What is UKELG?
UKELG is a subject interest group, which aims to promote the understanding of all aspects of explosions, including the analysis and prevention of accidental explosions, by stimulating the informal exchange of relevant information. UKELG is a registered charity.
How does it function?
Each year, on average, two UKELG meetings are organised. Generally these are one-day events, held at scientific and research establishments all over the UK. The topics discussed cover all aspects of explosion and related loss prevention.
To achieve open discussion of current research and development the UKELG actively encourages the presentation of recent research and results, especially work-in-progress.
So as not to inhibit informal contributions and discussion, the proceedings are not published. At the request of the authors or with their agreement, some presentations are placed on the UKELG website.
Who can attend?
There is no membership fee. Any interested person is free to attend meetings, on payment of an appropriate small fee to cover running costs. Attendance usually includes people from academia, industry, consultancies and the regulators. Details of meetings are sent to a list of contacts by e-mail and are available from the UKELG website. To be added to this list, e-mail the secretary below.
UKELG contact information
Secretary, Roger Santon 01925-766079
55th UKELG One Day Discussion Meeting on
“Dispersion and Consequences of LNG Releases”
Tuesday 26th April 2016
Health and Safety Laboratory
Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire SK17 9JN
Dear Colleagues,
Although the topics of our discussion meetings are generally chosen from recommendations received from our members, your committee always has to wait and see whether the first announcement of our choice will also be followed by a good response. For the forthcoming 55th meeting this was proved to have been an unnecessary concern. Initial responses have demonstrated a broad interest in the hazards of the use of LNG and we have had to apologise to some of you since we were unable to accommodate all the contributions offered. As can be seen the programme covers a range of research and analysis topics on the use of LNG and associated issues. Some of our contributors also have indicated specifically that they are hoping for answers and other comments on their views and concerns. If ever, the success of the 55th meeting will therefore also depend on our participation in lively debate.
If you have not advised us of your intention to attend, please do so ASAP using the registration form below for security purposes and as we need to place the order for refreshments. The cost of the day will be £40 to include coffee, lunch and tea. A payment on arrival in cash or by cheque is preferred and receipts will be provided. Payment by invoice may be accepted only by prior arrangement with the Secretary and at a £5 premium. Students requiring assistance with the registration fee and with travelling expenses should contact the Secretary ( ). The Secretary can also be approached for financial assistance, for those who are retired or otherwise financially unsupported by an academic or other organisation. Please note also that, since we have to order the refreshments in advance, if you wish to cancel your registration, please do so by email to not later than 28th October since we will otherwise have to ask for a payment.
Directions to HSL may be found at http://www.hsl.gov.uk/media/393927/buxton-map.pdf
The Committee is looking forward to your response and registration and to meeting you again a tBuxton on the 30th October.
Hans Michels (Chair UKELG Committee)
Roger Santon (Secretary)
Helen James (Treasurer)
Graham Atkinson (Local organiser)
UKELG Web site – http://ukelg.ps.ic.ac.uk Registered Charity 1080033
55th UKELG One Day Discussion Meeting on
“Dispersion and Consequences of LNG Releases”
Tuesday 26th April 2016
Health and Safety Laboratory
Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire SK17 9JN
Please return this form by post, fax or e-mail to:
Sarah Payne
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7594 5567
Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7594 5638
Attendance: (please tick) Very likely Possibly Unlikely
Circulation list: Correspondence is conducted by e-mail so please provide e-mail addresses of colleagues who are likely to be interested in the meeting or UKELG in general.
55th UKELG One Day Discussion Meeting on
“Dispersion and Consequences of LNG Releases”
Tuesday 26th April 2016
Health and Safety Laboratory
Harpur Hill, Buxton Derbyshire SK17 9JN
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.30 - 11.00 Jerry Havens, Arkansas University
“Have we underestimated risks at large LNG sites?”
11.00 - 11.30 Dan Allison, DNV/GL
“Large scale LNG experiments”
11.00 – 12:00 Farhad Nazarpour, Kingston University
“LNG hazard assessment using OPENFOAM”
12.00 - 12.30 Richard Beedell, DNV/GL
“Failure modes for LNG hoses”
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.00 Geoff Chamberlain, Waverton Consultancy
“A brief history of LNG and natural gas hazard research - what are the remaining challenges?”
14.00 – 14.30 Jerry Havens, Arkansas University
“Fire engulfment of LNG ships”
14.30 – 15:00 Chris Bradley, Jacobs
“LNG design – some process safety perspectives”
15.00 – 15.30 Graham Atkinson, HSL
“Vapour cloud explosion risks at LNG export sites”
15.30 - 1600 Discussion over tea
16.00 Final Announcements