Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10 June, 2015 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton, at 7:00 pm


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor K Jones

Councillors: L Rose, M Stevenson, B Thorne

Ex Officio: Councillor R Peart (Deputy Mayor)

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor R Peart

33/15 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Austen & Rollason.

34/15 Election of Chairman

Cllr Peart invited nominations for the Chairman of this committee. Cllr Jones & Cllr Peart both expressed an interest. Cllr Thorne proposed Cllr Peart and Cllr Stevenson proposed Cllr Jones. Therefore a secret ballot took place and resulted in Cllr Jones being elected as Chairman.

35/15 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

36/15 Minutes

Cllr Jones signed the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April, 2015 which had been approved at the Full Council meeting.

37/15 Community Hall Car Park update

After discussion that funding of only £5,000 from the elector fund had been secured, which leaves a shortfall of £14,000, which would be required to extend the car park with extra spaces. Therefore, Cllr Rose suggested that the car park be made better for manoeuverability, rather than having extra spaces. Cllr Peart proposed for 3 x new quotes to be obtained to investigate whether an extension of up to 3 x metres in tarmac to the rear of the car park could be done with the permitted funds. Seconded by, Cllr Rose. All, agreed.

38/15 Community Hall Toilets Conversion

Cllr Peart advised that the conversion work could be done by Councillors providing there is no payment for services made.

Cllr Jones proposed that he and Cllr Peart measure up to see what facilities such as how many toilets, baby change, sinks etc. can be fitted in the space and will bring information to the next meeting on July 8th, 2015.

Seconded by, Cllr Stevenson. All, agreed.

Cllr Rose asked for the baby change unit to be lower than in the present disabled toilet. Noted.

39/15 MHS Lighting

The following quotes were discussed for the upgrading of lighting in the MHS:-

·  Andrew Bickham Electrical Contractor @ £960 - Option 1

@ £1050 - Option 2

@ £1240 - Option 3

·  P C Electrical Contractor @ £435 - Option 1

@ £560 - Option 2

@ £725 - Option 3

·  S J Newton Electrical Ltd @ £740.41 (ex. VAT) - Option 1

@ £488.63 (ex. VAT) - Option 2

@ £696.50 (ex. VAT) - Option 3

Mrs Simmons explained that all of the above were concerned about the amount of different lights which would be present, however, S J Newton made an alternative recommendation for the most maintenance free and energy efficient option, which would be to replace 6 x existing lights (either the square ones or the circular ones) with 6 x LED Panels of size 600 mm x 600 mm @ £713.33 (ex. VAT) - Option 4

Or if this option was taken with dimmable panels it would be an extra £500

(ex. VAT) @ £763.33 (ex. VAT)

Cllr Peart proposed for Mrs Simmons to go back to S J Newton and find out what the Lux level will be if we go for Option 4 of the 6 x 600 mm x 600 mm on 2 x separate switches with all existing lighting removed. We need it confirmed that this would be bright enough for the purpose of crafting & very fine stitching. Also, a sample of the light to be presented at the next meeting in July. Both Andrew Bickham & P C Electrical are also to be invited to quote for the same.

Seconded by, Cllr Jones. All, agreed.

40/15 Town Crier update

Cllr Stevenson has obtained a copy of the Town Crier/Council Contract from another Council which can be adjusted by Kingsteignton Town Council.

The position of Town Crier is voluntary and is recognized as an ancient & honorable position & expected to be a commitment by the right person for the time specified within the contract signed, but is required to attend all official events requested. Any outside events which are attended will incur fees to the hirer, which will result in 80% going to the Town Crier and 20% to Kingsteignton Town Council.

The applicant must join the Guild of Town Criers at a cost of approximately £35 per annum.

An initial outlay of approximately £1,000 would cover the costs of required uniform, which the schools could be involved in the design of, using our council colours with our Kingsteignton logo.

Mrs Simmons re-iterated that former Cllr Rob Harris had set aside £5,000 in the 2015/2016 budget for publicity/advertising purposes which this could come from.

Mr Ken Purchase, head of the Guild of Town Criers has agreed to judge a competition to be held at the Garden, Craft & Hobby Fayre 2015 to recruit a Town Crier for Kingsteignton Town Council. There will be a competition cry in the morning and the winner will perform an official cry in the afternoon.

Cllr Stevenson proposed to copy and amend the obtained contract to suit Kingsteignton Town Councils requirements and for Mrs Simmons to prepare a Press Release and arrange advertising in the local press and radio to promote the competition being held in August. Approval to action this agenda item immediately. Seconded by, Cllr Rose. All, agreed.

Cllr Peart said that we could tie in with the Garden, Craft & Hobby Fayre advertising.

41/15 Bills for Payment

·  APi Communications @ £114.80 + VAT

Call out for investigation on the hearing loop in the Community Hall.

42/15 Correspondence for Information

There was no correspondence.

The meeting closed at 8:08 p.m

Signed:……………………………………. Dated:……………………….