MTSS Advisory Committee Meeting

Brouillet Conference Room, OSPI, Olympia

September 16, 2015, 9:00-noon

Attendees:Hugh Flint, Barb Green, Tricia Haggerty, Rachel Hart, Jennifer Kubista,
Jess Lewis, Lori Lynass, Michelle Maike, Laura Matson, Christy Perkins,
Bill Rasplica, Veronica Santangelo (phone), Tim Stensager, Leslie Vanleishout, Kelly Whitaker, Dixie Grunenfelder, Krissy Johnson, Laura Moore (note taker)


  • Commitment to MTSS
  • Define success
  • Identify next steps

Commitment to MTSS

Superintendent Randy Dorn thanked the group for their work on MTSS. He explained the increased attention to data by OSPI and legislators. He announced Tim Stensager will serve as special assistant to the Superintendent for analytics. Krissy explained that OSPI has adopted MTSS as an agency-wide framework, incorporating academics, behavior and social emotional programming. Dixie explained the work continues to evolve and grow, starting with a common webpage defining OSPI work through an MTSS lens, to collection and dissemination of MTSS TA resources, to promotion of MTSS as a framework for dropout efforts.

Krissy proposed the group serve in an advisory capacity to OSPI on issues related to MTSS. The group will meet quarterly, with feedback between the group and the internal MTSS committee that meets monthly or every six weeks. Dixie, serving on this committee, the internal group will share information with the OSPI Directors on a regular basis. Tim will communicate with the OSPI cabinet as needed. Task specific workgroups will be established as needed.

Tim shared information about the OSPI mission, vision and performance indicators. OSPI has champions to lead work in each performance indicator area. The work of the champion is to oversee data releases, identification of positive outliers and dissemination of best practice using an MTSS framework. Chronic absenteeism data will be released in February 2016. Graduation and discipline data have already been released.

Dixie shared the annual district survey which includes questions about MTSS and the people and processes in place to support the work. The 2016 survey will be released in January 2016, with the results compiled by April 1, 2016.

Definition of success

The group discussed possible success metrics, such as:

  • A shared MTSS framework to communication
  • Continued support of MTSS through OSPI program and practice
  • A way to measure implementation of such framework
  • Capacity to support MTSS implementation at the state and regional level
  • Recognition for MTSS structure at the district and building level

Next Steps

Learn about Absenteeism Analytics

Learn about the Graduation and Equity survey

Update on the discipline work

Develop action plans for each success measure listed above

Develop a communications strategy for the work

Develop a SharePoint site for committee work

Review current committee membership to determine missing perspectives

Agenda for February

Present the Absenteeism Analytics

Review the Graduation and Equity survey findings

Update from Callie on the discipline work

Develop action plans for each success measure listed above

Next Meeting: February 22, 2016, OSPI