Future Programs

August 2008

Membership & Extension Month

Aug. 13th DG Beverly Hunt’s club visit

Aug. 20th TBA

Aug. 27th TBA



Fiscal YTD Total $ 193.00

Week of July 30th 63.00

$ 256.00

Keep up the good work contributing toward our scholarship & special project funds!

Aug. 7th Fireside at Michael Guergawi’s home, 6:00 p.m.

Sept. 13, 2008 Rotary Leadership Institute – Avon Park

Jan. 10, 2009 President President-Elect Mid-Year Meeting – Bartow

May 25-17, 2009 District Conference – Crowne Plaza Hotel, Tampa

Hillsborough County Makeup Locations

Internet 24-7 location is:


How to find a meeting at the Rotary web site;

http://www.rotary.org – click on “club locator”.


Bartow Breakfast 7:00am Bartow Memorial Hospital

Plant City 12:15pm Ramada Inn

Plant City Daybreak 7:15pm Ramada Inn

Tampa North 12:15pm Comfort Inn

Riverview 12:00pm Summerfield

Golf Club

Temple Terrace 7:30am I Hop, Temple Terrace


Brandon 12:00pm Center Plaza

Tampa 12:10pm St. Pete Times


Tampa Hyde Park 12:00pm Circles


Tampa West 7:15pm Comfort Inn

Lakeland 12:00p.m.First United Methodist Church- Family Life Center

Lake Wales 12:00p.m. Lake Wales Country Club


Brandon South 7:30am Buddy Freddy’s

Tampa Bay 7:15am Centre Club

Southshore Ruskin 12:15pm

Tampa East 12:15pm Crowne Plaza

Tampa T & C 12:15pm Landry’s Seafood

New Tampa Noon 12:00pm Circles Bistro


Tampa Interbay 12:15pm Centre Club

Tampa Downtown- 7:30am University Club



Tampa Upper Bay 7:30am Aston Gardens

Brandon ’86 7:00am Golden Corral

New Tampa 7:00am Tampa Palms CC

Sun City Center 12:15pm The Plaza Club

Tampa Carrollwood 12:15pm Emerald Green Country Club

Lakeland South 12:15pm Lakeland Center

Rotary Club

of Ybor City

Liz Falcon, Editor Best Large Club Bulletin Award

1994-95, 1996-97 & 2006-07 http://YborRotary.org

813 980-2127 August 6, 2008 at 12:15 p.m.

"How gasoline prices are determined"

Dr. Lee Hoke, Professor of Economics at the University of Tampa

Lee Hoke holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a full professor of economics at The University of Tampa, Chair of the Student Support Committee and a College of Business representative to the University Senate. During the 26 years Dr. Hoke has been at the University he has served as Associate Dean of the College of Business, Chairman of the Division of Economics and Business, Director of the MBA program, Director of the Strategic Analysis Program and Co-director of The TECO Energy Center for Leadership

Lee received the “Louise Loy Hunter” award in 1990, the highest honor The University of Tampa can bestow on a faculty member. In 2004 and he received the “John H. Sykes College of Business Teaching Excellence Award”. Dr. Hoke is also an award wining advisor receiving the University’s “Excellence in Academic Advising” in 2000. He has been named most dedicated teacher five times in the annual student opinion poll. In 2007, he was named UT’s “Most Inspiring Professor” by the students of Delta Sigma Pi.

Dr. Hoke has many other academic and business world activities and accomplishments too numerous to mention here.

Chair Rex Damron


Sept 8 – Oct. 8, 2008 GSE Team goes to Denmark

Sept. 13, 2008 Rotary Leadership Institute – Avon Park

December, 2008 Club Elections

Jan. 10, 2009 President’s Mid-year meeting – Bartow

May 14-16, 2009 District Conference – Crowne Plaza – Tampa

June 21-25, 2009 RI Convention – Birmingham, England

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

Notice to Red Badge members

All red badge members must check in with Liz upon arrival at each club meeting. Thank you!

Buster Castellano, Rick Barcena, Jack Lamb, Susan King, & Mary Alvarez,

At last week’s club meeting President Mary Alvarez awarded Rick and Susan their well earned “blue” badges.

Quotes to Live By

“The time is always right to do the right thing.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.”

Maurice Setter

Enthusiasm is contagious. Start an Epidemic!

NOTICE: The new By-Laws affective March 12, 2008 are now available. If you have not received your copy yet, you can pick up your personal copy at next week’s meeting or see Bill Terry.

Excerpt from the Revised By-Laws . . .

ARTICLE 9 – Member Attendance and Leave of Absence

Section 1. Required Attendance. In each six (6) month period starting July 1 of any year, a member must attend or make up at least 60 percent of this Club’s regular meetings. At least one half of this 60% requirement must be at this Club’s regular meetings. If a member fails to attend as required, the members’ membership shall be subject to termination unless the Board consents to such nonattendance for good cause. The only exceptions to this attendance requirement are excused absences as allowed by the Board in Sections 3 and 4 (refer to your copy of the Revised By-Laws affective March 12, 2008, page 7), and for Emeritus Members as allowed in Article 6, Section 2(2) (page 5 of the Revised By-Laws affective March 12, 2008).


In the Rotary year, August is “Membership Month.” It is a time to think about membership and to encourage growth and extension of Rotary. Our club has been blessed to have had many great members through the years, but as with any organization, there is attrition. So we need to be focused about bringing into our club persons who will be excellent Rotarians. Rotarians are generally

entrepreneurial, professional, or managerial

persons. They are achievers and the type of people that can “get the job done.” They should have a good community reputation. We need to offer memberships to those types of persons who also have a strong public service ethic. President Mary Alvarez is challenging the Club this year to bring in 12 new members.

The recently amended By-Laws address how to propose persons for membership. The member proposing a new member should invite the prospective member to several Club meetings at the expense of the proposing member (or if special circumstances are involved, with the permission of the President, at the expense of the Club). The proposing member should explain the mission statement of Rotary and the obligations of membership to the prospective member, as set out in the By-Laws. Next, an application is secured from the President and filled out. It is submitted to the Board. The name of the prospective member is published in the Club bulletin. The prospective member is also introduced at meetings. If there are no objections to the prospective member, then he or she will be elected to membership at the next following Board meeting. If more than 3 objections are presented to the Board, the Board can consider the matter and accept or reject the application.

Rotary has a membership classification system to have a well balanced membership reflective of the community, in which no one business or profession dominates. So, if you are considering proposing a new member, check with the President to determine the possible classification of the prospective member. No more than 10 percent of the Club should be in any one classification. Elected Officials (with the exception of School Officials and the Judiciary) cannot have an elected office classification.

The proposing member must recognize that it is his or her obligation to “mentor” the prospective member if elected to membership. This includes making sure that the member attends meetings, participates in social events, and “makes Rotary a part of his or her life.”

Submitted by Bill Terry