LRMS PTA Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 15, 2016

I.  Welcome – Meeting began at 6:40 pm

II.  Secretary –Patty Cervenka

a.  Approval of Minutes – minutes from the 5/16/16 and 7/18/16 were approved by a quorum. We went around the room and all attendees introduced themselves.

III.  Treasurer’s Report – Need to purchase a computer. Current computer has been crashing. Patrick Murray has offered to purchase a computer for the PTA. Current balance is $26,127.18. Agenda sales were approx $1,550. We need to check with Mandy or Katherine on how and if those were paid for. We will have budget and proposed budget complete at the next meeting.

IV.  Principal’s Report - Karen Sinders

a.  Thank you to parents for attending meeting.

b.  First early release is this Friday. Food needs picked up and ready to go by 12:30. Students will be released at 12:30 on Friday.

c.  Campus beautification and mulching day – Sat, Sept 24th (rain out date is Sat, Oct 1st)

d.  Schedule for all fall sports are posted online. Spirit week and tailgates are being scheduled. Very fun for the kids – music, food for sale, wear red, etc. in the cafeteria. Sept 26th – 30th tailgate 29th second one is Jan 3-6 tailgate on Jan 5th

e.  Spooky Walk – Saturday, Oct 8th (rain date Sat, Oct 15th)

f.  First School Dance is Friday Sept 16th 7-9pm. Second dance is March 31st in conjunction with the Silent Auction money goes to technology and collaborative learning center.

g.  8th grade awards and dance is June 9th.


V.  Committee Reports

a.  Audit committee needs one more – we had Jennifer Shay volunteer for the committee. Having a meeting on Monday at 6:00.

b.  Fundraising – fall fundraiser is just a straight donation fundraiser. Using Penny Road’s fundraiser as a starting point. Need to give prize rewards. Pay Pal? Cat will help with signage from her company. “When lighting strikes great things happen”. Need to be really transparent about what the money will go for. Sinders will provide photos of what will be purchased. A cultural arts list will be provided as well. Include employers may match donations. Perhaps a coupon for a restaurant. We can focus on explaining the benefits of the new technology. Sinders has agreed to provide a summary of what they are and what they are for. We can link Newsflash to the website with photos and descriptions. 2 – 3 weeks is a good timeframe. September time frame. Jennifer McFadyen has volunteered to help. $20,000 is the proposed goal (10 more classrooms is what it will be the

c.  Newsflash – send items by COB on Wednesdays. Acquesta is tech help goes out on Friday night to a controlled list. Great tool. Send to . Sendind a PDF is best practice.

d.  Talent show – Feb 23rd is musical. Friday, April 21st is recommended. Mr. Fox will be tech. Auditions will be necessary. Possibly add staff performances. Set a time limit. No prizes. I will book cafeteria and gym.

e.  Spirit Nights – Will check with Kona Ice for dance nights and for talent show night. Citi BBQ is Aug 29th 25% goes to the school. TJ Flats Sept 28th 20% of sales to school. Anna’s Pizza Oct 18th 10% for school. November 4th Jelly Beans $1 per student to school. Dec 7th at Moes in Apex 15% back to school.

f.  Cultural Arts – Need to book 1 per semester and 2 grade levels each. Try to spread out the grade level who gets to attend. Went to showcase/fair. Emailed teachers and art teacher asked for a writer or art residency. Possibly Carolina ballet. Teacher recommended Mike Wylie – possibly for February for Black History Month.

g.  Box tops – $5 gift cards for prizes each quarter. Add this to the budget. Sheets are online and it goes in the newsletter. Give it an occasional push.

h.  Reflections – Art contest – local, state, national. Allows students to develop their creative side. Can be used on college resumes. Need to register the school and to change the budget to $50 for registration fee. Shows how art can be integrated into math and science and let kids express themselves. There is also a division for special needs kids. Ann Stanley has committed cultural arts financial support of $500 for the program. Add a line item with the caveat of increasing awareness with the students. Last year we had a state winner in composition. Will let us know when registration is due.

i.  Membership – Need to send meeting notices to all of the PTA members and post minutes and agenda items on website. Ann has offered to put together a FB page.


VI.  Other Items

The Meeting was adjourned at 8:31 pm.

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