Saints Constantine and Helen
Capital Construction Campaign (CCC)
Committee Meeting
Church Office
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Members present: Kosta Tsandes, Dawn Hatanelas, Anna Barker, Mary Messer and Julie Lehman.
I. After prayer, meeting commenced @ 5:40pm
II. Minutes were reviewed. Motion to approve made by Kosta Tsandes and seconded by Anna Baker. Unable to vote due to lack of a quorum.
III. Old Business
a. Treasurer’s Report:
Dawn Hatanelas, Treasurer, reported that our current Bank Balance is
$54,177.29 and attached to these Minutes. A bank reconciliation report will be received at the end of this month and provided at the next meeting.
b. Progress on Direct Contact
Lehman thanked committee members for their ongoing Direct Contact efforts. These efforts have resulted in increased donations as well as an opportunity to educate and inform potential donors. Especially important has been the clarification of misinformation that has occurred. The generosity of Parishioners as well as former Parishioners was noted.
Lehman stressed the importance of potential donors knowing that any amount of a donation is more than acceptable and appreciated. Potential donors need to know that no donation is too “small”.
c. Progress on Repairs:
1. Windows in Altar have been replaced and invoice paid
2. The architectural plans for the basement ceiling have been completed and a potential licensed contractor has provided a ROUGH estimate of repairs.
As per the Minutes of December 1, 2016, Section IV, (Jim Messer presentation) Lehman handed out a Progress Report stating the above, and noted that this Progress Report had not been confirmed by Parish Council.
d. Marketing
1. Father Jason has organized the puzzle and it will be placed in a shadow box in the Fellowship Hall for completion.
2. Mary Messer has created a “Thermometer Poster” (measuring our fundraising progress). The Poster has been relocated and placed on a tripod in the Fellowship Hall.
3. A large drawing of the Giving Tree, as seen on the Church Capital Campaign link/section of the Web page, will be placed on a wall in the Fellowship Hall with the names of donors added to the Tree limbs.
IV. New Business:
Lehman reported that she has been asked to attend a Special Parish Council Meeting on February 5, 2017. She asked Committee members for input as to what they would like brought up to the Parish Council at that meeting:
1. It is not the Mission of the Fundraising Committee to implement the needed repairs for which we are Fundraising. It is the responsibility of the Parish Council/General Assembly to implement the repairs.
2. The Committee stands firmly on our Mission and feels it is imperative that we complete the length of our service as stated in the Minutes of October 13, 2017, Item III d, (October 13, 2016-December 31, 2017).
3. Our fundraising goal is to raise $150,000 by December 31, 2017 for repairs and renovations to the Church. We are currently at 38% of our goal.
The Committee will not support fundraising to utilize or replenish funds from any other Church revenue accounts until our term of service is over and in the unlikely event that the Committee has not been able to achieve our fundraising goal.
4. A routine brief written renovation and repairs progress report from the Parish Council to the Committee and Parishioners would be very helpful in information clarification and help with our fundraising efforts.
V. Other Concerns/Comments
a. As stated above.
b. Our next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2017 @ 5:30pm.
If you are unable to attend, please notify Lehman.
Meeting adjourned after closing prayer at 6:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Julie Lehman, Chairperson.