Date Monday August 24th 2015, Repatriation General Hospital
2. Apologies / Amie Threadgold
3. AGM 2013 Minutes / Approved :Jane English, Seconded: Meg Ingman
4. Correspondence / Nil
5. Please note all reports will be available for viewing on our website
5.1 President’s Report
Christine Aldridge /
- Welcome and thanks to members/committee
- Key Committee Developments
- Thankyou
- Presidents report 2015
- Your committee have had a very busy year since our last AGM.
- We have held 5 successful networking and educational events including tonights programme.
- Just a recap :
- Half Day Seminar at the Keswick Army Barracks in November 2014( 100 attendees)
- Bipartisan Event held in Mount Gambier , at Commodore on the Park, April 2015.( 50 attendees)
- Bariatric Educational evening at QEH March 2015, where Dr Lynne Rainey spoke on Pre and intraoperative considerations for the bariatric patient and Peter Teekins spoke on Work , Health and Safety in relation to Bariatric patients ( 80 attendees)
- June 2015 we visited Modbury Hospital for the first time and held an event on the Friday night due to speaker availability. Dr Ben Teague spoke about Lap Chole and inguinal hernia repair as a day case, followed by Dr Lynda D zouza providing an update on Post operative nausea nad vomiting management.( 50 attendees)
- We have opted not to hold an event in November but instead, encourage you all to attend the NAtional conference being held Oct 17th and 18th on the Gold coast. Some of you may like to approach your place of work to ask for Professional Development financial assistance. The National Committee is also offering a chance to apply for financial assistance as well, so consider going to the DSNASA webpage for this information.
- We have maintained our website, and facebook page. We experimented with uploadaing a video cast of the Bariatric evening with links to this on our webpage and facebook page, however despite this we have only had one person view a portion of this video.
- We have strengthened our financial position and our treasurer will explain all this to you.
- Our representation on the National Committee has continued
- As a Committee we have learnt a lot about booking event venues and speakers, to our advantage, with roll on effects to our members in the years ahead.
- Looking to the future, the remaining committee members have great experience and lots of ideas, however we do need some new volunteers on the committee in order for us to succeed.
6.Treasurer’s Report
Meg Ingman / Meg Ingman presented the Treasurer’s report
Moved: Christine Aldridge Seconded : Kylie Page
Opening Balance at as 1/07/2014: $20,947.91
Incoming Receipts
PayPal Registrations and Events:$ 12301.30
Membership$ 2775.00
Trade Membership$ 3000.00
Event Registration $ 285.00
Sales$ 850.00
Sundry$ 3.00
Interest$ 6.87
Total$ 19518.17
Bank Fees$ 16.00
Event Expenses$ 4378.41
ADSNA$ 0.00
Signage$ 460.00
Stationary and Miscellanous$ 70.56
Sundry$ 354.60
Audit Fee$ 440.00
Total$ 5719.57
Net Receipt and Expenses$ 13798.60
Police Credit union acc$27319.85
Paypal Acc$ 7426.66
AS per GK Accounting, the financial statements present fairly in Accordance with accounting standards as of August 21st 2015. / Treasurer’s report to be accepted.
Auditors report available
Report in AGM presentation.
Meg Ingman
9. ADSNA Report – / Activities of the ADSNA Committee
There are 2 committee members from each state which makes up the ADSNA National Committee.
The Committee have been finalising the National Conference being held at the Marriot on the Gold Coast: Oct 17th /18th. Please consider registering for this event early bird registration closes on August 31st.
Tasmania have closed.
Australian Day Surgery Council have folded Feb 2015
ADSNA and Australian Day Hospital Association now share representation on the International Association of Ambulatory Surgery.
Our national president gets to represent day surgery nurses best interests and attend the Coalition of National Nursing OrganisationsADSNA committee meet every 3 months, usually between SA and Victoria to keep travel costs down.
All state and national committee members travel to other state conferences to lend a hand, network and share ideas to increase membership and improve our planning towards educational activities.
National sponsorship to attend state or national conferences is offered and we encourage you to visit the website to have a look
National Guidelines remain for sale, we did encounter some trouble with delivery of these this year, however with a change in Treasurer this problem has now been resolved
Publications include 4 e-newsletters and 2 journals per year.
Reviewing constitution and policy development next year
2017: ADSNA hope to hold the National Conference here!! / Christine Aldridge
10. Committee members – Completing and ongoing
Christine Aldridge / :Meg Ingman: stepping down as Treasurer
Jo Bartram: stepping down as General Committee Member
Christine Aldridge: 6th year, Jane English: 6th year, Amie Threadgold: 2nd Year, Kylie Page,2nd Year.
11.Election of new Committee members
a) Nominations received / Nominations Received
Bronwyn Glitheroe: Moved Angie Tomlin Seconded: Meg Ingman
Alexandra Eckert: Moved : Jo Bartram Seconded: Grant Williams
12. New Business: /
- Nil
Meeting close at:2030 Thankyou for all in attendance