Join us at Elkton Little League

Every player that collects $10.00 will get five “at bats”

An “at bat” is either 1 hit or 3 strikes, whichever comes first.

Players that collect $50.00 or more will receive an additional 5 “at bats” totaling no more than 10 “at bats”. *Time Permitting.

Additional Info

Hit-A-Thon forms and money MUST be turned in Wednesday May 10th or Thursday May 11th at the Major Baseball Clubhouse from 6-8pm.

Day of event: Check in next to the Concession Stand to receive your number for the Hit-A-Thon.

Baseball players will then report to the Major Baseball field, Softball players will report to the Softball Field.

Major Baseball and Jr/Sr Baseball will hit on the Jr/Sr baseball field.

T-Ball players will report to the Major Baseball Field

Players will bat in their division at the following times (Hit-A-Thon times subject to change)

10:00 – 12:00 T-Ball

12:00 – 2:00 Minors

2:00 – 4:00 Majors

4:00 – 6:00 Jr/Sr


The Concession Stand will be open

Team Challenge

Teams may challenge another team to see who hits the farthest. Each team must have a minimum of 8 players competing in the Hit-A-Thon. We will average each players longest hit. Team with farthest hit wins. Winning Team gets Pizza Party.

Prizes will be awarded!

Trophies for the longest hit will be awarded at the end of each divisions Hit-A-Thon time slot.

Volunteers Needed!

Contact Eric Gregson @