Creating a 4 page web Site Sampler
This How to..is an aid for creating a 4 page web site using MS FrontPage.The Instructions refer to the Laptop machines in Building 9.107 at Sunbury. Other machines may have different Operating Systems and /or versions of the software
Please note there are a variety of other ways to create web sites , some of these are detailed in the column on the far left. /
Open Frontpage( Start > Programs >Microsoft Office 2003> Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003)
From the file menu select New
A side bar menu will appear on the left side of the screen
click on Blank page.
Repeat this process until you have created 4 pages.
This How to .. is designed to introduce a variety of techniques and processes.
Short cuts always exist but the long way takes in more scenery. /
Save your work.From the File menu select Save
Name the file index.htm Change the Page Title to Home . In the Save In Area Select the My Documents Folder.
You will need to Create a Folder to save Your Site in Call this folder SamplerYourName
Extra Hints and Alternatives
Repeat this process for the other three pages you have created.Using the file names and Page Titles BelowHome / My Gallery / My Hobbies / Autobiographical Information
index.htm / gallery.htm / hobbies.htm / self.htm
Frontpage has a range of themes , Wizards , Templates and other helpers that you can use .
Underneath the File Menu is the New Page Icon
Under this menu area you can select to create a New Site . Options Include a single page web or an empty web. If using these functions Note where the files are being Saved. /
Save your work.Close Down Frontpage.
Open Frontpage again (Start > Programs >Microsoft Office 2003> Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003)
In the File Menu Select Open Site ( Not Open)
Click once on the Folder to Select it and use the mouse to click open6.
You should see this dialogue box . Click "Yes" and your site should open with a Folder view on the left hand side of the screen.7.
Now Return to the Guide Page for other Instuctional material on creating Web Sites.