DofE silvers-Could all silver pupils going out next Friday (24th June) on expedition please attend a short meeting in B39 (Miss Tullis) this Friday 17th at 1.15pm. Thanks

Drum lessons/lost property - a black school jumper was left in the drum room this week. Please collect from the music department. (HW)

Cycle challenge meeting Pupils participating in the cycle challenge should meet at the PE classroom (B35) on Friday at 1.15.

North Athletics – Could any pupils yet to pay entry and bus fees for the North Athletics Championships please arrange payment with Mr Davis by Friday this week. (AD)

Table Tennis Exhibition – Elgin Academy will be welcoming two former Commonwealth Games Table Tennis players to the school on Friday lunchtime. Former EA pupil and Scottish International, Niall Cameron, will be joined by his Welsh counterpart Stephen Gertsen for a demonstration of top class Table Tennis. This is a fantastic opportunity to see some top athletes in action. Come along to the Gym from 1:00pm. (AD)

The Big Euro 16 Quiz - Do not miss this today! In the library at 1.20pm. Twenty questions, all on Euro 16, with lots of extras, from Mr Baker. Test yourself or just come along for the fun. In the library, from 1.20pm.

Friday Favourites Friday Favourites Today, the question is: If you were transported to the setting of a book, where would it be? Pick up the pen on the flip chart as you pass the library door and share!




SDS Career Interviews with Pearl Thatcher – Monday 20 June in G42

P2 Alex MacKenzie, P3 Millie Hewett, P4 Kelsie Custer, P5 Brandy Constable, P6 Kyle Robson.

S4,S5, S6– SCHOOL BLAZERS Should anyone wish to purchase a School Blazer, sample sizes are available to try on in the Bridge (beside Reception) during lunch time only. Please note that there are girls and boys sizing samples – girls are navy blue and boys are black. Sizes are labelled on the sleeves and the labels must not be removed. Please clearly write your orderon the relevant form.Blazers are £20.00 – please make payment to school office when ordering. If you have any queries, please speak to Mrs Cox (Room B63 – Reprographics)Many Thanks.

Glasgow Caledonian Open Days – Wednesday 7 September 2016 from 10am-4pm and Saturday 8 October 2016 from 11 am – 3pm. To register your place, please visit (CF)