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TITLE: Policy – Human Resource PolicyPolicy Number / 0016
Effective Date / December 2001
Revision Date / 3 June 2010
Approved By / College Council
The following EXTRACT from the HR Policy (0016) was revised:
Words that are strikethrough – must be removed from the policy.
Words in bold - must be added to the policy.
The aim of incentive plans is to spur employees to greater efforts in order to obtain a reward for their exceptional performance, Through its vision, mission and values, its strategic priorities, and as a direct response to its aspiration to maintain the highest standards of teaching and learning, including support staff, the College has created awards to celebrate Excellence in Teaching and Service delivery.
The purpose of this document is to introduce a standardised set of criteria and to provide a concise set of indicators as a framework of intent to acknowledge excellence in teaching, learning and service delivery at institutional level.
higher productivity
staff morale is high as they are directly rewarded for
good performance.
Fewer staff needed as the existing staff work effectively
Staff loyalty is high- training costs and turnover of staff reduced.
The overarching aim of the awards is to acknowledge excellence and scholarly practice in teaching and service delivery. This acknowledgement in turn is aimed at encouraging academic staff and support staff to be innovative, effective and reflective practitioners. In addition, the College benefits from gaining more proficient
academics in the area of quality teaching and this is a means to increase access to, and distribute innovative examples of best teaching and learning conduct, practice and commitment. In achieving the aim of the awards the demonstrated commitment to teaching and service delivery evident in good practice, will be acknowledged.
2.1.Teaching and Learning:
Lecturer of the year: Business Studies Centre
Lecturer of the year: Engineering and Skills Training Centre
Lecturer of the year: IT and Computer Science Centre
2.1.2.Evidence of the following should be considered as indicators of excellence in teaching: quality and innovative teaching and learning practices that actively engage students. techniques and approaches for teaching, learning and assessment which are fit for purpose and appropriate for the context and mission of the College. creativity and innovation in the design and planning of learning activities. excellence in assessment design and/or implementation, including the use of formative feedback to foster student learning. analyses students performance, diagnose the problems, develop remedial tools and implement them effectively. student diversity and devises strategies to work effectively with students with diverse learning styles. outcomes that are of a high quality and are constructively aligned. that are effectively designed and delivered.
2.1.3.Nomination Standards and Criteria
As a general guide in awarding the abovementioned awards the Awards Committee will take the following criteria into account:
Exploitation of appropriate assessment approaches, including constructive and meaningful feedback to students on their learning.
Capability of supporting, guiding and advising students to achieve academic success.
Professional and methodical approaches to teaching improvement that stimulate curiosity, encourage independent learning, and develop critical thinking.
Involvement in professional activities and research related to teaching. will data be collected? observation rating survey or appraisal of student achievement and attitude will do the evaluation? of Department
Support Staff Member of the Year: General Assistance and Maintenance
Category: Support Staff Member of the Year: Administration
Category: Manager of the Year: Support Services
3.1.1.Category: Support Staff Member of the Year: General Assistance and Maintenance
most positive attitude
no task or project is too much
uses his own tools and equipment on a regular basis to do maintenance tasks at the campus
Being punctual
Doing his/her work with integrity,
Doing more than his job asks
Staying later or coming in earlier to do the work allocated to the employee
Assisting other employee who have a lot to do and can’t finish the work on time
Team spirit displayed
3.1.2.Category: Support Staff Member of the Year: Administration
team player
solving a variety of problems,
tackling challenges and
doing everything possible in providing a supporting and nurturing environment for staff and students
Being punctual
Doing his/her work with integrity,
Doing more than his job asks
Staying later or coming in earlier to do the work allocated to the employee
Assisting other employee who have a lot to do and can’t finish the work on time
Team spirit displayed
3.1.3.Category: Manager of the Year - Support Services
Operational and visionary leadership
Communication and Human Relations
Decision making and accountability
Problem solving and analysis
3.2.How will data be collected?
3.2.2.Supervisor observation
3.2.3.Instructional rating survey
3.2.4.Supportive documents
3.3.Who will do the evaluation?
3.4.Nomination and Selection Procedure
All current academic staff members in academic programmes, as well as administration/management/support staff etc. who are involved in the operation of the Waterberg FET College find themselves in a position where they can be nominated in appropriate categories.
The focus is on the previous year performance. In exceptional cases (i.e. where two candidates have performed equally well), the selection panel is given the discretion to consider earlier achievements.
3.4.1.Nomination Procedure
Potential recipients of the awards must be nominated by at least three people, one of whom must be a UFS academic staff member and one of whom must be a current or former student (i.e., has been taught by the nominee within the last year),and one other person from either category.
The relevant Head of Department should endorse the nomination before it is submitted.
Nominations are made on the official nomination form (see Appendix A) containing the signatures of the nominators, the signature of the nominee, and a one-page statement from the nominators outlining the reasons for their support.
The nomination form is available from the HR Unit:
All finalised nominations should reach the Awards Committee before applicable closing date
3.4.2.Selection procedures
Final evaluation of all nominations will be carried out by the Awards Committee, chaired by the Chair person of the Council HR committee, in collaboration with the Academic Committee of Council.
Cash bonus
Weekend trip
Trophy, certificates
Employee of the month
Employee of the year
Long service rewards – 10, 20, 25, 30 years
Meal/movie tickets for the employee and his/her spouse
Company newsletter: place photograph of employee and
mention performance
Time off work. (Hours of work, staying later, coming in earlier (Take out)
Certificates issued in a frame
4.1.Long service rewards:
4.1.2.The staff member should have been employed by the College for 10 years.
4.1.3.The employee should have been employed by the College for 20, 25 or 30 years.
We suggest that the employee who has been at the College for 10 years receives a framed certificate indicating the number of years and handed over by the Principal. Mention should also be made at a Prize giving function and in the Newsletter of the College, and or the local newspapers.
The long term employee, 20 – 30 years could receive a gold watch, a cash payout or a few days off from work. Mention should also be made of these staff members as mentioned above.
1.1.1.Employer of the month:
A picture of the employee could be displayed on all the display boards.
This employee could perhaps be given an hour off from work in the month that he/she has received this award.
This award could be given at individual campuses and also at Head Office.
The criteria used could be as follows:
Being punctual
Doing his/her work with integrity,
Doing more than his job asks
Staying later or coming in earlier to do the work allocated to the employee
Assisting other employee who have a lot to do and can’t finish the work on time
Team spirit displayed
The employee who receives the most of these awards can then become the employee of the year.
The employee of the year could receive the following as an incentive:
A voucher to dinner for his/her spouse or partner
A cash incentive
The winners of the awards will be announced at the Annual Graduation Ceremony.