Tender Notice No.: N-2017-18-TSK-NIT-10 Date: 14.09.2017

Open Tenders are invited by Senior Divisional Signal and Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia for and on behalf of the Present of India for the work as details below.

Sl No / Tender no. / Brief Description of item / Tender value (Rs.) / Earnest Money(Rs.) / Cost of Tender document (Rs.) / Completion period of work
1 / N-2017-18-TSK-T-28 / Shifting of overhead Power and Data Cables of Coach Guidance Display Boards at PF-2 and PF-3 of DBRG station to underground to avoid shabby looks. / 16,62,214/- / 33,250/- / 2000/- / 120 (One hundred twenty) days
2 / N-2017-18-TSK-T-29 / Improvement of Fuel storage arrangement at SSE/Sig/IC/TSK’s office for station DG sets in Tinsukia Division. / 13,46,406/- / 26,930/- / 2000/- / 120 (One hundred twenty) days
3 / N-2017-18-TSK-T-30 / AMC of Amararaja make IPS system at fourteen station for a period of one year in Tinsukia division. / 14,35,000/- / 28,700/- / 2000/- / 1 (One) year
4 / N-2017-18-TSK-T-31 / AMC of 12 channel voice data logger for a period of 3 (Three) years in Tinsukia division. / 3,64,100/- / 7,282/- / 1,000/- / 3 (Three) years

·  Name of the offices from where tender forms will be available: Sr.DSTE/Tinsukia, N.F.Railway will be available from 16.10.2017 up to 17.00 hrs. of 29.10.2017.

·  Tender Box are available for dropping of tender forms is kept at CSTE/MLG’s office and Sr.DSTE/Tinsukia’s office, working days from 16.10.2017 up to 30.10.2017 up to 15.00 hrs

·  Date & time of submission of tender document: Up to 15.00 Hrs. of 30.10.2017.

·  Date & time of opening of Tender at 15.30 Hrs. of 31.10.2017.

Website particulars and notices board locations where complete details of tender notices can be seen:-web-site and Sr.DSTE/Tinsukia’s office.

§  In case the date of submission happens to be bandh/Strike/holiday(s), the Tender papers will be issued, received on the following office working day as per same timing. Accordingly the opening date will be shifted.

Website particulars and notices board locations where complete details of tender notices can be seen: web-site and Sr.DSTE/Tinsukia division.

Non- transferable Tender Documents containing detailed description of the Schedule of Supply & Works along with other terms & conditions can be obtained from the office of the Sr. Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Rly, Tinsukia, in cash depositing to Cashier, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia-786 125, respectively. In case the tenderer wishes to obtain the Tender documents by post, Rs.500/- (Five Hundred) only extra towards postal charges for each Set of Document to be remitted by MO/TMO in favour of Sr.Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia division- 786125. The Railway is not responsible for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender document sent by post. The Tender Document is also available at our Website which can be downloaded and used as tender document for submitting the offer. The Tender Document cost (in favour of FA & CAO/Maligaon N.F.Rly.) of the downloaded tender. In case of any discrepancy between the tender document downloaded from the internet and the master copy kept at this office, later shall prevail and will be binding on tenderer.

The last date & time of submission of sealed tender on 24.10.2017 at 15.00 Hrs. at the office of the Sr. Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia division – 786125, Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Maligaon in the tender box nominated for this purpose. Filled tender forms can also be sent by Registered/Speed post addressed to Sr. Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia-786125. Railway is not responsible for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender document sent by post. The tender will be opened at office of the Sr. Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer, N. F. Railway, Tinsukia division–786125 on date and time as specified above. If the date of opening happens to be Bundh/Strike/Holidays, the tender will be opened on the next working day as per same timings.



The cost of Tender documents shall be in Cash or Banker’s cheques/demand drafts in favour of FA&CAO/N.F.Railway, Maligaon’s executed by State Bank of India or any Nationalized Banks or by a schedule Banks.

The earnest money shall be in Cash or FDR (Fixed Deposit Receipt)/Banker’s cheques/demand drafts in favour of FA&CAO/N.F. Railway, Maligaon’s executed by State Bank of India or any Nationalized Banks or by a schedule Banks.

The cost of downloaded tender document should be paid separately and not to be included in the earnest money the offer will be summarily rejected.

Eligibility Criteria for Tender No. N-2017-18-TSK-T-28,T,29,T-30 & T-31: NIL

Tenderer must OEM or authorized by OEM to be submitted along with the tender document of Tender No. N-2017-18-TSK-T-30 & N-2017-18-TSK-T-31

Documents to be submitted for Tender No.N-2017-18-TSK-T-28 & T-29:

a)  List of personnel & organization available with the tenderer & proposed to be engaged for the subjected work. It will be asked to contractor for submit the same.

b)  List of plant tools and machinery available on hand (own) and proposed hired if any for the subjected work.

c)  List of work completed in last three years (if any) giving description of work organization for whom executed, approximate value of contract, date of award and date of completion of work, duly certified by the organization with whom the tenderer had worked.

d)  List of work in hand (if any) indicating description of work, contract value, date of award duly certified by the organization with whom the tenderer had working.

e)  Tenderer should furnish their GSTIN numbers and representing the states in which their registered for GST, along with address of registered office place of business in state etc.

f)  The contract is under GST act and rules as applicable time to time.

g)  For the tenders opening after roll out of GST. All the bidders/tenders should ensure that they are GST complaint and their quoted tax structure/rates are as per GST Law.

Divl. Signal & Telecom Engineer

N. F. Railway/Tinsukia Division

For & on behalf of the President of India

Copy forwarded for information and displaying on the notice board for publicity:

Copy forwarded for information and displaying on the notice board for publicity:

1.  CPRO/MLG: Along with Ten (10) copies of the above tender notice are sent herewith for arranging immediate publication on or before 22.09.2017 in prominent National News papers of The Telegraph, Assam Tribune & Dainik Janamabhumi/Asomiya Pratidin, Bihar & West Bengal. The publication cost is chargeable to Sr.DSTE/Tinsukia Division through DFM/Tinsukia under allocation: 03-823-21 against tender no. Estt No. 21/S&T/TSK/2017-18 dated: 01.09.2017 of Tender no. N-2017-18-TSK-T-28, Estt. No. 22/S&T/TSK/2017-18 dated: 12.09.2017 of Tender no. N-2017-18-TSK-T-29, 19/S&T/TSK/2017-18 dated: 12.09.2017 of Tender no. N-2017-18-TSK-T-30 & 24/S&T/TSK/2017-18 dated: 12.09.2017 of Tender no. N-2017-18-TSK-T-31. This is certified that the tender against tender notice No. N-2017-18-TSK-NIT-10 Dated: 14.09.2017. has already been uploaded to




5.  Sr.DSC/TSK -- for information please. He is requested to provide adequate security personnel at the time of dropping and opening of tender.

6.  DFM/TSK-- He is requested to depute his representative for opening of sealed tenders.


8.  All SSEs/Sig, SSEs/Tele of TSK Division.

9.  Sr.DSC/TSK- requested to depute security personnel at the time of dropping and he is also requested to depute escort party from MLG to TSK on 30.10.2017 (after box sealing) for carrying of tender box in specified date.

10. Addl. Superintendent of Police/Tinsukia-- For taking arrangement law and order situation at the time of closing of above tender at the nominated office as mentioned on the above.

Divl. Signal & Telecom Engineer

N. F. Railway/Tinsukia Division

For & on behalf of the President of India