Ann M. Cameron
Coordinator of English
Associate Professor of English
Indiana University Kokomo
Campus Address: Home Address:
Department of Humanities 622 Lockerbie Place
Indiana University Kokomo Carmel, Indiana 46032
2300 S. Washington St. (317) 843-0926
P.O. Box 9003
Kokomo, Indiana 46904-9003
(765) 455-9312
Purdue University American Literature Ph.D. 2000
Dissertation Topic: Sidekicks: A
Study of Companions in Eighteenth-
and Nineteenth-Century American Novels
Co-Chairs: G. R. Thompson
Cheryl Z. Oreovicz
Michigan State University English M.A. 1972
Michigan State University Humanities B. A. 1971
(with high honors)
Cognate areas: English, Philosophy, Music
Indiana University Kokomo Chair, Dept. of Humanities 2006-2010
Associate Professor of English 2001-present
Coordinator, Dept. of English 2001-May 2004;
Aug. 2005-present
Writing Director July 2002-May 2004;
Aug. 2005-June 2010
Indiana University Kokomo Assistant Professor of English 1982-2000
(with tenure)
Writing Program Director 1982-85; 1995-98
Indiana University Kokomo Instructor of English 1977-1982
Indiana University Kokomo Adjunct Lecturer 1974-1977
University of Kentucky –Fort Knox Adjunct Instructor (English) 1972-1973
Courses Taught
University of Kentucky Fort Knox:
Developmental Writing, Freshman Composition, World Literature Survey (200-level)
Indiana University Kokomo:
Early American Literature and Culture to 1800 (L350), Early Nineteenth-Century American Literature (L351), Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature (L352), Twentieth-Century American Literature (L354), Twentieth-Century American Fiction (L358), Introduction to the English Language (G205), History of the English Language (G301), American Film Culture: Documentary Film (L295), English Literature 1600-1800 (L298), Elementary Composition I and II (W131 and W132, including a 100% Online version of W132), Elementary Composition I with E105 Environmental Science (team-taught learning community), Professional Writing Skills (W231), Issues in Teaching Writing (W400), Children’s Literature (L390), Young Adult Literature (L391), Western World Masterpieces I and II (L101 and L102), Literary Interpretation (L202), Independent Graduate Studies in Romanticism and Children’s Literature (L553), Independent Research for English Majors (L495), Public Speaking (S121), Graduate courses in various topics (D511), Sports and Games in Literature and Film (L369), Twentieth-Century World Literature (L381), Internship in Writing (W398), Graduate Proposal (D601, D603), Graduate Thesis (D602, D604), Science Fiction (L230), ENG-L495/SPCH-S398/NMCM-N401 Senior seminar, various computer, faculty training, and community workshops
Selected Awards and Honors
Trustees’ Teaching Award (IUK)—2001
TERA Award for teaching (IUK)—1998
Honorable Mention—FACET teaching award—Indiana University (1989)
Claude Rich Award for Teaching Excellence (IUK)--1986
Phi Beta Kappa (1971)
Phi Kappa Phi (honorary—1971)
National Merit Scholarship (1968-1972)
Memberships (Current)
MLA (Modern Language Association)
American Literature Division of MLA
SEA (Society of Early Americanists)
EARLM ListServ
C19 (19th C. Americanists)
Quality Matters—National certification to conduct peer reviews of online courses through the Quality Matters association
Basic Online Course Developers Certificate—Completion of IU Kokomo basic certificate to develop online courses and review other IU Kokomo courses
Sabbatical Leave—project involving the study of literary landscapes of 18th- and early 19th-century literature of the mid-Atlantic, particularly Virginia. My primary work dealt with the early fiction of Virginia, including the novels The Valley of Shenandoah by George Tucker, Swallow Barn and Horse-shoe Robinson by John Pendleton Kennedy, George Balcombe by Nathaniel Beverly Tucker, and The First Settlers of Virginia by John Davis (2004-2005)
Hewlitt Library Grant—Part of library-initiated grant to purchase library support
resources in global environmental studies (2000)
IUK Summer Curriculum Development Grant (1994)—directed faculty development
on Writing Across the Curriculum
IUK Computer Literacy Grant (1984)—participated in grant for developing faculty computer literacy supervised by Gary Dolph
“The Influence of Latin on the Development of the English Language,” Guest speaker at Sycamore
Covenant Academy, January 2010.
“Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter.” Guest lecturer in E103 Environmental Science. October 2006,
October 2007, April 2009.
“St. George Tucker: Renaissance Man of Williamsburg.” BrownBag Series. Indiana University Kokomo. February 2006.
“Neuromancer.” Guest lecturer in H399 Honors Colloquium. 2002.
“Sidekicks in American Literature.” IUK BrownBag Series, October 2001.
“Launching a New Interdisciplinary Freshman Year Program.” Spring Symposium, IUB, “Listening to the Learners: Creating Contexts for Student Success.” April 2000. Co-presented the pilot E105 Environmental Science course with Marcia Gillette and Kathy Parkison.
“Teaching and Learning Communities: Providing Context for Freshman English and Speech Courses.” Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Ball State University, Spring 2000. Co-presented with Marcia Gillette and Kathy Parkison concerning the pilot E105 Environmental Science course.
“Classroom Observation Practices,” CCCC (April 1998). Co-presenter with Nadene Keene and Sue Sciame-Giesecke in three-hour workshop on multiple measures for evaluating faculty.
“Technical Writing” (with Joyce Martin) at the IUK Tech Prep Forum (1995)
“An Overview of Writing Across the Curriculum Activities” at IUK Fall Faculty Convocation (1994)
“Vassilisa the Beautiful.” IUK Cinderella Symposium, 1994. Presentation and participation in panel discussion on Cinderella.
“Remembering Responses for our Writing.” Presented at the Intercampus Committee on Writing Spring Conference (1992). Co-chaired session with student Linda Koontz, surveyed 300 faculty concerning their experiences with responses to their writing, presented results at session, developed and led session.
“Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind.” Presented for the Frankfort American Association of University Women (1989). Gave presentation and led discussion.
“W031, W131, and W132.” Presentation for the IUK Freshman Core Course Seminar (1988)
Membership on a wide range of Intercampus, Campus, and Departmental committees; IU Kokomo Faculty Senate secretary (2010-2012); Chair, English Search and Screen Committee (2011-2012);Member, Education Search and Screen Committee (2011-2012); IU Kokomo Fitness and Wellness Center Steering Committee (2011); MALS Advisory Committee (2011-2012); Campuswide Promotion and Tenure Committee (2011-2012), Campuswide Third-Year Review Committee (2010); Nursing Third-Year Review Committee (2010); ad hoc committee for Creating Guidelines for the Establishment of New Departments (2010); general education writing assessment (2010-11); Chair, Humanities program review (2010-2011) and English program review (2010); Editor and member of steering committee for HLC accreditation visit (2009); Chair of the Phoenix Prize in English selection committee; member FoE Philosophy Dimension committee (2009); member Academic Council; member Administrative Council; member of numerous Search and Screen committees; member Expanded Deans Council; Student Success Committee (co-chair); advising of student organizations and research; judging writing competitions; ACP site visitor; attended meetings of the Indiana Humanities Council; Coordinator of English department; Writing Director; community service; advising of English majors; administer ETS test for English majors; advise Education Department as member of Joint Committee; editing of colleagues’ and students’ work; reviews of textbooks; field bibliographer for the MLA International Bibliography; member—Indiana University graduate faculty; attendance at conferences and professional development workshops; conducted workshops for new faculty; serve on Advisory Board for Ivy Tech; helped organize Shakespeare performance; member of Assessment Council—write assessment reports and plans for English major and Humanities major; external reviewer—IU East; supervision of internships; advising; preparation of examination questions and model papers for Excelsior College (NY) College Writing Examination
Indexing of entries for the MLA International Bibliography (2001-2011).
“Lawrence Ferlinghetti: How to Paint Sunlight: Lyric Poems and Others, 1997-2000 and Americus, Book I.”
Critical Survey of Poetry, 3rd Revised Edition. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2012. (forthcoming)
“Edwin Muir.” Critical Survey of Poetry.” 3rd Revised Edition. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2011.
“Allan Sillitoe.” Critical Survey of Long Fiction, 3rd Revised Edition. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2010.
“Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata.” Masterplots. 3rd Revised Edition. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2010.
“Juan Rulfo.” Magill’s Survey of World Literature, Revised Edition, ed. Tracy Irons-Georges. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2009.
Sixty separate entries on young adult authors for the Literary Reference Center (EBSCO). 2005-2006.
“Biography and Autobiography.” Canon of American Literature: 1,000 Great Works of American Literature.
Sponsored by the Assembly on American Literature of the National Council of Teachers of English. October 2005. Book Chapter.
“Paul Fleischman.” NoveList. [Online reference work]. 2005.
“Natalie Babbitt.” NoveList. [Online reference work]. 2005.
“William Sleator.” NoveList. [Online reference work]. 2005.
“Place in Swallow Barn by John Pendleton Kennedy.” Cyclopedia of Literary Places, ed. R. Baird Shuman. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2003. Pp. 1123-1124.
“Place in The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper.” Cyclopedia of Literary Places, ed. R. Baird Shuman. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2003. Pp. 296-297.
“Place in The Damnation of Theron Ware by Harold Frederic.” Cyclopedia of Literary Places, ed. R. Baird Shuman. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2003. Pp. 269-270.
Sidekicks in American Literature. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002. Book.
“Martha Graham: A Dancer’s Life.” (accepted for publication in Beacham’s series on biography for young adults, Sept. 1999).
“Somewhere in the Darkness.” Masterplots II: Juvenile and Young Adult Literature Series, Supplement. Ed. Frank N. Magill. 3 vols. Pasadena: Salem, 1997. 1160-1162.
“William Gibson.” Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 11 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1996-1997. 722-726.
“Mona Lisa Overdrive.” Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 11 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1996-1997. 2784-2788.
“Neuromancer.” Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 11 vols.
Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1996-1997. 2927-2933.
“Virtual Light.” Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 11 vols.
Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1996-1997. 4480-4484.
“Rosa Cuthbert Guy.” Writers of Multicultural Fiction for Young Adults: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ed. M. Daphne Kutzer. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996. 137-148. Book Chapter.
“A History of New York by Diedrich Knickerbocker.” [Bibliography only.] Masterplots. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Rev. 2nd. ed. Pasadena: Salem, 1995. I:2928.
“Letters from an American Farmer.” [Bibliography only.] Masterplots. Ed. Frank M. Magill. Rev. 2nd ed. Pasadena: Salem, 1995.
“Midnight Hour Encores.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 3619-3628.
“The Tricksters.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 4175-4182.
“Dangerous Spaces.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 2996-3005.
“The Catalogue of the Universe.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 1-9.
This article was distributed to future contributors nationwide as a model for articles in the series.
“The Inheritance.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 3372-3379.
“The Haunting of Chas McGill and Other Stories.” Beacham’s Guide to Literature for Young Adults. Ed. Kirk H. Beetz. 8 vols. Washington, D. C.: Beacham, 1994. 3305-3313.
“Taylor’s MEDITATION 32.” Explicator 51.1 (Fall 1992): 13-17. Refereed.
“Whitman’s STARTING FROM PAUMANOK.” Explicator 49.2 (Winter 1991): 86-89. Refereed.
“Master Simon’s Garden.” Masterplots II: Juvenile and Young Adult Fiction. Ed. Frank M. Magill. 4 vols. Pasadena: Salem, 1991. 931-934.
“The Summer Birds.” Masterplots II: Juvenile and Young Adult Fiction. Ed. Frank M. Magill. 4 vols. Pasadena: Salem, 1991. 1399-1402.
“The Fire Escape.” Poem. [Indianapolis] Star Magazine. May 5, 1985: 10. Refereed.
This poem was selected as a winner in the magazine’s poetry competition.
It was also published in the following anthology:
Indiannual II: A Literary Collection. Indianapolis: Writers’ Center of Indianapolis, 1985.
“An Introduction to the Library.” Exercise Exchange 24 (Fall 1979): 56-60. Refereed.
“Submarines.” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1978.
“Bone Poem (To Georgia O’Keefe).” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1978.
“Pioneer Song.” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1978.
This poem was also published in Inprint 2.4 (Spring 1981): 21.
“Where Do Good People Go When They Die?” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1976.
“Lovers.” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1975.
“Plains.” Poem. Kokomo Creative Arts Council Poetry Supplement, 1975.
Updated February 2012