SimCity Basics of Operation Mac Version

Engineering Society of Detroit

Downloading Origin--- To play SimCity you will be required to download Origin Below listed are the step by step instructions to downloading Origin.

Step 1: Open your Internet browser(Safari), in the search bar type Origin.

Step 2: Once you have selected the Origin Website you can click the download Origin button in the top right hand corner of the webpage.

Step 3:When you have clicked on Download Origin it will direct you to a page where you can now select an orange button that says Download Origin for Mac, click on it. Once you have clicked on that button Origin will download.

Step 4: If Origin doesn’t automatically open after downloading click the Downloads button on the menu bar of Safari, click the Origin download and it will pull up a window that has the Origin icon pointing to the Files icon, double click the Files icon and find the Origin file.

Step 5: Once you open the Origin application you will have to either sign in if your team already has an Origin account or make an account with the supervision of your instructor.

Downloading SimCity--- We recommend each team has their own computer, along with their own account. Below listed is the step by step guide to downloading SimCity.

Step 1: Open Origin. Once you have the Origin application open you will select the Games button in the top bar of the Mac. When you scroll over Games a small pull down tab will open up and you want to select Redeem Product Code.

Step 2: A new window will open and you will enter the product code supplied to you by Future City. The product code can be found when the Teacher logs onto her Future City account.

Step 3: Once you enter the product key hit next and a small window will open with the information and details of the SimCity game.

Step 4: Hit next after you are done reading the details and the game should show up under My Games when origin is open from there you can install game by clicking on the SimCity icon and selecting Install Game. It may already start installing by itself and that’s okay don’t worry.

Step 5: Once it has finished installing you can now open and play the game.