Lord Street C.P. School
Behaviour Policy
This policy was reviewed in October 2016
The policy was ratified in November 2016
Chair of Governors:______Date:______
This policy is reviewed by the raising attainment committee.
Lord Street Primary Behaviour Policy
Our school policy consolidates the important role parents have in teaching their children about ways of behaving. Parents will have taught their child to respect other people’s feelings and property. Our school policy supports and consolidates the attitudes, courtesies and disciplined behaviour which children begin at home.
- Ensure that the whole school is a calm, safe and orderly environment which allows all children to learn.
- Ensure that positive behaviour is rewarded and inappropriate behaviour is dealt with firmly and fairly.
- Ensure that all stakeholders understand the rationale for positive behaviour management.
- This policy has been compiled with reference to a range of documents: DFE guidance on behaviour; the school’s safeguarding policy; equal opportunities guidance; and, SEN legislation.
School Code of Conduct
The school’s code of conduct is very simple and very clear:
- Always walk
- Always listen and follow instructions
- Always treat others and their things carefully
Specific School Powers
To ensure that school discipline is maintained, staff have the following statutory rights:
- To discipline pupils for misbehaviour within school. In our school the headteacher may employ the right to discipline children for misbehaviour outside of school, for example: to and from school; on a school trip or visit; or where children have been seen to bring the school into disrepute.
- To issue after school detentions without parental consent, but providing 24 hours written notice (in Lord Street this is through the text messaging service).
- To use reasonable force to prevent pupils injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.However,corporal punishment is illegal and force is not used as a punishment. Examples of reasonable force include:
- Leading a disruptive child out of the class;
- Restraining a child who is trying to hurt another child, or a member of staff;
- Standing in the way of a child trying to leave the classroom;
- Holding a child who is trying to damage property.
- To confiscate, retain or dispose of a pupil’s property as a punishment. Staff members are not liable for any damage, or loss, of any confiscated items.
In addition the senior leadership team as nominated staff have the following statutory right:
- To searchpupils without consent for weapons, knives, alcohol, illegal drugs and stolen items. Weapons and knives must be handed over to the police. In Lord Street this will be undertaken by a senior leader with another member of staff present.
- To search pupils with consent for items deemed inappropriate by school. However, if a child does not consent the member of staff can impose a sanction. Searching includes ‘outer’ clothing, school bags and the child’s tray.
Wave 1 Provision
The focus of Wave 1 provision is to make strong relationships which make children feel safe and secure
As further guidance please refer to Andy Griffith’s – The Little Book of Behaviour Development (Osiris Publication)
Teaching & Learning / Relationships / Routines / RewardsLearning Environment
- The classroom environment should be clean and clutter-free.
- Examples of pupil’s work should be celebrated in the classroom.
- Displays must support learning.
- Each classroom must have a WAGOLL – ‘What a good one looks like’
- Be positive and act like you expect children to make the right choices
- Make 10 explicit positive comments for every one directive.
- Praise with touch, e.g. pat on the shoulder, elbow or head.
- Praise non-verbally, e.g. wink, a smile, a ‘thumbs-up’, etc
- Reinforce expectations at the beginning of sessions
- Devise a clear seating plan
- Each new term begins with assembly on expectations at 9.00am
- Display a visual timetable
- Cue children for changes to routine
- Explicitly praise children
- Provide child with a sticker or CIA token (children collect CIAs to ‘buy’ prizes)
- Move children active learners to ‘star’ status
- Class tokens awarded for whole class prizes
- Expect children to set work out appropriately
- From nursery onwards children are taught how to form letters in accordance with the school scheme.
- Children are expected to present work neatly. From Y2 upwards work is dated and underlined.
- Use a calm tone of voice.
- Use calm body language
- Treat children with respect
- Monitor classroom movement carefully
- Pupils expected to walk from carpet to seats and vice versa
- Pupils move individually or a group at a time
- Pupils to move in silence.
- Pupils to remain ‘on-task’.
- Tell parents at the end of the day that behaviour has been good
- Children with stars at the end of the day receive golden CIA (5 tokens) and parents sent a text.
Use of Assessment
- Use APPs to shape MTPs and ensure the pitch of learning is correct.
- Use humour to diffuse tense situations with self-deprecation
- Divert or distract the child with a different topic or activity.
- Pupils expected to move on the left hand side
- Pupils expected to move in silence
- (See expectations for exiting class)
- ‘Star of the week’ certificate for active learners.
- Certificate for children who have achieved their targets
- 30 minutes of golden time
Lesson Delivery
- Learning objectives and success criteria are to be made explicit to pupils
- The input must include modelling, questioning and discussion.
- Teaching tasks must use a variety of approaches (VAK).
- A teacher’s voice is a teaching tool.
- The pace of teaching must be brisk.
- Use signalled ignoring. Ignore the child when they are misbehaving but praise them as soon as they make the right choice.
- Use proximity praise. Encourage appropriate behaviour by praising the behaviour of adjacent children
- Duty staff must be outside 2 minutes early to receive children.
- Staff dismiss children standing by the door
- One child at a time is allowed to go to the toilet (blue band)
- Children go straight outside
- Children receiving 10 stars allowed a choice of activities on Always day
- Star of the half-term awarded a certificate
Independent Learning
- Tasks should be engaging and pitched at an appropriate level.
- Children should be expected to remain ‘on-task’ and apply strategies for independent learning.
- Refer to success criteria through the lesson.
- End instructions with ‘thank you’ and walk away
- Provide ‘take-up’ time after instructions have been given.
- Children allowed to enter school if they have a yellow band
- Staff must be present to receive children on corridors
- Quiet music played upon entry (Mozart)
- Children on 20 stars allowed to choose an activity.
- Star of the term awarded a certificate
Formative Marking
- Work should always be marked (in the school handwriting scheme) against learning objectives, success criteria and targets
- All marked work should identify two or three strengths and one area for improvement
- Strengths should be highlighted (using green)
- Written comments should relate to the area for improvement.
- All children are expected to respond to marking.
- Attending to the child (checking-in)
- Use of transitional objects
- Use of mindfulness – ‘I’ll be thinking about you today.
- Reassure child using appropriate touch
- Offer food/drink (often symbolic)
- Use breathing exercises and relaxation techniques
- Classes brought after 2.50pm will not be admitted
- Children brought into the hall with a designated line order
- Children remain standing until the class teacher raises their arm
- Governor prize for each class
- Citizenship prize for 1 Y6 child
Target Setting
- Targets must be specific and quantified
- Children are presented with regular opportunities to achieve their target through independent tasks, guided work and whole class activities.
- All teachers are expected to monitor progress towards targets.
- Remind the child of the desired behaviour
- Remind the child of inevitable consequence of their choices
- Offer choices which encourage the child to make the right choice.
- Provide a ‘face-saving’ option
- Make the environment safer.
- Staff lead children out of school
- Class teacher leads the class to the main yard
Wave 2 Provision
The focus of Wave 2 provision is to build on the provision in Wave 1 with an Individual Behaviour Plan and make strong relationships which make children feel safe and secure
Behavioural Targets / Monitoring / Strategies / Agencies- Choose 2 or 3 SMART targets as the focus for behavioural modification
- Discuss behaviour with child and explain IBP is support for the child
- Devise a monitoring chart for the child which is age and behaviour appropriate
- Involve the child in the design of the chart
- Show parents at the end of each day
- Involve the child in deciding motivational rewards.
- Devise a menu of rewards the child can choose from.
- Discuss objectives with parents who sign the IBP
- Inform the SENCO who will monitor the IBP
Wave 3 Provision
Wave 3 provision builds on all good practice of Waves 1 and 2.
Class Teacher / SENCO & SLT / External Agencies- Continues with all good practice from Wave 1 and 2.
- NB it is essential for Wave 3 that there is clear evidence of provision at Waves 1 and 2.
- SENCO refers the child to Behaviour Support
- SENCO observes child in class
- SENCO refers to EPS
- SENCO compiles evidence for statutory assessment
- SENCO review IBP strategies
- SENCO devises ‘reduced’ timetable to allow child opportunity to achieve
- SLT allocates additional TA support
- SLT may decide to use additional sanctions – leadership or weekend detentions
- Behaviour Support Services (8133)
- Educational Psychologist (8060)
- Social Services (01942 634625)
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
- Targeted Youth Support (2232)
- Horwich Police (07740 358766
- Parents-in-Partnership (848722)
- Special Needs Under Fives
Consequences for Behaviour
Behaviour / Years 1-3 Consequence / Years 4 -6 ConsequenceBehaviour for Learning /
- Failure to complete tasks
- Failure to follow instruction
- Unsafe movement
- Refusal to work
- 1stincident - verbal warning (loss of 5 minutes golden time)
- 2nd incident - Time Out 5 minutes
- Sanction can be applied a number of times.
- However, if this happens frequently the child will require WAVE 2 intervention
- 1stincident - verbal warning (loss of 5 minutes golden time)
- 2nd incident - Time Out 10 minutes
- Sanction can be applied a number of times.
- However, if this happens frequently the child will require WAVE 2 intervention
- Defiance
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Stealing/intent to steal
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- Detention
- Reparation – letter of apology
- Leaving classroom without consent
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- 1 day isolation from class
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Minor vandalism (books, stationery, etc)
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – replace item
- Detention
- Reparation – replace the item
- Damaging school property (furniture, etc.)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation –lunch x1 (assisting with various duties) and payment for damage
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation –lunch x1 (assisting with various duties) and payment for damage
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- Preventing the whole class from learning
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- Absconding
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- Carrying offensive weapons to school
- 5 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Involvement of the police
- 5 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Involvement of the police
- Carrying banned items in school
- Lunch detention
- Detention
Behaviour Towards Pupils /
- Telling lies or getting others into trouble
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- Detention
- Reparation – letter of apology
- Name calling or teasing
- Playtime detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- Playtime detention
- Reparation – letter of apology
- Verbal abuse towards pupils (including threats)
- Lunch detention
- Reparation – verbal apology
- Detention
- Reparation – letter of apology
- Swearing
- 1 day isolation from class
- Reparation – letter of apology
- 1 day isolation from class
- Reparation – letter of apology
- Physical abuse (fighting)
- Lunch Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Bullying
- Lunch Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Play fighting
- Immediate removal of play
- Serious physical abuse
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- Racial abuse
- Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- Persistent bullying
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
Behaviour Towards Staff /
- Rudeness to staff (inc. answering back)
- 1st occasion – loss of golden time
- 2nd occasion –Lunch Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- 1st occasion – loss of golden time
- 2nd occasion - Detention
- Reparation – lunch x1
- Swearing at adults
- 1 day isolation
- Reparation – lunch x1
- (2nd occasion results in at least 2 day’s exclusion)
- At least 2 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Reparation – letter of apology and lunch x2
- Threats or malicious allegation against adults
- 2 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Reparation – lunch x2
- 2 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Reparation – lunch x2
- Physical attack on staff
- 5 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Reparation - letter of apology, lunch (to be determined by HT)
- 5 day exclusion (possible PX)
- Reparation - letter of apology, lunch (to be determined by HT)
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