Teleconference Meeting
July1, 2009
2:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m.
Welcome & Introductions
In attendance were Alyce Zahniser (James A. Cummings, Inc.), Cheryl Gonzalez (Florida Gulf Coast University),Keevin Williams (Space Florida),LaRae Floyd (Broward Health), Andrew Magazine (Office Depot),Cliff Li (CommerNet, Inc.), Torey Alston (OSD)and Denise Wright (OSD) recorded the minutes.
Approval of Minutes & Acceptance of Agenda
There was not a quorum to approve the minutes.
OSD Executive Director’s Update
Mr. Alston stated today begins the new fiscal year for OSD. OSD sent information to stakeholders and business support groups about OSD accomplishments and success stories over the previous year and have received good feedback. Also, OSD is working on its annual report to close out the fiscal year. Over the next two weeks, various adjustments and subcontracting dollars that are coming in from agencies and universities will be made.
OSD attended the National Minority Chamber of Commerce Conference in Miami and the FMSDC Conference in Orlando.
OSD has solidified a Joint Certification Agreement with the City of Jacksonville; so, currently, if someone from the City of Jacksonville is certified with the city and go to the State of Florida seeking certification, then, based of OSD’s criteria and their City’s criteria, the OSD will automatically certify any of those vendors upon their registration in MyFloridaMarketPlace and acceptance of the terms of use. OSD certified the first company from the City of Jacksonville under the joint certification agreement. There is a one-way agreement with Broward Health and OSD is working on other agreementswith local governments.
Mr. Alston stated OSD is getting geared up for this year’s 2009 MatchMaker Conference, November 18-20, 2009, in Orlando, Florida at the Rosen Shingle Creek. He negotiated an exceptional hotel rate of $109.00 per night.
The Advisory Councilface-to-face meeting will occur at the MatchMaker in November. Usually, the Council meeting and the FAMBEO meeting are held the Wednesday afternoonof the Conference. OSD is working out the details so the two meetings do not overlap.
Ms. Gonzalez recommended the Council draft a standard agenda to be used at the monthly meetings. Vice Chairperson Zahniser volunteered to draft an agenda and email to Mr. Alston for review and then forward to the Council Members. Ms. Gonzalez suggested the Council use the agenda from previous meetings as a template for Council meetings. Mrs. Floyd recommended that Council Action Items be added to the agenda.
Mr. Alston stated July 1ststarts the two-year recertification process;therefore,vendors willhave a two-year period for their certification. Also, in the next legislative session, OSD is researching electronic signature for recertification. Currently, the recertification process is 99% automated. However, vendors have to print out the form and notarize the documents before submitting it to OSD.
Committee Reports
1)By-Laws Committee: No Report
2)Research and Emerging Trends Committee: No Report
3)Disparity Study Committee: Ms. Gonzalez stated this committee met on June 11, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Members present were Ben Harris, Keevin Williams, Jerry Cartwright, Jodi Bailey, Ms. Gonzalez and OSD staff Torey Alston and Denise Wright. Ms. Gonzalez stated she will get a copy of the minutes to the council members. Members reviewed the committee charge and the various documents that were sent in advance to the Council. Members understood that the previous disparity study which was conducted in 1997 is not only old; but, it was never accepted. It was reported that members noted that the Committee name should be changed. Ms. Gonzalez stated she spoke with Peter Harris and he said he would be delighted to make a presentation to the Council. They will schedule Mr. Harris to participate at the August 5, 2009 meeting.
New Business
- Meeting with University Presidents: Ms. Gonzalez stated she will bring with her for discussion at the next meeting, the dates for meeting with the university presidents and Mr. Huggins is expected to acquire meeting dates for the community college presidents.
- Agency Stimulus Funds Plan Request: Vice Chairperson Zahniser asked Mr. Alston if the State planned a stimulus meeting on the west coast. Mr. Alston stated nothing has been planned as of today. He mentioned Don Winstead gave a presentation at the FMSDC conference. In addition, a request was made for Mr. Alston to acquire an update on the use of stimulus funds by state agency for review by the Council.
Action Items
LaRae Floyd has agreed to provide information for Broward College to Mr. Alston.
Cheryl Gonzalez volunteered to edit the minutes from the last meeting and e-mail the document to Mr. Alston.
Next Scheduled Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 2:00 p.m.
Open Discussion/Public Comments
Cheryl Gonzalez mentioned at the last meeting that Mr. Ali asked members to RSVP if they could not attend the meetings and she asked Mr. Alston if anyone did that. Denise Wright stated that Jodi Bailey and Thomas Huggins were the only two who e-mailed her to say they would not be able to attend.
Cheryl Gonzalez asked if the committees could meet at MatchMaker. Mr. Alston said OSD would need prior notice and the committees could meet the first hour and the full Council could meet after the committees.
Vice Chairperson Zahniser suggested the members put together the actual agenda for the meeting at MatchMaker and at the August 5th meeting they can outline the flow of the meeting.
LaRae Floyd suggested for all Council committees to write brief statement defining their committee and send it to the By-Laws Committee to place it in the by-laws.
Cheryl Gonzalez volunteered expressed a desire to rename the Disparity Study Committee.
LaRae Floyd led discussion about creating an annual report committee at the next Council meeting.
Vice Chairperson Zahniser will make a recommendation that the State pay mileage to members coming from outside the Orlando area to MatchMaker. Mr. Alston will look into this to determine source of funds.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.