April 10, 1988
Revised 1992
Revised 2008
Revised 2010
Revised 2015
The name of this organization shall be known as THE MOLSON’S CONCEPTION BAY SOUTH MASTERS SOFTBALL LEAGUE.
(a) To foster and provide recreational softball in the C. B. S. area for members of this organization.
(b) To protect the mutual interest of its members as a recreational body.
(c) To regulate and institute competition for its members.
(a) Any resident residing in Newfoundland and Labrador and who has reached the age of 35 by December 31 of the calender year.
(b) A member is defined as a player duly registered with any team governed by this league and its constitution.
4. Registration
(a) Registration of players will take place each year at a time and place designated by the executive.
(b) Registration will consist of each team submitting a list of their player's name, address, date of birth, along with the fee designated by the executive.
(c) Each team shall consist of a minimum of 16 players if available at draft.
(d) Any team whose registration has not been paid by the end of the first round shall not play any future games until it is paid.
(a) The fiscal year of this league shall end on September 30 and its annual meeting shall be held within 4 weeks of the close of the fiscal year.
(b) A special meeting may be called by the executive with the majority of the executive in agreement; and, with a 48 hour notice given to each team representative stating the purpose of the meeting.
(c) The Annual General Meeting will consist of adoption of the minutes of the last AGM and reports of the Executive, Treasurer, Special Committees, elections and general business.
(a) The league's administration shall be invested in the hands of the Executive Board.
(b) The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Editor/Information Officer, Statistician and a representative from each team.
(c) Six officers of the league shall be elected each year. The name of the team representative shall be submitted by the outgoing team representative and presented at the annual meeting. The past president automatically becomes a member of the board.
(d) The Executive Board shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the affairs of the league.
(e) Vacancies that occur during the year shall be filled by election at a special meeting.
(f) Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President and notice of such meetings will be given to each member of the board by the secretary or his designate 48 hours prior to the meeting.
(g) A team representative who is unable to attend a meeting is responsible to have his designate attend in his absence.
(h) The Executive Board shall appoint any committee(s) they deem necessary to conduct the orderly business of the league during their administration.
(a) Amendments to this constitution can be made only at an annual meeting and that such amendments shall be listed with each team delegate 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
(b) Amendments in By-laws may be proposed at an annual meeting or by the Executive Board and may be changed or amended by a majority of the Executive Board.
Interpretation of any article of this constitution shall be made by a majority of the Executive Board.
Any money which is to be spent outside of usual expenses must be approved by the Executive Board.