Romans 7:4-6 (summary passage of Romans ch. 6-8)
v. 4died to the law through the body of Christ6:6,14
you belong to Christ who is raised from the dead6:8-11
so you can bear fruit to God6:22
v.5when we were controlled by the flesh7:14,18
the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies7:8,11
so that we bore fruit for death7:11,24
v.6by dying to what once bound us8:3; 6:18
we have been released from the law8:2
so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit8:4,9
not in the old way of the written code8:2, 34
Key Themes of chs. 6-8 (Law, Flesh, Sin, Death)
Lawdied to the law through the body of Christ7:4
released from the law7:6
Flesh“old self” crucified with Christ6:6
body of sin rendered powerless6:6
died to the flesh7:6
we do not live according to the flesh, but the Spirit8:4
controlled not by flesh but by Spirit8:9
Sindied to sin6:2
no longer slaves to sin6:6,7,14,17,18,22
count yourselves dead to sin6:11
don’t let sin reign in your mortal bodies6:12,13
God condemned sin in sinful man8:3
Deathgift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus6:23
law of the Spirit set me free from law of death8:2
mind controlled by the Spirit is life8:6
God will give life to our mortal bodies8:11
Reasons for Assurance for Our Future and Total Salvation
“The Hope of Glory”
ch. 5have accessed by faith the grace in which we standv.2
suffering perseverance character hopevv. 3-4
have received God’s love by the Holy Spiritv.5
“how much more”: been justified…will be savedv.9
“how much more”: as God’s enemies, were reconciled by Christ’s death
as reconciled, be saved through his lifev.10
ch. 8Spirit who lives in you, will resurrect youv.11
you will live if by the Spirit you mortify the fleshv.13
Spirit’s indwelling affirms our adoption; co-heirs with Christvv. 14-17
will share in Christ’s glory if we share in his sufferingsv.17
firstfruits of the Spirit, we wait for our full adoption/redemptionv.23
we were saved in this hope, we wait for it patientlyvv. 24-25
those God justified, he also glorified (past tense = certainty)v.30
God is for us, did not spare his own Sonvv. 31-32
God has chosen usv.33
the one who can condemn, Christ, is interceding for usv.34
nothing can separate us from God’s lovevv. 35-39
Salvation Terminology in Romans, Explicit & Implicit
(P = Past; Pr = Present; F = Future)
Pjustification—acquittal, release from guilt3:24
P,Pr,Fredemption—ransom payment of purchase3:24
Ppropitiation—turn aside God’s wrath, satisfy His justice3:25
Pcredit righteousness—reckon, linked to justification4:5; 3:26
P,Pr,Fsalvation—deliverance from judgment, death5:9
Preconciliation—relationship reestablished5:10; 5:1
Pconversion—turning from one to the other6:11-14
Pregeneration—made spiritually alive, born again6:11; 8:9
P,Pr,Fsanctification—made holy6:22
P,Pr,Fadoption—become an heir; under our Father’s care8:15
Pforeknowledge—know personally ahead of time8:29
Ppredestination—determine ahead of time8:29
Pcalling—call to oneself8:30
Fglorification—make immortal and fully holy8:30
note: God’s actions marked only “Past” does not mean that the effects of these actions were only in the past, but that they are one-time events when we are united with Christ’s death and resurrection by faith and repentance. The effects are eternally on-going!