MCoE Libraries



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University of California Press, 1939.

E559.5 35th .F69 2004Fox, John J. Red Clay to Richmond: Trail of the 35th Georgia Infantry

Regiment, C.S.A. Winchester, VA: Angle Valley Press, 2004.

E580 4th .D3 1961Davis, Nicholas. The Campaign from Texas to Maryland. Austin: The

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E467.1 .J74 N49 1998Newton, Steven H. Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond.

Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998.

E470.2 .P69 1998Power, J. Tracy. Lee’s Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

E470.2 .W36 2002Walsh, George. DamageThem All You Can: Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. New York: Forge, 2002.

E473.6 .B19 1983Bailey, Ronald H. Forward to Richmond: McClellan’s Peninsular

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E473.6 .C96 1973Cullen, Joseph P.The Peninsula Campaign, 1862:McClellan and Lee Struggle for Richmond.Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:Stackpole Books, 1973.

E473.6 .S43 1992Sears, Stephen W. To the Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1992.

E473.6 .T56 1985Thomas, Emory M. Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign. Philadelphia:

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E473.6 .W43 1986Wheeler, Richard. Sword over Richmond: An Eyewitness History of McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.

E476.93 .S65 1981Sommers, Richard J. Richmond Redeemed: The Siege at Petersburg.

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E476.27 .J61957Jones, Virgil Carrington. Eight Hours before Richmond. New York: Holt, 1957.

E476.57 .R63 1987Robertson, William G. Back Door to Richmond: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, April–June 1864. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1987.

E477.61 .H7 1981Hoehling, A.A. The Day Richmond Died. San Diego: A.S. Barnes, 1981.

E477.61 .H7 1986Hoehling, Adolph A and Mary Hoehling.The Last Days of the

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E477.61 .L36 2002 Lankford, Nelson D. Richmond Burning: The Last Days of the

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E477.61 .R9 1993Ryan, David D. Four Days in 1865: The Fall of Richmond. Richmond, Virginia: Cadmus, 1993.

E477.61 .W56 2001Winik, Jay.April 1865: The Month that Saved America. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001.

E487 .B76 1983Brock, Salie A. Richmond During the War: Four Years of Personal Observation. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1983. Donovan Archives.

E493.5 .I63 C73 2011Craughwell, Thomas J. The Greatest Brigade: How the Irish Brigade

Cleared the Way to Victory in the American Civil War. Beverly, MA:

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UA23 .W7768 2006Cullen, Joseph P. Richmond Battlefields: A History and Guide to

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UA508 .R5 C8 1934Cutchins, John Abram. The Famous Command, The Richmond Light

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E473.6 .A2R3 DUCullen, Joseph P. Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia.

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For additional printed sources, check the vertical file at MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library. Ask circulation desk for assistance.

December 2015