Minutes from Tender Panel Meeting / /20

Name of Tender:______

Tender No. :______

Tender /Evaluation Panel

Present: Contract Manager…………………………….…

General Manager………………………………..

Procurement Manager………………………….

Other Panel Member……………………….……

Apologies: ……………………………………………………....

1. Is there a Council Resolution relevant to this tender?

() Yes Dated / /20 No

  1. Discussion re: specification

3. Changes/Amendments Recommended

4. Cost Projections(Inc GST)

Year 1 $ (Inc GST)

Year 2 $ (Inc GST)

Year 3 $ (Inc GST)

Year 4 $ (Inc GST)

Year 5 $ (Inc GST)

Total $ (Inc GST)

5. Value


Estimated Value of Works$

6. Contract Term & Extensions

The Contract will commence from (specific date or the date of contract award)

The Contract is for an initial period of (no. of years)

Extensionof (no. years)will be available

7. Type of Tender()




8. Insurances/Security/Retention ( if required) Professional Indemnity $...... Public Liability $...... Security $...... Retention Monies $......

9.Selection Criteria, Weightings & KPI’s (Refer also attach 3)

1…………………………………Weighting……. %

2…………………………………Weighting…..... %

3…………………………………Weighting……. %

4…………………………………Weighting……. %

5…………………………………Weighting……. %

(Please supply tender schedules to suit)

KPI’s (Optional – KPI’s to be written into Specification)




10. Key Outcomes Required

11. General Discussion

I have followed all procedures in accordance with the Tender & Contracts Policy


Name………………………. Signature…………………………Contract Manager

Name………………………..Signature………………………….General Manager

Name………………………..Signature………………………….Procurement Manager


Date ……/…../20

Conflict of Interest Declaration

[All fields, in italics must be replaced with the appropriate information and the instructions removed before signing]


[Name of Evaluation Team Chairperson or Steering Committee/Project Working Party Chairperson]




Dear [Sir/Madam]

Conflict of Interest Declaration

As a member of the [evaluation Team or name of Steering Committee/Project Working Party] for the [name of project], I am writing about my obligations in relation to conflict of interest and confidentiality.

Conflict of interest

I am fully aware of my obligations under Councils Code of Conduct and Procurement Policy to avoid all conflicts of interest in carrying out my duties, and to disclose any potential conflicts of interest if they emerge in the course of my official duties.

I currently have no such conflicts.


I am fully aware of my obligations under Councils Code of Conduct and Procurement Policy in relation to confidential information. I will not disclose anything about the tenders or the process to anyone who is not part of the formal selection process in relation to this tender, unless

1.I am compelled to do so by law;

2.The information is already legally in the public domain; or

3. I have your prior permission.

All documents will either be returned to the [name of relevant Department or Agency] or destroyed in a secure manner.

Yours sincerely

[Name of Evaluation Team Member or Steering Committee/Project Working Party Member]


Attachment 2

Central Goldfields Shire Council

Procurement Conduct Plan

[Insert Project Name]

[Insert Project Number]

[Insert Date]


1Project description


1.2Project objectives

1.3Project timelines

1.4The Tender Team(s)

2Key responsibilities

2.2Responsibilities of the Tender Evaluation Team

3Key conduct requirements

3.1Effective competition

3.2The procurement process

3.3Consistency and transparency of process

3.4Security and confidentiality

3.5Use of probity practitioners

3.6Project debrief

4 Probity tasks and steps


4.2 Confidentiality procedures

4.3Briefing of all relevant staff

4.4Advertising arrangements

4.5Notification of tenderers not short listed

4.6Short-listed tenderers - probity & track record check...... 9

4.7Evaluation report and recommendation

4.8Notification of unsuccessful tenderers


5Record keeping

5.1 Documentation

6Procurement conduct plan approvals

1Project description


Provide a brief background to the purchase

1.2Project objectives

Describe the objectives of the purchase

1.3Project timelines

Step / Target date
Release of EOI
Market briefing(s)
Closing date of EOI responses
Evaluation and short listing of EOI respondents
Release of RFT
Market briefing(s)
Closing date of RFT responses
Round 1 evaluation of bids
Round 2 evaluation of bids
Contract execution

1.4The Tender Team(s)

(Tick relevant boxes below.)

The project will involve an Evaluation Team only.
The project will involve a steering committee and an Evaluation Team.
Other (Provide a brief description)
A probity adviser will not be used for this project.
A probity Auditor will be used. / Name
Tender evaluation team (Add to, or delete from, this section as required.)
Role / Name / Title and organisational role/company
Project Manager (and Chair)
Team member
Team member
Procurement Manager
Legal adviser
Commercial adviser
Tender steering group / Applies / Does not apply
Role / Name / Title and organisational role
Chair (usually the project sponsor or responsible departmental officer)
Project Sponsor / Applies / Does not apply
Title and organisational role

2Key responsibilities

2.1Responsibilities of the Tender Evaluation Team

(Tick the boxes that indicate roles to be undertaken. Leave blank if not undertaking this role. Add rows at bottom of table for additional roles.)

Evaluate tender responses according to the tender evaluation criteria
Test and verify the claims made by tenderers in relation to the tender evaluation criteria;
Engage the market as required
Evaluation and negotiation stages of the tender process
Propose tender timelines and any timeline variations;
Prepare initial RFT/ROI
Propose any variations to the original EOI/RFT documentation
Obtain signoff at the following stages in the process:
Action / Signoff by

3Key conduct requirements

Standard Council tender conduct requirements will be followed.
Standard Council tender conduct requirements will be varied in the following way (see below):

3.1Effective competition

Effective competition will be achieved by (see below):
There is a lack of competition, but value for money will be judged by (see below):

3.2The procurement process

Public request for tender (RFT)
Public call for expressions of interest (EOI) followed by an RFT
Select tender to pre-qualified list / Name of list
Other (describe):

3.3Consistency and transparency of process

Evaluation criteria will be determined before advertising.
Evaluation criteria will be weighted before advertising.
Evaluation criteria will be included in the EOI/RFT documentation.
There will be a / mandatory / non-mandatory / pre-tender briefing
Costs for potential suppliers to Tender/Express Interest are expected to be:
High (comment below) / Medium (comment below) / Low
Costs for potential tenderers will be minimised by (describe):
All tender queries or requests for further information will be managed by
Name / Organisation

3.4Security and confidentiality

Tenders will be received at

An approved departmental tender box / Location
Other (describe):

Format for receipt of tenders (four as appropriate)

Paper submission to standard tender box
Electronic document (CD etc.) to standard tender box
Electronic submission to electronic tender box
Other (describe):
A secure tender room will be used. / Location
Tender room security will be the responsibility of:
Name / Role

3.5Use of probity practitioners

No specialist probity service will be engaged.
A probity auditor will be used
Name / Organisation
A probity adviser will be used
Name / Organisation

3.6Project debrief

A project debrief is not planned.
A project debrief will be provided to:
Name / Role

4 Probity tasks and steps



Signed contracts will be held on file number:
Tender working papers will be held until filed by
Name / Role
Conflict of Interest (COI) statements / Confidentiality Agreements will be provided to
Name / Role
The person nominated above will provide their COI statements to
Name / Role
No actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest (COI) matters have been identified.
Some COI matters have been identified and will be managed as detailed below:

4.2 Confidentiality procedures

Standard confidentiality procedures will be followed.
Standard confidentiality procedures will be varied in the following way (refer below):
Particular confidentiality requirements may apply to this tender (refer below):

4.3Briefing of all relevant staff

The Evaluation Team will receive a probity briefing on: / Date
The briefing team will be provided by:
Name / Role
Other relevant staff will receive a briefing on: / Date
The briefing team will be provided by:
Name / Role

4.4Advertising arrangements

Tender advertising will include:

The Age
Procurement Portal
Other newspapers – (name)
Other (describe):

4.5Notification of tenderers not shortlisted

Non-short listed tenderers will be notified by:
Name / Role

4.6Short-listed tenderers – probity and track record check

Corporate information checks will be obtained.
Specialist financial advice will be obtained.
Referee checks will be sought.

4.7Evaluation report and recommendation

A report consistent with reasons for selection and non-acceptance of bids, will be prepared and submitted to:
Name / Role

4.8Notification of unsuccessful tenderers

After final approval, remaining unsuccessful tenderers will be notified by:
Name / Role

4.9 Transition arrangements

Formal transition requirements will not be required.
The following will be involved in transitioning in the new supplier (add rows if necessary):
Name / Role
Name / Role
Name / Role

5Record keeping


The following key documents will be retained.
Tender history / Business case documentation
Planning approvals / Strategic planning documents
EOI documentation / RFT documentation
Notice of meetings / Procurement conduct plan
Lists of users contacted / Tender briefing meeting minutes
List of tenders received / Conflict of interest declarations
Evaluation summary / Notification to shortlisted tenderers
Notification to non-shortlisted tenderers / Approval documents
Notifications to ‘non-successful’ tenderers / Notification to preferred supplier
Record of post-tender negotiations / Agreement/contract
Implementation plans / Service level agreements

6Procurement conduct plan approvals

Any variations to this plan must be approved by
Name: / Role
This plan is approved by:
Signature / Role / Procurement Manager
Name / Graeme Gilmore / Date / / / 20

Attachment 3

Selection Criteria

Most important service requirements / Ranking / How would the tenderer demonstrate this? / Criteria / Weighting