From:Lori Eisenberg <
Date:January 14, 2018 at 1:34:20 PM EST
To:"" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <
Subject:Project at 900 King Street
Mayor Rosenberg and Members of the Board of Trustees,
My husband and I are writing with concerns about theproposed project at 900 King Street. We moved to The Arbors a few years ago because of the sense of community and quality schools. We have a 3-year old daughter. Her safety and well-being are out number 1 priority. We urge you to take into consideration the issues outlined by the Arbors board and other community members to ensure that proper analysis is completed and alternatives are explored.
I have seen first hand, when seniors reject school taxes and proposals because it has no impact on them. I have seen valuable programs being stripped away. It is not the most conducive environment for learning and could impact school ratings and ultimately property values.
In terms of congestion, there is already considerable traffic at peak times. A development of 269 units, along with the various workers to be employed at the facility, will generate greater traffic congestion along King Street, along Arbor Drive, and near the Blind Brook MS/HS, Fire Station, and Village Hall. Alternatives need to be considered that will not negatively impact the existing traffic, commute times and access to emergency services.
Our final concern is related to safety during construction. During the 3 year project, what safety precautions will be put into place? What will be done to ensure the safety of children waiting for buses or walking to school? How will we avoid power outages and service disruption?
This is a beautiful, thriving, young community. Please keep that in mind before moving forward.
Thank you,
Lori & Steve Sontag
191 Ivy Hill Crescent