Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading

Program and Annual Meeting

Metro Centre Convention Center, Room 201A/B, 2:00-4:45 (Reception Following)

Toronto, 2007

Organizer and Chairing: Gerry Coffman, Emporia State University, OTER President.

Keynote Speaker: Diane Nielsen, University of Kansas, Past-President of OTER

“The Language and Reading Connection: Research and Application in Reading Methods Courses”

Round Table Presentations – Strand A

1.Using Online Texts and Information Trade Books to Teach Science Concepts in Primary Classrooms

Speakers: Beverly Boulware, University of Texas at Arlington

Judy Reinhartz, University of Texas at El Paso

2.Recommendations for Combining Best Practices in Literacy with Cultural and Social Interactions for the Enhanced Academic Achievement of Hispanic Students

Speakers: Marsha Grace, University of Texas A& M – Corpus Christi

Tina Ybarra, Education Service Center, Corpus Christi

3.A Pedagogy of Promise: Role Play in Reading Teacher Education

Speakers: Kathy Grant, Winston-Salem State University

Cassaundra El-Amin, Winston-Salem State University

4.Teaching Grammar without Sacrificing Reading and Writing

Speakers: Sandra Hoffman, Millersville University

Donna Topping, Millersville University

5.High School Teachers Reflect on the Value of Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas

Speaker: Mary Kay Moskal, St. Mary’s College

6.Getting Started: First Grade Students’ Written Responses to Literature

Speaker: Ruth Short, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

7.Partnerships with Public Schools: A Transformative Experience

Speakers: Kathleen Quinn, Holy Family University

Helen Hoffner, Holy Family University

8.The Literacy Coach: Defining the Roles and Responsibilities

Speakers: Melissa Reed, Emporia State University

Dawn Moews, Emporia State University

9.The Effects of Using Action Research as an Alternative Supervision Model

Speaker: Ginger Modla, La Salle University

10.Teaching Thoughtful Literacy: Using the Critical Reading Inventory as the Basis for Differentiating Instruction

Speakers: Joanne DeBoy, Lincoln University

Mary DeKonty Applegate, St. Joseph’s University

Round Table Presentations – Strand B

1.Bridging the Justification Gap in Electronic Literacy Portfolios

Speakers: Adrienne Sosin, Adelphi University

Susan Eichenholtz, Adelphi University

Miriam Pepper-Sanello, Adelphi University

2.From Peasant to Princess: Experiencing the Magic of Children’s Trade Books in Teaching Mathematics

Speaker: Eula Monroe, Brigham Young University
3.Teaching Reading to Students with Hidden Disability: Traumatic Brain Injury

Speaker: Lori Mann, Emporia State University

4.Learning to Teach Reading in a Summer Camp for Children At-Risk: Preservice Teachers, Master's, and Doctoral Students in an Innovative Collaborative Project

Speakers: Janet Richards, University of South Florida

Kim Shea, University of South Florida

Coleen Sam, University of South Florida

Lorna Cole, University of South Florida
5.Vision and Reading

Speakers: Anita McClain, Pacific University

Ann Matschiner, Pacific University
6.Collection and Critical Selection as Metaphors for the Development of Literacy Teacher Expertise

Speakers: Richard Speaker, University of New Orleans

Margaret Dermody, Tulane University

Elizabeth Willis, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge

Penelope Speaker, Holy Rosary Academy, University of New Orleans

7.Adding the Literacy Coach to the Reading Specialist: IRA Standards with Performance Assessments

Speaker: Kathleen Sanders, Fort Hays State University

8.Integrating Myriad Books into the Curriculum

Speaker: Jeanie Burnett, Kutztown University

9.On a Journey to Become Teachers of Literacy: A Case Study of Preservice Teachers in Title I Schools

Speakers: Maura Santiago, University of South Florida

Kimberly Schwartz, University of South Florida

Round Table Presentations – Strand C

1.Students’ Culture and Reading Curriculum: When Shall the Two Meet?

Speakers: Cynthia Moredock, Florida International University

Lisbeth Dixon-Krauss, Florida International University

2.Modeling Phonics Strategies for Preservice Teachers: Can the Octopus Doctor Help?

Speaker: Mary Laub, Kutztown University

3.Hiroshima: Learning Through the Heart and Soul

Speaker: Lisa Schonberger, Kutztown University

4.What Do You Mean by That? The Acquisition of New Words and Their Multiple Meanings

Speakers: Jane Rudden, Millersville University

Leslie Colabucci, Millersville University
5.Using Literature Circles to Improve the Social Skills and Reading Skills of 4th Grade Students

Speaker: Eva Garin, Bowie State University
6.Scaffolding Students’ Writing Through Children’s Literature: A Teaching for Understanding Perspective

Speakers: Angela Salmon, Florida International University

Carmen Medrano, Florida International University

Debra Pane, Florida International University
7.Integrating Fine Arts with Language Arts

Speaker: Merribeth Bruning, Ouachita Baptist University
8.Putting Content Area Reading Strategies to Work: Grades 1-9

Speaker: Sandra Chambers, Kutztown University

9.Asian Children’s Books: Enhancing and Promoting World Culture through Recent Quality Children’s Books

Speaker: Irene Allen, Eastern Michigan University

10.Future Reading Coaches’ Dispositions: Research on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Reading

Speakers: Joyce Fine, Florida International University

Lynne Miller, Florida International University

Helen Robbins, Florida International University

Lynn Yribarren, Florida International University