English I – Katy High School – West Campus
Class Syllabus – Mr. Christopher Brown
Paraprofessional Ms. Norma Crawford
Contact Information
Mr. Christopher Brown Classroom #: (281) 237-6735
Room: West Campus Room D120 Email:
Conference period: 6th period (excluding Wednesdays)
English I Website:
Course Description
The focus of English I is a blend of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills with a multicultural tone woven throughout the literature. This course will include practice and reinforcement of language arts skills such as grammar, speech, composition, spelling, and vocabulary usage. Students will gather and use information, solve problems, create presentations, and develop communication skills with varied audiences. Students will also continue to refine their research skills to be applied to required projects.
Course Outcomes
Students will respond orally and in writing to information gained from reading and other sources.
Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.
Read, discuss, analyze, and critique various types of literature.
Students will develop and refine career-related communication skills.
Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations.
Students will expand their knowledge of the research process and practice proper techniques for utilizing resources.
Major grades: 55%
Quiz grades:30%
Daily grades:15%
Absences and Make-up Work:
It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain and complete work missed while absent from class.
Absences do affect school performance, as well as exemption eligibility for semester exams. If an absence is unavoidable, make-up work is ultimately the student’s responsibility. Students will earn zeros for make-up work not submitted according to KISD policy.
Students returning to class following an absence or tardy are responsible for finding out from the teacher what work is to be completed and a date for such a completion. Normally, two school days are allowed for each day absent. However, assignments done in class on the day a student is absent for a field trip or extracurricular activity are due at the next class meeting. Work assigned prior to the absence is due the day the student returns to class--including tests and papers. Before school, during class, or enrichment are the best times to complete make-up tests and quizzes.
Major grades [only] will be taken late, but the grade will be penalized in accordance with KISD policy as stated in the handbook.
Retest Policy- There will be not be an individual retest for each administered exam. Instead, a cumulative test will be given covering materials from each six week grading period. The cumulative test will be taken by all students and the grade will be weighted the same as all other test grades.
English I Team Rationale for the Cumulative Test Policy: English is by its very nature a cumulative subject. Without a proper foundation, the opportunity for success is greatly inhibited. Therefore, we have adopted a policy offering students time to master material and recapture points on their test grade, while not falling behind as the class moves forward. The policy has proven beneficial to students because it allows the student and teacher time to collaborate toward mastery of the material. This cumulative approach is also beneficial in preparation for future coursework as well as the English I End of Course Exam (EOC).
- The cumulative test will stand alone as its own test grade, and it will always be the final test of the six weeks.
- If the cumulative test is passed, all previous test grades of 69 or lower will be raised to a 70.
- If the cumulative test is NOT passed, then
- Any previous passing test grade remains the same.
- Any previous test failed by a grade less than the cumulative test will be replaced with the cumulative test grade.
- Any previous test grade greater than the cumulative test will remain the same.
1. Arrival to class on time – students will be in assigned seats when the bell rings.
2. Class Preparation – all materials listed below will be brought to class daily.
3. Students are to raise their hand and be recognized before speaking in class.
4. Respectfulness at all times – insubordination WILL NOT be tolerated on any level.
5. Students are expected to complete all assignments ON TIME.
6. Students will display maturity in class. Inappropriateness WILL NOT be tolerated.
1st Offense: A verbal warning will be given when a minor classroom or school rule is broken, unless the discipline code calls for a referral.
2nd Offense: The student will be instructed to time out and relocated from the rest of the
class; however, the student will continue to do his work and return to the group after 15
3th Offense: If the problem persists after being relocated, students will be given class detention,
which will be accompanied by a telephone call to the parent/ guardian. Failure to attend after school
detention will result to a referral. Students will have to schedule after class detention within one week of
the offense. All transportation must be made accordingly. IF STUDENTS ADHERE TO POLICIES,
4th Offense: If the problem persists after given a detention, a parent/ teacher conference
will be scheduled with the student.
Severe Clause: If the problem persists after a parent/ teacher conference or if an issue deserves immediate
attention from an administrator, a discipline referral will be given to the principal.
Conduct grades will reflect your child’s behavior and his/her positive contributions to class. You will be contacted if your child is in danger of earning a “U” in conduct.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES – The English I Team has created a cell phone procedure designed to help students focus on English by eliminating cell phone distractions. The English I team does not permit electronic devices to be seen or used without a teacher’s prior approval. Failure to comply with these expectations will result in the following consequences:
1st Offense:Warning
2nd Offense: Student conference with teacher; contact parent(s), coaches, and AP
3rd Offense:Parent contact and an “N” in conduct that six weeks (loss of English exemption)
4th Offense:Discipline referral to AP and a “U” in conduct (loss of all exemptions)
Severity Clause:Severe disruption/noncompliance will result in an automatic referral to the AP.
Testing Clause: If a phone is seen during a quiz or test, the student will receive a grade of ZERO along with the corresponding consequence listed above.
Teacher Discretion Clause (Mr. Brown): If a cell phone is not required for instruction, it will be placed in the cell phone storage area. Each student is given a number that correlates with his or her last name.
Students must store their phone in their storage pockets. If a cell phone is seen after class has started and has not been placed in the cell phone storage, the phone will be confiscated accompanied with an appropriate consequence.
I encourage you to talk to your student about developing good learning habits and abiding by the cell phone procedure in English. I appreciate your support.
This year we will address writing skills, grammar, mechanics, STAAR equivalent preparation, vocabulary, spelling, and literature. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Enrichment periods to obtain additional help, tutoring, and to complete makeup work. Students must request a pass from the teacher they wish to see during their Enrichment period. Before and after school tutoring is also available.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Tuesday/Thursday Enrichment periods to obtain additional help, tutoring, and to complete makeup work. Students must request a pass from the teacher they wish to see during Enrichment period. After school tutoring will be available Monday - Thursday from 2:45pm- 3:30pm and morning tutoring Monday-Thursday 6:50am- 7:20am. Parents are responsible for their student’s transportation and it must be arranged prior to the tutorial session.
Plagiarism is stealing. Whenever you borrow a phrase, sentence, paragraph—or even an idea stated in your own words—from any outside source (news writing, magazine, TV show, book) without giving credit to that source, you have plagiarized. Plagiarism is cheating yourself and someone else.
Consequences of Cheating and Plagiarizing:
• First offense: student gets a ZERO and parents are contacted. The grade may not be made up.
• Second offense: student gets aZERO and is referred for disciplinary action. The grade may not be made up.
Students are expected to organize their English notebook and writing portfolio. They will be responsible for all worksheets, notes, or packets that are passed out in class. Remember that late work, including work that has been left in lockers, is NOT acceptable. Students will earn ZEROS for assignments not submitted on time. Excused absences and school related activities will be accepted per Katy ISD policy.
Each student is expected to save all of his/her assignments and notes in a safe place at home. Semester exams are a cumulative assessment, and the previously completed notes and assignments are essential for the exam preparation. Parents, check with your kids before throwing away old school papers!! These exams count as a huge percentage of their semester average.
Semester exams for high school credit courses may not be given prior to the actual scheduled test date/time. Any exception for unique extenuating circumstances must be approved by principal/administrative designee and the approved alternate time should fall within the published district time window for semester exams.
Missed semester exams must be made up within a two-week period. Missed first semester exams must be made up within the first two weeks of the fourth grading period. Missed second semester exams must be made up within the first two weeks following the last day of school for the year. Extenuating circumstances are to be discussed with the grade level principal. A grade of zero will be given on semester exams if not made up by the deadline.
A class calendar is given to every student at the beginning of each six weeks. This same calendar is posted on the school website under English I for Mr. Brown. The calendar shows dates for tests, quizzes, and major projects. Most homework is shown on the calendar, but anything not finished in class is also considered homework unless the teacher informs students that it is not. Please note that the calendar is subject to change since the needs of the students dictate the pacing of actual instruction.
English I – Katy High School – West CampusClass Syllabus – Mr. Christopher Brown
Paraprofessionals Ms. Norma Crawford
As a student, I have read the syllabus and expectations for English I. I understand my responsibilities in English I are my own and they will foster my success in Mr. Brown’s class.
Student Signature / ______
As a parent, I have read the syllabus and expectations for my student’s English I class. I will support Mr. Brown’s syllabus and invest in my child’s learning so that he/she can be successful this academic term.
Parent Signature / Date
Comments and Concerns:
PRINT Student Name:
Teacher’s Name: / Mr. Christopher Brown English I Academic
PLEASE SIGN & RETURN BY August 29, 2014