Honors Chemistry IMr. John Horton
Room 211
Course Syllabus
Chemistry, by Zumdahl. Copyright 2014
Course Description:
The purpose of this chemistry course is to familiarize the student with a variety of topics and laboratory procedures that will enhance an understanding of chemistry. Laboratory safety techniques and procedures are emphasized. Identification and proper use of laboratory equipment is required. Mathematical computations are reviewed at the appropriate times. Scientific thought processes are encouraged.
Course Outline:
- Lab Safety rules, expectations and equipment
- Chemical Foundations
- Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
- Stoichiometry
- Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry
- Gases
- Thermochemistry
- Atomic Structure and Periodicity
- Bonding: General Concepts
- Covalent Bonding: Orbitals
- Liquids and Solids
Lab experiments and demonstrations will be conducted at appropriate times. Visits from the Juniata College Chem. Van will occur (averaging one per month). Computers will be used as often as possible for data collection, graphing, and writing formal lab reports. Videotapes, DVD’s, and guest speakers will be used periodically throughout the course.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
- Supplies: Bring the following items to class everyday.
- Pencil or Pen
- Single subject notebook (for this class only)
- Three-ring binder (1” or 1 ½ “for this class only)
- Calculator
- Textbook
- Be Neat
- Always follow lab safety rules and expectations.
- You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Be respectful to all people at all times. When I’m talking no one else is to be talking. When you are talking everyone else will be listening to you.
- Raise you hand. Please do not call out.
- Gum is permitted as long as I do not see it or hear it. No other food
- Books must be covered
- Warning
- Conference with student after class
- Detention in my room
- School detention
- Parent contact and School Detention
More severe infractions will be handled on an individual bases
Grading Policy:
Grades are bases on a Total Point System (Points earned/Possible points)* 100% = grade
Grades are based on the following items:
- Tests
- Lab Reports, results, skills and techniques
- Quizzes
- Homework
- Projects, article summaries, reports
- Class work, class participation, and attitude
Make-up work
You will have two school days to make up any work you have missed. Extended illnesses will be handled on an individual basis.
Late work:
I do not accept late work. It is your responsibility to have your work finished and turned in to me on time. A zero (0) is entered in the grade book for that assignment.
- Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and a call will be made to your parents. Subsequent offences will be referred to the office.
- All of the preceding is subject to revision by the teacher. Ample notification will be given if a change is needed.
Parent NotificationMr. Horton
Room 211
I, ______, have read over this course syllabus with my son/daughter and we understand what to expect in Mr. Horton’s classroom. If you have any questions, please call the school’s office at 793-2111 and I will return your call. Thank you for your time.
Mr. John Horton
Students Signature ______
Parent Signature ______