Cass County Emergency Services Board Meeting

Cass County Sheriff’s Office, 2501 W. Wall St, Harrisonville, Missouri

Wednesday November 28, 2012

Meeting Minutes

1.  Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 0910 hours by Chair James Person.

2.  Roll Call:

Sheriff Dwight Diehl Present
Chief Robert Driscoll Present
Chief Larry Francis Present
Chief John Hofer Absent
Chief James Person Present
Chief Lee Stevens Present
Kris Turnbow Present

Quorum is present

Members of the Audience:

Paul Campo Robin Tieman Steve Holle Jan Zimmerman

Melvin Mercado Hugh Spence Jack Hart Doug Short

Frank Monteleone

3.  Public Participation

Lisa Mizell, CEO, of the Child Protection Center in Kansas City, MO gave a presentation to the Board related to their services. Ms. Mizell also provided hand outs.

4.  Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the October 31, meeting was presented. Dwight Diehl made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting. A second was made by Kris Turnbow. Motion carried

5.  Report from TUSA

Jack Hart was present to discuss the radio project. A copy of the Lease Agreement with the City of Belton was provided. The agreement was accepted and signed by the Belton City Council. Kris Turnbow made a motion to accept the Lease Agreement and Robert Driscoll seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

The BP Tower has been finalized and awaiting on a closure date. Site visits and the tower analysis will be completed as soon as access is granted.

6.  Radio System Update

Melvin Mercado was present to discuss the radio system and the progress to date. Change orders have been used to make changes to the tower sites related to the shelters and propane tanks.

7.  MARRS Agreement with the City of Kansas City, MO

Jack Hart gave a presentation related to the MAARS Agreement. During the discussion it was decided that this agreement needed further review and was tabled until the next meeting.

8.  Purchase Agreement with BP Oil Company

Paul Campo advised that the sale agreement has been finalized and reported that there is an additional agreement in place with the Dolan - West Dolan Fire Protection District related their radio antenna that is attached to the tower. This agreement will stay in place with the transfer and sale. This will also grant right of way access to the property. Kris Turnbow made a motion to accept the purchase agreement for the property. Dwight Diehl seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

9.  Delegation and Change Order Authorization

Discussion related to the change orders during the radio project was held. The consensus of the Board was to provide authorization of the Chairperson the authority to approve change orders up to $10,000.00. The Chairperson will give a report at the next meeting after Changer orders have been made. Any Change Orders over that amount will have to be approved by the full board. Kris Turnbow made a motion to accept and Lee Steven seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

10. Investment Policy

Discussion related to an investment policy was held. Consensus of the Board was to follow the State of Missouri Model Policy related to Investments. This item was on its first reading and shall be read a second time at the next meeting.

11. Bill Payment Authority

Discussion related to reoccurring bills for the Board was discussed. This issue was tabled for further information related to a reoccurring vendor list. The list will provide additional information as to the amounts and due dates. Item was tabled.

12. Treasure’s Report

Kris Turnbow presented a list of the bills as well as the monthly statement. Larry Francis made a motion to pay the bills and a second by Kris Turnbow was made. Motion Carried.

13. Bylaw Committee

Robert Driscoll presented a draft copy of the personnel policy manual and it is under further review. The Bylaw committee will provide information to related changes or acceptance.

14. Director’s Report

Robin offered no report.

15. Board Chairperson Report

James reported there is a survey from MARC related to funding mechanisms for 911 service going out at this time.

16. Board Members Report

Robin brought up a concern from Chief Gurin from Peculiar Police Department related to the new radios and if they would fit in the new style of cars. The patrol cars may need the dual head mounted radios. Jack Hart will look into this.

17. Executive Session

Kris Turnbow made a motion to go into Executive Session related to personnel matters under the Revised Statutes of Missouri 610.021.3. Lee Stevens seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The Board entered into Executive Session at 1030 hours.

18. Reconvene Regular Meeting

At 1115 hours the Board adjourned from Executive Session.

19. Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Cass County Emergency Services Board will be December 19, 2012 at 0900 hours.

20. Adjournment

With no further business Dwight Diehl made a motion to adjourn with a second from Lee Stevens. Motion Carried. Meeting was adjourned at 1117 hours.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Larry Francis, Secretary

Cass County Emergency Services Board