.

Keith gave a brief overview of the other Collegiate 4-H Clubs in Indiana which include Indiana State, Ball State, IU, and University of Southern Indiana. IUPUI is also attempting to start a C 4-H club. Amanda Armstrong is trying to get a joint meeting together for officer training instruction and socials.

New Business

A Study Abroad presentation was given by Kara Hartman on all the different options for Ag Study Abroad. This included options for full-semester trips, Spring Break, Maymester, and summer programs. She also gave out information on Study Abroad for other schools. She can be reached at the Agriculture Study Abroad office at 765-494-8458 or by e-mail at .

“Boo at the Zoo” at Columbia Park Zoo is in need of volunteers. The club voted to volunteer for this event on October 22nd from 7-10pm. Volunteers will be asked to do a variety of tasks such as role-playing, face painting, and other fun activities. Keith will contact the coordinator to make sure there is still interest for that night. Interested members signed up after the meeting.

The October 30th social event was explained by Keith. The officers came up with a list of possible social activities to do at or in lieu of the meeting on that date. These options were pumpkin painting, pitch-in, hayride and cookout, B-dub’s, ice cream, costume contest, or a corn maze. The club voted to go to the corn maze if it is available. Brenna Tobin offered to contact the corn maze for the club. If this is not a viable option, the club will do pumpkin painting at the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by Keith, and the next meeting will be held on October 16, at 7pm in Lilly 3-118.