HR Policies & Procedures




1.1In this policy, "sick leave cycle" means the period of 36 months' employment with the same employer, immediately following an employee's commencement of employment; or the completion of that employee's prior leave cycle.

1.2The aim of this policy is to lay down clear guidelines regarding sick leave entitlement, procedures and documentation.

1.3All permanent staff members are eligible for sick leave.


2.1This policy must be read in conjunction with the following organisational policies:

2.1.1Contract of Employment

2.1.2Annual Leave Policy and Procedure


3.1An Employee is entitled to 30 days sick leave for every sick leave cycle. A sick leave cycle is a period of 36months employment with the same employer, calculated from date of anniversary.

3.2During the 1st six months of employment, the Employee is entitled to 1 day’s paid sick leave for every 26 days worked.

3.3To be eligible for paid sick leave, an Employee will be required to produce a Medical Certificate stating:

3.3.1The illness, which resulted in their absence from work for a period of 2 days or more.

3.3.21 Day’s absence which is taken before or after a Public Holiday or Weekend.

3.3.3Where an Employee has been paid sick leave on 2 or more occasions during an 8 week period.


4.1Employees are responsible to inform his/her departmental Manager of not being able to attend work before 08h00 a.m.

4.2Upon returning to work, an Employee must immediately fill in a Leave application form and attach a copy of the doctor’s note where applicable.

4.3This must be signed off by the Departmental Manager and sent to the Human Resources Department.

4.4The Employee’s Sick leave record will be updated and the Sick Leave Form will be filed in the Employee’s Personnel File. Failure to this could result in disciplinary action being instituted against the employee.


5.1A medical certificate is the only proof that an Employee has been on bona fide sick leave. Therefore, the Company retains the right to query any Medical Certificate and where it believes that such Medical Certificate does not justify paid sick leave, may refuse to pay the Employee sick leave.

5.2Should an Employee fall ill whilst on annual leave; these days may be converted to sick leave. This however, will only be converted upon receipt of a Medical Certificate and available sick leave balance.

5.3The Company will not permit an Employee to take leave during any period of notice.

5.4Employees may not work for the Company or any other Employer during a period of sick leave.

5.5The Company will not pay out sick leave.

5.6Should the employee be unfit to be at work whilst sick, the employee must be at home recovering.

5.7Should an employee be absent for a period for three or more days without good reason and without notifying their supervisor/manager, this shall be deemed to be desertion.

5.8Employees who are frequently absent through illness may be liable for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal on the grounds of incapacity to perform their duties.

5.9No employee is permitted to change or alter a medical certificate. This will be classified as fraud and will be dealt with according to the company disciplinary code.

Sick Leave Policy Procedures / Prepared by: / HR Department
Date: October 2015 / Authorised by: / Chief Operating Officer