Agenda for Committee meeting 11th January Thursday 7.00pm Phone Hook-up
Read Previous Meeting Minutes
Attendees; Andrew Terrey (AT) G Crowhurst (GC ) Stephen Hollier (SH) B) Rohan McCoy (RM) Mal Emmerton (ME)
- In attendance: Tony Nixon (TN)
Apologies: N. French (NF)
Motion : Correction to the minutes from Nov 6th Minutes, from profit to loss of $10,000 over the year 2017. ME, Second SH.
Motion : Accept Minutes as suitable to display on website once correction has been made.ME, Second SH
Business Arising from the Minutes
- Uniform - Any amounts owed by FITA to us will be recovered. TN to investigate and organise: FITA has not kept good records of transactions this year as they have lost the hard copies. There have been a lot of double up orders sent. TN has done a considerable amount of work on their behalf. We have received some goods but there are no records covering these goods. It is impossible to itemise the exact amount either owed by them or by us. In that respect considering the amount of work done by TN then we terminate the arrangement and leave it at that. To inform Hockey NSW CEO of the transactions. Emails to be sent to FITA and Hockey NSW AT to act.
- Discussion re alternative strips and training top to be used as an alternative strip as per AMHC direction. Suggestion we search a sponsor for the training shirt a number of suggestions as to who to approach were made. Address later in meeting. A number of organisations suggested. ? First State Super/ Pillar Financials. Secretary to approach the organisation. Offer for both playing shirt and training shirt. Secretary to approach company representative.
- Delegates Meeting - Noted that the motion on player numbers does not reflect the motion passed at the meeting of only 16 field players and one or two goalies. Both of which must be kitted up. AT to Write to AMHC re this.Not yet done.
- Player Nominations - Tick box on our nomination form to be added to state that players will adhere to FIH Code of Conduct at Nationals and have a link FIH Code of Conduct on the form and our website. NOT YET DONE. New electronic player nomination being checked for use this year. ME to act.
- Fred Sewell Award and Player of the Year. Umpires manager to be contacted re Fred Sewell award, further action taken.Scott O’Brien to receive the award. Will be presented at NSW awards. Also Player’s Player Award for 2017 goes to Stuart Fletcher from over 35’s. Both awards to be presented at Hockey NSW Awards Night in March 2018. Recipients to be contacted and Hockey NSW GC to act
- AGM- Separate Item later in the meeting
Business arising from Correspondence
- Nil
Business arising from Planning Day
- Actions list attached to email and previously circulated. Discussion on Progress. ME: NEWCASTLE unavailable for Saturday for State Training.List being worked on.
- Motion – to Approve Planning Day Minutes .Proposed ME, seconded SH.
- Discussion re future committee members. AT To approach a couple of potential nominees.
Ordinary Business
- Chairman’s reportNil report.
- Treasurer’sreport:Hobart bill for bus hire is not included yet. RM to contact Margaret Kristaly re these bills. Appears to be about a $10K loss for the year. We have stock valued at about $11K in hand.
- RH to do a budget to prevent a loss this year.
- RH proposed increase to Team levy for state Championships to $800. passed
- Secretary’s Report NIL
- AMHC Delegates Report: Next championship. AT FNC . HA announcement earlier.Masters' Men's Australian Championship
- The 2018 Masters' Men's Australian Championship will take place in Lismore and Ballina from Friday 21 September - Saturday 6 October.
- Coordinator report
- Lismore : accommodation discussed, received spreadsheet today,discussed, TN to sort out terms of deposits
- Next age Championship Not yet discussed. Advanced Nominations to be asked for. GC to Act.
General business
- Uniform – new design available for AGM?
- What to change SH and TN to continue to organise and Meet with supplier
- Training Shirt : discussed.
- Nominations – player and Teams – Electronic using Revolution website software : TN to discuss with DB re progress on computer. Also mentioned that Revolutionize can do this. Able to put own criteria into system for nominations. ME to look into this and report in two weeks.
- Agenda - standard.
- Awards send out requests to Associations – check deadlines and dates. Send deadlines to associations Proxies : to chase up associations for proxies or attendance.
- GC to send committee list of Associations to Contact re proxy votes.
- All Associations to be contacted GC to Act
- Items on Dead line list to be followed
- Charter changes –No changes to Charter to be proposed b the committee.
- Nominations and Elections – Committee nominees to be invited by committee .
- Dead lines as per Charter – List to be circulated to Committee and Associations GC to Act
- General business:
- 1. Request of by a player to be taken off selection spreadsheet. Agreed.
- 2. Ten and 20 year recipients. Plaques to be organised.TN to Act
- 3. Player of the year Award. The award to be same as previous year. TN to Act
Set Next Meeting Date AGM 17th Feb
Meeting Closed at. 8:21 pm.