- Plato.The Republic. (any edition)
- Plato.Ion. (any edition)
- Aristotle.Nicomachean Ethics. (any edition)
- Aristotle. Poetics. (any edition)
- Hobbes,Thomas.Leviathan. Chapters 13-20. (any edition)
- Hume,David.A Treatise on Human Nature. Book III. (any edition)
- Kant,Immanuel.Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. (any edition)
- Kant,Immanuel.Critique of the Power of Judgment. (any edition)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.Aesthetics. (any edition)
- Mill,John Stuart.Utilitarianism. (any edition)
- Mill,John Stuart.On Liberty. (any edition)
- Moore,G. E. Principia Ethica. (any edition)
- Kruschwitz, Robert B. and Roberts, Robert C. (eds.). The Virtues: Contemporary Essays on Moral Character Belmont.pp. 21-136. Belmont,California: Wadsworth Pub. Co.,1987.
- Rawls,John.A Theory of Justice.Chapters 1-3.Cambridge,Mass.:HarvardUniversity Press,1971.
- Locke, John.Two Treatises of Governmen.1689. (any edition)
- Rousseau,Jean-Jacques.The Social Contract. (any edition)
- Gibbard, A.Wise Choices, Apt Feelings. Cambridge,Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, 1990.
- Korsgaard, C.The Sources of Normativity.Cambridge; New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1996.
- Mackie, J.L.Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong. New York: Penguin Books,1977.
- Nagel, Thomas.The Possibility of Altruism. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1970.
- Scanlon, T.M.What We Owe to Each Other. Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, 2000.
- Darwall, Stephen.The Second-Person Standpoint: Morality, Respect, and Accountability. Cambridge, Mass.:HarvardUniversity Press, 2006.
- Sidgwick, Henry. The Methods of Ethics. 1874. (any edition)
- Williams, Bernard.Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.Cambridge, Mass.:HarvardUniversity Press, 1985.
- Ross,W. D. The Right and the Good. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1930.
- Ayer, A. J. Language, Truth and Logic. New York:Dover Publications, 1946.
- Stevenson, Charles L. Ethics and Language.New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 1944.
- Hare, R. M. Freedom and Reason.London: OxfordUniversity Press, 1963.
- Harman, Gilbert.The Nature of Morality: An Introduction to Ethics.New York: OxfordUniversity Press,1977.
- Geulen, Eva.The End of Art: Readings in a Rumor after Hegel.Stanford, Calif: StanfordUniversity Press, 2006.
- Hare,R. M. Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Method, and Point.Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1981.