Minutes of theParish Council Meeting held.

on the8th October 2014


Present Mrs L Herniman took the chair,Mr G HookwayMr C House,Mrs C PedlarMr B King Mr N Hopkins Mrs S Montague, Mr R Petherbridge, Mrs A Snell (Clerk)

Apologies,Mr A Chamings PCSO Brown Cllr H Martin

In AttendanceCllr A BoydMr J Ayre and Mrs A Hammerton

Time for Public Participation

Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They arealso reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register ofInterests should be updated.

1).i. The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd Septemberwere agreed and signed.

2). Clerks reporti. The Tithe Map was discussed and is stillon-going. Ii. The TAP grant fund has been confirmed for approval, the money is awaited, as St Giles is the lead Council the money will come to St Giles, it was agreed to write out the cheques for all the other council’s plus St Giles Village Hall where the St Giles money is going to purchase tables for the Village Hall, when the money is received the cheques will be released, all in agreement

4). Chairman’s Report, i.

4).HighwaysI .A large pot hole was reported at the junction of Park View and Nursery Close this will be reported. Cllr Boyd attended the Highways Conference at Merton, there is now a new web site to report pot holes to DCC. When reported they should be repaired within four days, a new method for filling pot holes is being trailed in the Holsworthy area this is hoped to reduce costs.

5. County/ District Councillors items.i.Cllr King attended the Torrington Area Advisory meeting on the10th September the main topics where highways and broadband, in essence highways do not have enough money to complete all repairs that are necessary, some roads that are not well used are to be assessed and may be declassified. Superfast Broadband is improving, green boxes have to be installed in the villages to get a better services; other local villages have started having them installed. It is hoped to have them installed in St Giles within two years. When installed a company “Get up to Speed” will attend a community event to show people how to use various electronic devises i.e. ipad, notebooks etc.

15 attended the Deep Moor Liaison meeting held on Tuesday the 7th October; St Giles apologies were received, Cllr Boyd reported that the Deep Moor Energy Park application has been deferred until early next year, both DCC and Cllr Boyd object to the application. More sensors are to be installed around the Deep Moor site to assess aroma emissions. Another visit to Usk is being considered. The grants from the landfill tax are being utilised very well, each time the panel meet between £80-90 thousand pounds is released. Cllr Boyd reported that the Viridor planning is for a Porto cabin. Cllr Boyd had little to report from DCC, welfare reform is still being discussed;regarding Youth Services there is to one centre in each district. Torrington are in the process of bidding for the Children and Youth Services that are currently at the Bluecoat Centre.

, 6).Finance

i)Approve and sign the following cheques: -General Account,

246 / Plandscape / £74.21
247 / St Giles Parish Hall / £508.00
248 / Beaford PC / £395.00
249 / Roborough PC / £245.00
250 / Little Torrington PC / £373.00

It was agreed by all to sign the cheque.


ii. The second part of the precept has been received.

iii. A quote letter has been received from Plandscape this will be raised at the November Budget meeting

7.Planning P C recommendations TDC

ACB/DCC/3664/2014 / Construction of an Energy Park comprising a 3MWe Energy Recovery Facility; a recycling building; crop/wood drying or crop growing facility and 3MWe solar farm.
Extension of existing non hazardous and asbestos landfill until 31st December 2030; new internal access roads; offices and weighbridge; surface waterattenuation and other ancillary development, Deep Moor.
2014/OUT / Two Detached bungalows, land at rear of Cobs Web, High Bullen / Passed
1/0927/2014/FUL / Single storey side extension, Shepherd’s View St Giles / The plans were viewed; it was proposed and seconded to recommend approval.
ACB/DCC/3706/2014 / Provision of new single storey office building at Viridor Ltd, Deepmoor IVC site / No plans were available only a link, it was felt a paper copy would be more advantageous at a meeting.

8. Police Report,in the last 30 days there has been one crime reported, possession of indecent pictures, 2 calls were logged in the same period, 1 call reporting a suspect vehicle with a possible drink driver and 1 Road traffic collision.

9. Recreation Field Report, the play equipment is due to be painted, Cllr King has repaired certain areas, more work is needed before painting can commence.

10. Correspondence

i) The DALC AGM is on the 11th October at Westpoint.

ii). Healthwatch leaflets were distributed. There is a Freephone number 0800 520 0640 to give your views on Health care.

iii). A Devon Senior Voice has been received.

v). The Wicksteed report has been received Cllr Hookway will assess and report at the November meeting.

As there was no further business the meeting was closed.

Date of next meeting–:Wednesday12th November 7.30pmParish Council meeting.

….……………Chairman ……………………..……Date

Dates of forthcoming meeting: Wednesday 10th December,