St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & Nursery
SchoolEmergency and Business Continuity Plan
Our family at St Joseph’s Learns, Loves and grows with God at the centre
Reviewed and ratified by Governing Body / Spring Term 2018Next Revision / 3 yearly
To be reviewed / Spring Term 2021
3.1Level 0 -LocalisedIncident3
3.2Level 1 - Local Emergency4
3.3Level 2 - MajorCommunityEmergency5
4.SchoolEmergencyPlan (SEP)5
4.1Scope oftheSchool Emergency Plan 5
4.2PrinciplesofanEmergency Response6
4.3Rolesand Responsibilities7
4.4Training 7
4.5Grab Bag Contents 7
5.Additional information8
5.2Severe Weather8
5.3School Closures8
5.4Insurance Claims8
5.5Lock down procedures 8
Appendix1 - SchoolEmergencyPlan Template (SEP)
Appendix2 - Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix 3 - Action to be taken
Appendix 4–Key task and flowchart
Appendix 5 - Media Briefings
Appendix6 - Severe Weather
Appendix 7 – Suggestions for Contents of a Grab Bag
Appendix 8–Emergency Contact Information
Appendix 9 – Job Cards
Appendix 10–Sources of further information
Appendix11–Example log sheet
Appendix 12 - Glossary of Terms
Associated Guidance – School Lockdown Procedures
Emergency and Business Continuity Guidance November 2015
Emergenciescananddohappenand anorganisation’sabilitytorespond appropriatelyinemergenciesdependsontheforethoughtandplanningthathas alreadytakenplace. Further tothe Civil ContingenciesAct2004,itistheresponsibility ofall publicbodiesto setinplaceemergencyplansforthe continuity oftheirservice.The Local Authority(LA)considers it best practicethatschoolsshouldhave appropriateand effective emergencyplans.
ThisdocumentisdesignedtoprovideguidancetoHeadTeachers, Governors and staffin developingasuitable plan.
Whilst this documentfocusesonschools,thesame principlescan beappliedtoChildren’s Centres.
This document appliestoallstaffemployedwithinschools, including teachersand schoolsupportstaff.
While it isnotpossibleto planforeveryeventualitythatmightarise, incidents are groupedintothreelevels:
•Level0–Localised Incidents
•Level 1- LocalisedEmergencies
•Level2- Major CommunityEmergencies
Levels1and2aredistinguishedbyhowwide-spreadtheirpossibleeffectmaybeand theactionthat needs to betaken,notnecessarilytheirpotential severity.
While theLA responseandcoordination is likelyto takeeffecton thetwohigherlevels only–localisedemergencies and majorcommunity emergencies, itisconsideredworthwhiletoincludeLevel 0,since initial actiontaken is likelyto besimilarand recognitionneedsto begivento the unforeseen.
3.1Level0 - LocalisedIncident - Disruptive toroutinebutnotan immediatethreattolife orwell-being.
An incidentthatcanbedealt withlocallyand may, atmost, requirea limitedclosure ofthe schoolandincludes limiteddisruptionwithoutinvolving risk to thewell-beingofindividuals. Some supportfromtheLAorotheragenciesmaybenecessary,andsomeincidents mayrequire formalnotificationto theLocalAuthority(LA).
Examples (not exhaustive):
•Severe weatherproblems
•Services– power,gas, watercut off
•Failed heatingsystem
•Fallen trees
•Minorearthquake tremor
•Local industrialaction
•Notifiable infectiousoutbreak.
•Travel or flight restrictions preventingnormal returnof school group from UK or overseas trips
•ICTfailure ordisruption including:
•Theftofservers ormajorpartsICTinfrastructure
•Malicious (Virus,DenialofService, hackingetc.) attackonICT systems
•Website down
•TelephoneServices not working (possiblylinkedtoInternet service)
3.2Level 1 - LocalisedEmergency - Localisedemergencies mayinclude anyunexpectedeventwhichis likelyto disruptthe normalfunctioning oftheschool.
Thesearemore likelytobecritical incidents involvingareal threat of,oractual injury ordeath,whereurgentandsignificant local authorityandotheragencysupportare needed.
Examples: InSchool
•A deliberateactofviolence,suchas theuse ofaknife,firearm or other weapon/implement
•A schoolfireorlaboratoryexplosion/release of toxic chemicals/substances
•A pupil orteacherbeingtakenhostage
•The destructionorseriousvandalisingofpartoftheschool
•Gas leak.
•The deathof apupilormember ofstaff throughnaturalcauses oraccidents
•A transport-relatedaccident involvinga largenumberofpupils and/or membersofstaff or resulting in deathorserious injury
•Deathorseriousinjuries onschool journeys orexcursions
•Large clusters oflocalisedhumantohumanviral infectionwhichwill triggerconcerns ofalikelyepidemic.
3.3Level 2 -Major CommunityEmergencies - Majoremergencies mayaffectwholecommunities andtypicallyinvolve IslingtonEmergencyPlanning Department
A serious incidentin thelocal communitywhichcouldhave asignificantimpact onthe school.School closuremaybenecessarydependentonthenatureandproximityoftheemergency.Islington Council’s Emergency PlanningTeamwill beinvolved in such incidents.
•Serious roador rail accidentorspillage
•Terrorist action
•A morewidespreaddisaster in thecommunity
•A Fluepidemic orviral infectionleadingtonationalalert
Aspart ofIslington Council’s responseto amajoremergencycertainschools and colleges havebeenidentifiedasEmergencyRest Centres (ERC)forthe temporarycareofthose madehomeless by disaster. Suchemergencies,and associated communications,willbecoordinatedthrough theemergencyservices (999) andIslington Council’sEmergencyPlanningTeam.
In theeventofsuch anemergency, takenecessary actionlocallyandcontact theEmergency Planning on 0207 527 2000.
ThisguidancesupplementsandupdatesadvicecontainedintheIslington Emergency Planning Guidance.Themainpurposeoftheguidance isto confirmcommunication arrangements between educationestablishments,including schoolsandchildren’scentres,and theAuthorityintheevent ofan emergency.
4.1Scope of theSchool EmergencyPlan (SEP)
Schoolsshouldplan tomanage a rangeof potentialthreats, incidents and emergencieswhicharethendocumentedinthe School Emergency Plan (SEP), (see template, Appendix1).This would include makinganwritten assessment of thespecific risks affectingtheschooland identifyinganyhazardswhichposea particular risk,suchas theproximityto anindustrial estate, riverormajor road/transport hub,aswell astakingaccount ofotherpotential risks,such as;
•A violentintrusionontoschoolpremises bymalicious persons,eitherinperson orbymeans ofarsonorexplosivedevice
•Destructionorvandalismof partorwhole oftheschool
•The school buildingbecoming unsafeasa resultoffireorflooding
•Severe weather
•Death of apupil,memberofstaff orgovernor
•Seriousincidentson educational visits
•The releaseofhazardoussubstancesnearoron theschool site.
Othereventsmayalsobedeemedtobe emergencies inschools because ofthe impacttheyhave onteachers,pupilsorotherstaff, sometimesforprotractedperiods oftime:
•An incidentinthe communitywhichis seen orexperiencedbypupilsorstaff
•An incident affectingrelatives of pupils and whichis known aboutwithin the school
•An incidentinvolvingallegations within theschool
•An incident affectinganearbyorcomparableschool.
Additionalproceduresfordealingwiththese typesof emergencies shouldbe accountedforinthe SEP.
4.2ThePrinciplesofan EmergencyResponse
There aretypical tasksandactions thataschool mayneedtoundertake tomanage a localised incident or emergency (Level 0 and Level 1), as well as supporting activity elsewhere during a major community emergency (Level 2).
The SEPshouldmake itclearwhowill undertake eachtaskfora rangeofpossiblescenarios.
The Executive HeadTeacher,or pre-agreednominee,isresponsibleoverallfortheschool’s response toanemergency, howevertheyshouldbesupportedbytheSchool EmergencyManagementTeam(SEMT).
The SEMTshouldconsist ofseniorstaff thatare appropriately trained andwillingtotakekeyroles inan emergency, suchas; communications, welfare,media managementandresources, supportedbyadminand caretakingstafforfacilitiesmanager.Identifyingthese key staff members anddelegating roles inadvancewill savetime shouldanemergency occur.
To provide resilience during periods of absence of the primary designated member or during a protracted incident each member of staff nominated to take a key role in the SEP should so far as practicable also have an appointed deputy.
However, whilsttheSEMTwill coordinatethenecessaryactionsatlocal level to minimisefurther risk asaresult of anemergency,the LAandexternalservices canbe called uponatanytimetoprovide help,adviceand supporttoenable schools tocarry out their day-to-dayfunctionsinextraordinarycircumstances.
In smallerschools,itmaynotbepossibleto nominateafull SEMTandmostroles will be takenbythe HeadTeacherornominee,with supportfromtheoffice staffor caretaker.Inthesecircumstances, it is particularlyimportant tocontact theLAand report theincidentas soonas possible.
Islington Council EmergencyPlanningTeamhavededicated staffwhocan offersupport andguidance, inconjunction with theLABusiness ContinuityPlanswhich setout clearprocedures and protocolsfor dealing with emergencies.Theseplansdetail howtheemergencyservices,localauthority,health authority, voluntaryagenciesandotherorganisationsworktogethertomitigatethe effectsof anyemergencythat threatensthe community.
It is importantthatall staffinvolvedin theschool’s responsetoanemergencyaremadefullyawareoftheproceduresdetailed intheSEP,and appropriate trainingshould beprovided toensurethatstaffknowtheirrole,are confidentto carry out tasks assigned tothemand haveaccesstoavailableresourcesandfacilities.
The school response to any incident or emergency can be divided into three distinct stages and the roles and responsibilities at each stage will vary: (Appendix 2)
1)Initial Actions
2)Ongoing actions once the incident/emergency response is established
3)Actions following the close of the incident/emergency, leading to restoration of normality, reoccupation of premises etc.
The role of the Executive Head Teacher(or nominated deputy) is to agree/authorise implementation of the SEP and maintain senior oversight of the SEP is maintained in line with the strategic aims. Once implemented, the role of the Executive Head Teacheris to maintain liaison with Local Authority, Civil Emergency Services, and School Governors.
A senior member of staff should be appointed to act as SEP Coordinator to maintain day to day supervision of the SEMT. Other members of staff will be designated to other roles, answering to the SEP Coordinator.
A list of suggested roles and responsibilities and required actions is also included at Appendix 2. This list is not exhaustive but is designed to allow Head Teachers/Principals to focus on issues relevant to their establishment. Roles can be combined or separated further according to staff availability.
There is also a number of Emergency Job Cards which can be found at Appendix 9 which schools may find useful when assigning roles and responsibilities.
It is essential that all staff designated as members of the SEMT, and deputies, receive appropriate training to enable them to perform their respective duties effectively and efficiently.
4.5Grab Bag contents
A grab bag contains all the information and guidance that may be of use during a disruption. Grab bags should be stored securely; but easily accessible taking into account it will contain personnel information.
There should be at least two grab bags each located in different parts of the school e.g. one in the school office and one out of the main building, in case the building becomes inaccessible.
The content of a grab bag can become heavy and cumbersome so you should avoid filling it with unnecessary items. Paper documentation should be together and you may want to consider a wheelie bag however a back paper is preferable.
The contents of the grab bag should be regularly checked and updated. A nominated person should be responsible for maintaining the grab bag e.g. Business Manager or School Secretary.
Suggested contents of a grab bag can be found at Appendix 7.
In the event of any incident or emergency involving schools media interest, whether local or national, can be anticipated.
It may be useful to prepare a number of ‘holding statements’ which have been agreed in advance with the Islington Corporate Communication Team. This will allow some form of media release to be made and gain time for the Head Teacher and staff to understand exactly what has happened before a fuller statement is made.
See Appendix 5for further guidance.
5.2Severe Weather
This document isintendedto provide advice and guidance toschools in preparing emergency plans to deal with severe weather conditions which may result in school closures. Schoolsevereweathercontingencyplansshouldbe preparedwellbeforethebad weatherseasonso thatallstaff,parents/guardiansandpupilsunderstandthem. (SeeAppendix 6)
It istherefore important that contingencyplansaredevelopedaccordingtothe local requirementsof the individualestablishment.Plans should include arrangementsfor issuessuchas rolesandresponsibilities,communicationandmediamanagement,as wellas howinformation aboutpotential schoolclosuresand re-openingwill be communicated topupils, staff andparents.
5.3School Closures
The decisiontoclosetheschool is usuallymadebythe Executive HeadTeacherandGovernors havingsought confirmationfromtheLA.
Schoolclosures shouldbeavoided wherepossiblebutwhereit is unavoidable,for health andsafetyreasons orstaffing issues,considerationshouldbe givento the contactingproceduresforparentsandschooltransport.Theproceduresforschool closuresshouldbedetailedinyourSEP.
See Appendix 6 for further guidance.
5.4 Insurance Claims
Where schools have local authority property owners insurance then they are covered against the following events: fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot and civil commotion, malicious persons, earthquake, storm, flood, escape of water, impact own vehicle, sprinkler leakage, theft, breakage of fixed glass, escape of oil, aerials breakage, subsidence, ground heave and landslip, accidental damage.
Further advice on insurance matters can be obtained from Islington Risk and Insurance Sections or by contacting Steve Walsh ()
5.5Lockdown Procedures
Schools should also consider the Lockdown Procedures when considering emergency plans. Lockdown procedures should be a sensible and proportionate response to any external or internal incident which has the potential to pose a threat to the safety of staff, pupils and members of the public.
Emergency and Business Continuity Guidance November 2015
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School & NurseryHighgate Hill, London N19 5NE
The AIM of thisschoolemergencyplan isto describehowthe schoolwillrespond to an emergencyin order tosavelives, minimisetherisk ofinjury to theschool communityin theeventofa potential oractuallife-threatening emergency and mitigate the effects of the event to the school community.
The OBJECTIVESoftheschoolemergencyplan are:
•Todescribethe locality ingeneral, especially with regardstokey locations.
•Todescribetheschoolgeography in detail,especiallywith regardstokey locations.
•To identifykeyresponders(and deputies)including theSchool Emergency Management Team(SEMT).
•To identifypossible hazardsand identifyappropriate strategiesformanaging the response.
•To identifypotential triggersfor plan activation.
•To identifyhowthe SEMTTeamwill communicate with the extendedschool community.
•To identifythe immediate actionsoftherespondersandschool community.
•To identifykey locationsrelevanttothe implementation of the plan.
•To identifyatraining andexercise schedule.
•To identifycriticalcontactinformation.
•To identifya plan auditand reviewprocess.
Personresponsible for updating thisplan: / Louise Palmer
CriticalSchool Contactinformation:
(Name and 24 /7 contact details). / Executive HeadTeacher: Clare McFlynn
Headof School:Angela Noronha
Key-holder(s): Michal Pastuszak
Barry Turner:
Emergencypoint of contact:Clare McFlynn
Reception: 02072721270
Other: Louise Palmer
The planwillbeactivated under the followingcircumstances. / •On activation ofthefirealarm
•Onreceipt ofatelephone call bythe emergencypoint ofcontact.
•On beinginformed ofabombthreat.
•On beinginformed ofanexternal threat.
•On beinginformed ofanintruderwithin the school.
•On beinginformed ofasudden illnessin the school
•Onreceipt ofinformation that the Head Teacherconsidersthe plan tobe activated.
Date ofIssue:
Version Number: / January 2018 / Date of nextreview: / January 2019
Number ofstaff
employedat school / 52 / Pupils Nos / 468
Are accuratenames,addresses,and
Telephonenumbersheld for staff,governors and pupils? / Yes / Contact
detailslast updated: / 2016
Whoisresponsiblefor updating the
Contactdetails? / Louise Palmer /Muhith Miah
How will Parents be kept updated on progress of the incident/emergency? / Cascade details:
ParentPay emails & text messages Messages through school app
How willParentsbekeptinformed of
Schoolclosures andre-openings? / Cascade details:
ParentPay emails & text messages Messages through school app
The followingaddresses/ contact
details of important localinstitutions in the schoolneighbourhood:
FULL DETAILS IN APPENDIX 8 / PoliceStation: Safer Schools Officers
PC 328NI ChinweOztas,
Hospital/GPSurgery:Whittington Hospital, 020 7272 3070
Who holdscopies oftheEmergency Plan? / Senior Leadership Team
Are contact details for contactdetailsforoutsideagencies.
Including the LAcurrentandreadilyavailable? / Emergency Planning
0207 527 2000
State thelocation of the following,itmaybe usefultoattach asite plan to this
Watercut offvalve: / Store room (Internal)
Dartmouth Park Hill (External)
Gas mains valve: / Boiler Room
Electricmeter: / Upper Junior Cupboard
Firstincoming telephone point: / 02072721270
Whatarethe pre-planned arrangementsfor thefollowing:
Rendezvous Points (RVP) for CES /external agencies: / St Joseph’s Catholic School Car Park – Dartmouth Park Hill
Evacuationroutes (avoiding CES RVPs): / St Joseph’s Catholic ChurchHighgate Hill /walkway by Parish Centre
Assemblypoints (avoiding CES RVPs): / St Joseph’s Catholic Church Upper Car Park
Disabledevacuation routes (avoiding CES RVPs): / St Joseph’s Catholic Church Highgate Hill /walkway by Parish Centre
Whatarethe pre-planned arrangementsfor thefollowing (attach written arrangements to this Plan if required):
Lossof premises: / Appendix 4
Review by SLT
Shorttermarrangements,1 or5days: close school
Long termarrangements,over1week: LA support to resolve
Loss ofwatersupply: / Appendix 4
Review by SLT
Shorttermarrangements,1 or5days: School Closed. Contact supplier
Long termarrangements,over1week: LA support to resolve
Loss ofelectric supply: / Appendix 4
Review by SLT
Shorttermarrangements,1 or5days:Close school
Contact supplier
Long termarrangements,over1week: LA support to resolve
Loss of gassupply: / Appendix 4
Shorttermarrangements,1 or5days:Evaluate Close school. Contact supplier
Long termarrangements,over1week: LA support to resolve
Communications / Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
Deliberateactof violence: / Lock Down procedures if in school
Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
Bomb threat or act of terrorism: / Lock Down procedures if in school
Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
Death or serious injuryatschool or on excursion: / Emergency procedures , RIDDOR, Trip Policy
Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
examplesmayinclude;Utilities,FuelorTransport,Staff / Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
Large clusters of
localisedhumanto humanviral infection
–likelyEpidemic / Appendix 4
Review by SLT.
Assess risk identifying impact, degree of disruption and likely period of disruption
Group incident according to level 0-2 and respond accordingly
Whatarethepre-plannedarrangementsfor thefollowingSevereWeather
Events(Written arrangements attached Appendix 5):
Flooding: / Go totoviewthe floodmapforourareaandaccessinformationand adviceonwritingafloodplan
Heatwave: / Case by case review by SLT
Assess risk identifying impact
Snow: / Do you havesufficientsupplies ofsalt:Yes PM monitors
Listthesite pathwaysandareas requiringsalting: Access to school pathways /car park
Arrangements for the management ofyoung peopleandstaff involved invisits
andoff-site activities(attach written arrangements to this Plan if required):
Information / 24 hour accessto information aboutoff-site EVOLVE & Emergencycontact detailsfor off-site staffand parents
Whatprocessesare in placefor continuedlearning duringaprolonged
Emergency(attach written arrangements to this Plan if required):
i.e.Schoollearning platform: / Directory backed up on the cloud accessible lesson plans
premises: / To be agreed with LA – suggest local schools
Other sources:
Whatarethepre-plannedarrangementsfor safeguarding pupilsand adultsat
VulnerableChildren / Liaise with appropriate persons case dependent
Pupils /Staffwith
Disabilities / Liaise with parents /Case by case dependent and level of disability.
Make anassessmentbelowofanyotheridentified potentialemergenciesor
specific hazardswhich posea particular risktoyour school and plan howyou will dealwithincidentarising from them:
EmergencyHazard / EmergencyPlan
Roles and Responsibilities
Role No.
/Primary Role Holder Contact details
/Deputy Role Holder Contact details
/Executive Head Teacher
(or Head of School)
/1)Agree/authorise implementation of the SEP.
2)Once implemented, to maintain liaison with Local Authority, civil emergency services (at senior level) and School Governors.
3)Ensure senior oversight of the SEP is maintained in line with the strategic aims.
4)Agree with LA Communications Staff/Governors a series of press holding statements.
5)Give press briefings (as required).
6)Appoint member of school admin as personal loggist/record keeper.
/Clare McFlynn
/Angela Noronha
/School Emergency Plan Coordinator
(Business Manager or another senior member of staff)
/1)To undertake coordination of the SEP in accordance with Head Teacher/Principal’s direction.
2)Coordinate call-out/appointment of designated staff.
3)Liaise with LA regarding support required.
4)Notify civil emergency services, as required, that the SEP has been implemented (and why).
5)Ensure a member of admin staff is appointed to maintain formal log of decisions made and rationale (including issues considered and rejected and why).
/Clare Moore
/Louise Palmer
/Media /Communications Officer
/1)Agree with Executive Head Teacher appropriate media strategy/media briefing schedule.
2)As incident/emergency progresses, agree press releases with Executive Head Teacher and LA/CES (where appropriate).
3)Ensure Executive Head Teacher is properly briefed in advance of each scheduled press briefing.
4)Maintain control release of press statements as per briefing schedule
/Angela Noronha
/Clare Moore
/Parents/Pupils Liaison Officer
/1)Maintain contact with parents and pupils throughout the incident/emergency.
2)Ensure parents and pupils receive appropriate briefings (before scheduled media briefings).
3)Ensure parents and pupils are made aware of closure/reopening timings.
4)Post incident, consider return to normality issues, memorial services, where appropriate.
5)Maintain liaison with transport providers re: school bus timetables etc.
/Louise Palmer
/Muhith Miah
/Premises Manager/Caretaker
/1)As directed by SEP Coordinator, open school premises/specific areas within the school as required.