Minutes of the Corner Canyon Community Council Meeting, held September 20, 2012, in the Media Center at Crescent View Middle School.
PRESENT: Mary Bailey – Principal, Brian McGill – Assistant Principal, Jeff Allen, Roxanne Boshard, Tom Brand, Kathy Cutler, Susan Edwards, Allyson Hanks – Counselor, Penny Laker, Heather Lambert, John Martindale, Lisa McDonald, Kimberly Miller, Kathryn Myers, Gregg Savage, Cherstyn Stockwell, Britt Thompson, Jennifer Updike, Ken Vance, and Jennifer Wilson
STAFF: Steve Park – Athletic Director, Kathy Hilton - Administrative Assistant, Debbie Clark – Registrar
Meeting was called to order by Mary Bailey-Principal at 7:05p.m.
- Welcome by Mary Bailey and each present member introduced themselves.
- Purpose and Responsibility of School Community Council – Mary Bailey
Mary explained the purpose and responsibility of the school community council with emphasis placed on, creating a School Improvement plan, creating the School LAND Trust Program, and assisting in the creation and implementation of a staff professional development plan. Also the School Community Council will be advocates for the school, and provide issues of concerns from the community. The Community Council should be a pro-active and responsive group.
- What would you like to see this community accomplish?
- “Corner Canyon – Big Rocks” - Brian
Everyone has a voice on the Community Council, what are the “big ticket items” as we move forward?
1-Alta has many long standing traditions; Corner Canyon should consider traditions which would be suited for the school and their students.
2-Transition for students should be made as easy as possible.
3-Students should have equal opportunity for leadership and athletics.
4-Promote Educational Excellence! AP Classes, Concurrent Classes, and Honors Classes. (Look at a partnership with the U of U)
5-Promote Athletic Excellence. (High standards for coaching staff)
6-Have a Graduation Party. “Senior Spectacular” (Susan Edwards explained to the council that the PTSA has a grant which helps pay for the graduation party.)
7-Corner Canyon High School should be Pro Active with Communication!
- Elections - Mary
Mary explained the Election process.
1 – The Community Council could elect a chair and a vice chair from the parent group, or the community council could elect two co-chairs, a member of the parent group and a member of the co-chair from its employee members.
The Community Council was asked to vote by the raise of hands which election process they would like to follow.
Chair and Vice Chair 7
2 Co-Chairs 14
Nominations were accepted:
Kathy Cutler
Susan Edwards
Allyson Hanks – Counselor
Brian McGill – Assistant Principal
Cherstyn Stockwell
Motion:Tom Brand moved that nominations cease. The motion was seconded by Gregg Savage.
Vote:The motion passed 20 – 0 in favor
Elections were held by Ballot, Brian McGill and Cherstyn Stockwell were elected as co-chairs.
Corner Canyon Community Council will decide:
1 - Term Limits
2 – Parents serving on Corner Canyon Community Council shall have a student attending the school.
3 –Decide how many members are serving on Corner Canyon Community Council.
- Calendar Future Meetings - Mary
Discussion was held in regard to day and time future Corner Canyon Community Council Meetings would be held.
Motion: Mary Bailey made the motion that meetings would be held the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. No meeting will be held in December. Meetings will be held at Crescent Middle School until Corner Canyon High School is completed. The motion was seconded by Kimberly Miller.
Vote:The motion passed 20 – 0 in favor
- Academic Achievement & Data Review – Allyson Hanks
Allison Hanks presented CRT reports, and explained AP scores. Discussion of scores’ significance followed.
- SCC Survey Results – Brian
Brian presented the results of the survey. Ten out of thirty surveys were returned.
Discussion of survey results followed.
- Community Partnerships
This agenda item was held over to future meeting
- Athletic Region Alignment – Steve Park Athletic Director
Steve handed out the UHSAA Alignment Format for 2013-15 and a comparison of recently opened schools’ athletic records and a discussion followed about the classification Corner Canyon High School may receive. A majority of the council feels 4A would be the preferred classification for the high school.
Discussion of what Corner Canyon Community Council could do to help students transition with athletics, and help them received proper and correct information by November 1, 2012.
Motion:Jeff Allen made the motion to create a subcommittee to address the athletic concerns of the students at Corner Canyon High School and how to make the transition easier. The subcommittee would find solutions and communicate their findings to the members of the Corner Canyon Community Council by email. A vote would be taken by email. The motion was second by Ken Vance.
Vote:The motion passed 19– 1
The subcommittee members:
Jeff Allen
Kathryn Myers
Kimberly Miller
Tom Brand
- Building Progress and Other Items – Mary
Mary gave a short report on the building progress of the school. The school is on schedule.
- Adjourn
MotionJeff Allen made the motion to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.