Camas Days 2006 Parade - Saturday, July 22, 200611:00 a.m.
Theme: “Camas Centennial Celebration 1906-2006”
Submittal Deadline – Friday, July 7, 2006
Name of Organization______
Contact Person______
Daytime Phone______Evening/Weekend Phone______
***All entries must be decorated in accordance with the theme***
Camas Days 2006— “Camas Centennial Celebration”
(Please help us make this a memorable journey)
(Check One)
____Float: (A float is any vehicle that is highly decorated, including a pickup, flatbed, etc.)
Length______width______height_____driver______$8.00 per group
____Band: Number in group______Leader at event______$8.00 per group
____Drill Team: Number in group______Leader at event______$8.00 per group
Automobile: (Auto “Groups” or “Clubs” are entries of no less than 10 vehiclesto be judged as a “Group” or “Club” No individual awards will be given in the Car “Group” or “Club” category)
Make______Model______year____driver______$5 per car
Number of Vehicles in Entry______$50 per group
____Walking: Number in group______Leader at event______$8.00 per group
____Equestrian: Number in group______Leader at event______$8.00 per group
Pooper-Scooper (required) Name______
____Political: Name______$200 per Candidate
Office sought______
Description of Theme/Costumes/Music/Routine
To increase the enjoyment level of the parade, you are strongly encouraged to submit a decorated float entry with signage that promotes your business.
Please read and sign additional restrictions and Hold Harmless Agreement on the next page. Signatures are required before application can be accepted. Return this form and entry fee by the required due date of 7/7/06 to be included in the parade announcements.
Mail to:C/W Chamber of Commerce Questions?
PO Box 919 / 422 NE 4th Ave. Call 834-2472
Camas, WA98607
Further parade information, including parade entry number, staging area location and judging times will be mailed to you at the address listed on front page of this form by July 14, 2006.
The Camas Days committee reserves the right to reject or cancel any entry at any time, should it be determined that it detracts from the basic purpose of the Camas Days Parade. Receipt of this application does NOT guarantee acceptance into the Camas Days Parade.
Special Note of Understanding:
I understand that I will exercise extreme caution when tossing candy and it will be done so at my own risk. Small children often times dart out to pick up such items creating a danger. Walking distributors may hand out candy, or literature, but MUST NOT interrupt the parade flow. The parade is much more enjoyable when large gaps between entrants do not exist. You are encouraged to choose useable items (pencils, bookmarks, etc), rather than paper flyers.
I also understand that should my vehicle break down on the parade route, the parade organizers will dispatch a tow truck at my expense.
Hold Harmless Agreement: (must be signed by person in charge)
I (we), assume all risk of bodily injury or property damage that I/we may incur in participating in the Camas Days Parade and I/we hereby, for myself, my child, my organization forever waive release of any and all claims against and agree to hold harmless the C/W Chamber of Commerce, the City of Camas, and all their respective officers, employees, agents, volunteers or assigns of any kind from any and all claims which may be made for any cause whatsoever arising as a result of or in connection with the participation of my child, myself or my group in the herein mentioned event.
To be used by media. Print clearly and completely.
Unit driver or leader: ______
Theme: ______
Group or organization being promoted: ______
Previous awards or honors: ______
Total number of participants: ______
If children involved, list names, ages, and school: ______
Description of uniforms, costumes, clothing: ______
Construction of float or entry (special decorative features, materials used, hours in preparation, basic dimensions):
Identify special breed or markings on animals: ______
Music, sound or special effects: ______
Make, model and year, Drivers of car(s):
1 / 23 / 4
5 / 6
7 / 8
9 / 10