from the

Los Angeles County

Commission on Human Relations

Office of Media Relations ((213) 974-7654

For further information, contact: Tim McGillivray @ (909) 397-4800, Ext. 3040 or Gustavo Vasquez at (213) 974-7626


Pomona High School Highlights Diversity at Annual ‘Unity Week’ Assembly

On Thursday, February 14th, at 10 a.m., 750 Pomona High School students gather in the gymnasium to celebrate their second annual Unity Week Assembly since the school began its human relations ‘zerohour’ program. Students will be entertained and educated through dramatic skits created and performed by students from the Campus Action Team, Diversity and Social Justice Class, and Peer Resources classes.

The program, “Pomona High School: Finding Unity” will highlight the importance of improving human relations in order to find acceptance and true unity with others. Students will present skits that deal with bullying, sexual harassment, homophobia, racism and stereotypes. Through student presentations, attendees will learn to improve their relationships on-campus and in the greater community.

Pomona High School is one of five “zerohour” high schools in Los Angeles County that have committed to institutionalizing a human relations culture throughout their school. The Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission established the “zerohour” program in 2006 to develop human relations leadership skills in students and human-relations oriented student organizations, support teacher training, and develop courses and curriculum development to educate and train parents. In the past year, the 1,700 plus-Pomona High School has created a Campus Action Team, developed Diversity and Social Justice Classes and strengthened the Parent Action Team.

County Supervisor Gloria Molina, Pomona Mayor, Police Chief and District Officers have been invited to this event.

Pomona High School is located at 475 Bangor Street, Pomona. Please confirm your attendance by contacting Gustavo Vasquez at (213) 974-7626. RSVP is required for admittance on campus and parking.