- Participants will be paid travel fare to and fro for journey by AC III class (except Rajdhani/Shatabdi) train /Bus fare.
- Daily allowance will be paid to the participants in lieu of incidental charges for the travel period.
- The last date for the receipt of application is 15th October, 2012.
- The selected candidates will be informed by 20th October, 2012.
- The participants are advised not to bring their family/accompanying persons with them.
- Participants who are fulfilling eligibility conditions may apply through proper channel.
- Free Boarding and Lodging will be provided to the participants in Bureau’s Scientist Home, SaltLake, Kolkata.
- The candidates of ICAR Institutes/SAUs/CAUs/Other Universities and other Govt. officials who are interested to undergo this course may apply through proper channel in the prescribed proforma enclosed latest by 15th October, 2012 and send the application to
Regional Coordinator & Head,
Block-DK, Sector-II, SaltLake
Kolkata – 700 091, West Bengal
Ph. (033)2358-6926/2359-0727
Fax: (033)2321-5491
Email: /
1. Full name (in block letters) :…………………………………………
2. Designation : ……………………………………………………
3. Present employer and address : …………………………………
4. Address to which reply should be sent : ………………………
(in block letters)………………………………………………….
(Give telephone/mobile/email and telegraphic address also if
5. Permanent address :………………………………………………
6. Date of Birth : …………………………………………………
7. Sex (Male/Female) : ………………………………………………
8. Teaching/Research/Professional experience during last 5 years(mention
post held and number of publication) :………… ………………….
9. Marital status (Married/Unmarried) :………………………………
10. Mention if you have participated in any Seminar, Training Programme,
etc. during the previous years.………………………………………
11. Educational Qualification
Exami-nation passed / Subjects main/
Subsidiary / Year of
passing / Class/
Grade / University/
Institution / Other infor-mation
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Date : …………………………
Place :………………………..Signature of the applicant
Recommendations of the sponsoring authority: ………………………..
Signature of the sponsoring authority
Date: Designation:
N.B : Typed copies may be made locally for use of applicants. /
OnRemote Sensing and GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management
21st November to 11th December, 2012
Sponsored by
National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS)Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),
Department of Space, Govt. of India, Bangalore
Organised by
National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning (ICAR)Regional Centre
Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091,
West Bengal
Training Coordinators
National Coordinator: Dr. Dipak Sarkar, Director, NBSS & LUP(ICAR), Amravati Road, Nagpur.
Regional Coordinator: Dr. S.K. Singh, Principal Scientist & Head, NBSS & LUP (ICAR), Regional Centre, Kolkata.
Course Coordinators: Dr. A.K. Sahoo and Dr. K. Das, Principal Scientists, NBSS & LUP (ICAR), Regional Centre, Kolkata.
Address for Correspondence
Dr. S.K. Singh
Regional Coordinator & HeadNBSS and LUP (ICAR)
Regional Centre, Block-DK, Sector-IISalt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091, West Bengal
Phone No. (033)2358-6926 (O), (033)2421-8189
Fax (033)2321-5491
E-mail : /
Remote Sensing (RS), Geographical Information System (GIS) with Global Positioning System (GPS) spun off the new dimensions in the field of soil surveys to acquire very precise and quantified data of soil resources. Increasing resolution of remote sensing data from 188 M in AwiFs to 0.6M resolution in Geo-Eye (erstwhile IKONOS) in combination with GIS certainly revolutionized soil surveys. Satellite based remote sensing data and GIS have emerged as vital tools in soil resource inventorying, identifying soil productivity constraints, delineating the problem and potential areas relating crop growth with soil productivity parameters. Therefore a Application of Remote Sensing and GISis of paramount importance for holistic analysis of whole gamut of resources as well as quick retrieval of data. These together provide a common platform both to the researcher and planner to monitor the impact of suggested management practices prior to the treatment, during the treatment and after the treatment. / The National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Department of Agricultural ResearchEducation (DARE), Govt. of India was established in1976 with head quarters at Nagpur. The organization is the first of its kind in the country in the field of acquisition of soil resource data, mapping the extent and distribution of soils, estimating degradation status and dynamics, evaluating land for land use planning at district, watershed, village and farm level.
The training programme on “Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in National Resource Management” is being organized with view to focusing the application of remote sensing and GIS in soil resource mapping, for identifying the problems and potentials towards suggesting agricultural land use planning with the management techniques.
Thus RS and GIS together are of immense use for researchers,planners, and stake holders for evolving optimum solutions of multiple problems in anyspecified area. The training programme has been sponsored by National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), a leading institution in the country for production and utilization of remote sensing data.
- To sensitize and orient the participants in the field of RS and GIS application regarding natural resource mapping.
- To enable the participants to evaluate the land resources foroptimizing land use.
- To create expert manpower to cater the needs of state and district development agencies for better utilization of natural resources and management.
•Recent trends in natural resource inventory, mapping and monitoring
•Trends in geomorphology and landform mapping
•Application of cartographic principles in mapping
•Introduction to soil survey and mapping
•Basics of soil morphology, physical and chemical properties
•Introduction to remote sensing technologies
•Principles and concepts of Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
•Remote sensing data and their characteristics
•Visual and digital image interpretation
•Principles and concepts of Geographic Information System (GIS)
•Principles and concepts of Global Positioning System (GPS)
•Application of GPS in natural resource inventory
•GIS & RS software’s and their relevance in spatial database generation
•GIS and remote sensing application in watershed management
•GIS and remote sensing in large scale mapping
•Geospatial database generation and management in GIS
•GIS applications in spatial data integration
•GIS applications in spatial data analysis and modeling
•GIS application in land evaluation and land use planning
•Brief Project work and report writing
Duration : 3 Weeks (21 Days)
(21st November to 11th December, 2012)
Eligibility: Scientists/ Asstt. Professors/ Associate Professors from ICAR Institutes/SAUs/CAUs/Other Universities and Officers from Central/State Govt. in the discipline of Agril. Chemistry & Soil Science/Agronomy/ Forestry/ Horticulture/Land Resource Management /Remote Sensing & GIS/ Geography and other relevant subjects.
Number of Seats: 25 (Twenty five)