Notes from the Patient Participation Group Meeting

Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 2.30pm

Held in the Health Education Room


Apologies for absence were received from G Jameson, D Howling, Mr Gilbert


The minutes of the previous meeting on Tuesday 25 October were accepted.

Matters Arising:

The only matter arising is about ECG Rapid Rhythm study. The study is complete. A request had been made for additional places for volunteers on behalf of patients registered with the Firsway Health Centre should other practices be unable to supply sufficient volunteers. No vacancies have arisen but Paula has noted the interest registered and will contact patients if a further study is undertaken.

Practice Update - made by Paula Lea:

Staffing: The Practice has 16 GP’s, either employed or Practice Partners, including 2 FY2 Doctors; those incumbent FY2 Doctors are shortly to leave the Practice at the completion of their attachment and they will be replaced by a further 2. The Practice also has 1 ST2 Doctor and a GP returner..

These are Doctors in training towards qualifying as GP’s, in a contract with a University Deanery. The practice of attachment has proved beneficial in that 2 Foundation Doctors are changing track to become GP’s.

It is noted that this full complement will continue to reduce waiting times for routine appointments with a GP. Paula also reported that waiting time for a routine appointment is down to one week. One member of the PPG reported having to wait 10 days and another member reporting that her experience confirms Paula’s statement that she only had to wait a week.

Paula was also pleased to report that Sister McGuirk has returned to the Practice from maternity leave, initially part-time but soon to resume full-time. A new Healthcare Assistant, Frances Kelly is also getting quickly up-to-speed in her new role.

The Practice ‘s Advanced Nurse Practitioner has left her post to pursue other avenues in nursing. There had been complaints from some patients about seeing an Advanced Nurse Practitioner rather than a GP. This surprised some members of the PPG, who reported having very positive experiences with Nurse Practitioners. The Practice has decided to replace the nurse with a GP, partly because a GP is able to perform a wider range of duties than a Practice Specialist Nurse.

Website Update: Paula has updated the website with details of all staffing changes as well as the information about DNAs, phone system and other information.

One PPG member opined that the list of GPs at Firsway was kept up-to-date at hospitals. During the discussion, Paula reassured that the GP list was up-dated every 3 months and forwarded to the CCG. She was unable to comment if the CCG or the hospital records are not maintained at either source.

Paula also explained that when letters in reply arrive back at the Practice, they will be seen by any GP, usually within 24 hours.

N.B. Each GP receives around 50-60 letters requiring attention each day.

One further point is that there are two central data hubs at the CCG and work is underway to synchronise these into one.

DNAs: Efforts to reduce the number of DNAs is regularly pursued, though reductions have been achieved there are occasional surges. In November 2016 there were 318 recorded DNAs and this was reduced to 253 in December. Text message reminders are helping, and Paula reported that just last Sunday, the Practice received 6 texts alerting staff to cancellations of appointments made by patients, a fact that was well-received by all the staff.

Conversation turned to the potential to research further ways to reduce DNAs; one suggestion focused on attempts to increase the number of mobile numbers recorded to contact patients and encourage them to active proactively. The suggestion that Reception Staff ask for mobile numbers when patients request appointments was discussed, though it was accepted that that may incur excessive time.

This raised the question of what PPG members are prepared to do to support the Practice:

  • Is the PPG simply a discussion group?
  • Or is it an Action Group, undertaking work on behalf of the Practice to relieve pressure on staff?
  • Are we here to make a difference or to pose problems for the Practice to address?
  • Most PPG members declared they were too busy to take part.

This fundamental question needs to be answered. In the meantime, Paula will ask the Management Team to consider the possibility of Reception Staff securing mobile numbers.

Minor Ailments Scheme: There has been an increase in the number of Pharmacies that have agreed to participate in this scheme. An updated list of participating Pharmacists is being maintained and held in Practice Reception but there have been complaints that some Pharmacists, having agreed to participate and being in receipt of payment for same, have not provided Pharmacist cover. This is not acceptable. Patients are encouraged to report lapses and the Practice will consider what action to take.

Friends and Family Feedback: We continue to record high levels of patients reporting that they are satisfied or even more pleased with the service the Practice delivers. Satisfaction ratings recently recorded are 83% in November, 80% in December and January. One suggestion is to consider using texts being sent to patients to raise awareness of the positive actions we undertake and the results we achieve.

Fundraising (item 6) and Status on Defib Machine (item 9): These two items were combined for discussion. The Practice has a Defib Machine for use at the Practice and consideration has been given to installing it in a secure case outside the Practice building for use by the staff and the public during Practice opening hours and also be available for use in emergency by members of the public outside Practice opening hours.

Previously, we had discussed the potential for vandalism but the Practice Partners are willing to accept this calculated risk to provide a potentially life-saving piece of equipment. They will do so if research to establish the preferred casing is undertaken by the PPG as well as securing funding either by raising funds themselves or securing funding from community funding groups.

The cost of purchasing the casing is not known but some best guesses suggest it will be in the region of £400. Paula has a handyman who will undertake the work.

One PPG member suggested contacting the Landfill Community Projects group to try to secure such funding. Some supermarkets also have funds that they might offer to community ideas and this might fall into that category.

The Practice stated that it is looking for volunteers and ideas from the PPG to take this forward, by researching technical information, options for the casing and securing funding.

Action: Mr Qamar has agreed to take this forward.

Updates on the Telephone System: Paula reported on this issue, including issues with downtime, which had been caused by ‘outages’ and this has, hopefully, been fully resolved.

Obesity Epidemic and Self-Care: The Chair had researched issues, based current good practice, on his links with the CCG, to establish an area that involved the patients at Firsway, where the PPG took a lead in creating some positive difference in the health of a group and where the PPG could demonstrate how Self-Help can increase the health and well-being of patients without cost or with little cost, in a way that might demonstrate how we could ease just some of the pressure on the Practice Team, possibly with a view to release some of their time to continue to undertake essential good practice.

This has the potential to be innovative, highlighting what patients can do to help themselves and even generate good publicity for the Practice.

The Chair introduced one possibility, helping patients to reduce weight, taking into account the warnings being aired that a potential Diabetes epidemic is looking and reducing weight is a key factor in prevention.

This was not intended to be the only suggestion, simply one topic to consider. Some PPG members rejected this suggestion and the fact that anybody other than a doctor could talk to someone about their weight.

One PPG member introduced the report of a GP, who established a Walking Group for patients in his Practice, where the benefits of walking in supportive company, enjoying mild exercise and the countryside, improved general health and was preferential to prescriptions.

This needs volunteers of course.

One PPG member suggested holding a BBQ, where action groups, support groups and general information health and welfare could be shared. There was general support for the idea but further research needs to be undertaken ready for the next PPG meeting.

Action:Mr Qamar and Malcolm Howells will conduct research and report back at the next PPG.

N.B. If we are to progress as an active and achieving PPG, we need members that will volunteer and take action.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded at 1605 hrs.

Next meeting is Tuesday 11th April at 5pm