6 - B Graphing Calculator: Day 1 Instructions
Things to check first time you use calculator:
(1) MODE:make sure 1st column all selected (dark)
(2) 2nd FORMAT:make sure 1st column all selected (dark)
(3) Hit y= key in top left corner. Clear out any functions presently in the calculator and make sure no PLOTSare dark (if they are, arrow on top and hit ENTER)
Enter into y1 : x2 - 2x - 8 (the x key is beside ALPHA key and is x,t,ө,n)
Now hit ZOOM 6 to see the graph.
Now hit TRACE. (This produces a cursor on the screen so you can trace the curve.)
Using arrow keys, go to the zero (crossing) furthest to left on x-axis--find y that’s closest to 0)
** To find the zeros:
Hit2nd CALC 2
Then hit one left arrow andENTER
Then hit two right arrows andENTER
Then hit one left arrowandENTER
The zero should be at the bottom of the screen (it should be -2). The y value should either be 0exactly or should be a scientific notation number which is the equivalent of zero, like 2E-12.
Once you find this x value and write it down, hit TRACE again and go to zero that’s furthest to the right on the x-axis and repeat the process listed above (get 4). Answer is {-2. 4}.
(Factoring the equation gives (x+2) (x-4)=0 which gives -2 and 4!!)
Try again with this equation: y = 1 - 4x - x2 Answer should be _{-4.24, 0.24}_
Homework: Find the zeros (list in a set in order) Round to nearest hundredth.
1. y= x2 + 5x - 36. y = 5 - 4x - 2x2
2. y = 7 + 3x - x27. y = x2 - 2x - 5
3. y = x2 - 8x + 88. y = 6 + 6x - 3x2
4. y = 1 - 8x - 2x29. y = 5x2 + 10x - 5
5. y = 3x2 - 12 x + 710. y = - 4 + 16x - 4x2