December 2, 2009 Room 7096
Introduction of Members and Guests
Attendees: Skip Slade, Charles Cohen, Mark Blustein (’10), Zach Mazur (’10), Nancy Nichols, Ann Marie DiIorio, Pat Kintz, Dave Wilms, Dana Falsteel, Jeff Grossberg, Tyler Lancaster (’10), Andelyn Russell (’12), Pat Gregory, David Jacobson, Myoung Hyun (Michael) Kim (’12), Gary Novak, Barry Orgeran, Terry Moons, Merv Roberts, Sandy Wiczer, Mark Michelini
- John (“Skip”) Slade of Aldridge Electric in Libertyville
Author of “Adirondack Green,” about wind turbines and clean energy
Mentioned “Vestas,” the #1, government-backed company in the world, based in Randers, Denmark, formed in 1973 as a result of the oil embargo; its blade factory is in China.
He wants to see energy revolution and renaissance of education/thinking, a global way of thinking
Discussed US wind farms in Minnesota, Southern California, and Colorado, with manufacturers in India, China, and Denmark, respectively
80% of Danish turbines are owned by farmers, communities, and citizens
Between 20-25% is wind-provided energy, 75% is natural gas & fossil fuel
Farmland can have $6,400/yr. income per wind turbine, requiring 50-foot diameter
Ireland is building the world’s largest off-shore wind farm, with towers set five miles out. “That’s economic recovery!”
- Reports from Clubs
Dave Wilms -
Freshmen Carbon Footprint Presentation, January 20, 2010, featuring guest speaker Michael Afima. Students will be given a pre-test, have the program, and then a follow-up test.
Green Team Club was approved, for dissemination of the Green Committee
Went to Village of Lincolnshire for consideration of a medium-sized wind turbine, possibly for west side of PAC; big vertical wall, then placed horizontally
May have a night activity for Green Team making an analysis of light usage
Consider the uses of water here on campus
Don Carmichael -
Recycle Week is (usually) the 2nd week in January
- Update on LEED Certification Process
Mark Michelini -
- OWP&P November 20 Policy Phase of LEED Certification (USGPC Templates) Meeting
Designated four teams, with Green Committee members allocated
Team # 1 Site Management next mtg.: Weds., 12/9
Team # 2 Purchasing PoliciesWeds., 12/16
Team # 3 Mechanical SystemsWeds., 1/6
Team # 4 Maintenance Services Weds., 1/13
- Sub-Committee/Team Assignments - please make member changes as desired, notify Mark, and attend the meetings (!) -- all to be held at 3:45pm in the Admin. Bldg.
- A big thank you to the teachers of AP Environmental and their students, and Barry, for doing the studies/activities
- Pre-Group Activity comments
Dave Wilms - it would be nice to get Chemistry (AP) teachers involved, and also Business and Architect teachers (not just Environmental teachers)
Charles Cohen - it should be more than science class participants
It affects the humanities: it’s a value issue
The kids might not be “AP” science level
Don Carmichael - Directors should ask the Core Leaders to incorporate the LEED initiatives
Merv Roberts - “Be pro-active”
- Group Activity - How to Promote/Target the Green Initiatives
General discussion
Educate the faculty/staff and have it filter down to the students
How to recycle/What to recycle
Sustainability ideas in the curriculum, i.e. Spanish class
Have a designated Staff Development meeting and dedicate 45 minutes to address the initiatives
Input from meeting with College of Lake County
Story Boards
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Morning Announcements - Videos
School Newspaper
CLC Website
School of Sustainability