Aurora Health Care

EMS Continuing Education

3nd Quarter 2016 Quiz

Obstetric Patients

Name ______

Department ______

E-mail address ______

Please highlight or bold your answers and e-mail to

1. The placental barrier:

a. allows all drugs and substances to cross.

b. allows certain drugs such as oxygen and glucose to cross.

c. allows no drugs and substances to cross.

d. is of no concern to EMS.

2. During the third trimester, a common cause of shortness of breath in the expectant mother is:

a. increased oxygen demand of the fetus.

b. decrease in uterine size.

c. elevated diaphragm from increased uterine size.

d. increased lung capacity due to pregnancy.

3. An EMT can effectively rule out pregnancy as a potential cause of abdominal pain if:

a. the patient claims to be having regular menstrual periods.

b. the patient denies sexual activity.

c. both of the above.

d. none of the above.

4. Normal vital sign changes that occur to the mother during pregnancy include:

a. pulse rate increase with a decrease in blood pressure.

b. pulse rate increase with an increase in blood pressure.

c. pulse rate decrease with a decrease in blood pressure.

d. pulse rate decrease with an increase in blood pressure.

5. During the third trimester, a patient placed supine may become hypotensive primarily because of:

a. decrease in circulating blood volume.

b. decrease in pulse rate.

c. compression of the inferior vena cava prevents blood return to the heart.

d. vasoconstriction.

6. A pregnant patient may need to experience as much as ______blood loss before a drop in her systolic blood pressure will be observed.

a. 10-15%

b. 15-20%

c. 20-25%

d. 30-35%

7. APGAR scores measure:

a. appearance, pulse, grip, activity and respiration.

b. appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration.

c. activity, pressure (blood), grimace, activity and reflexes

d. appearance, pulse, grimace, acuity, respirations

8. The normal stimulus for a baby to take its first breath is:

a. when an EMT suctions the mouth and nose.

b. when the umbilical cord is cut.

c. during stimulation after complete delivery.

d. when the chest clears the vaginal opening.

9. The leading cause of death for pregnant patients is:

a. complications of gestational diabetes.

b. delivery induced hypovolemia.

c. trauma.

d. seizure induced respiratory arrest.

10. The leading cause of traumatic fetal death is placental abruption.

a. true.

b. false.

11. The primary difference between preeclampsia and eclampsia is:

a. seizures are present in preeclampsia.

b. hypertension.

c. seizures are present in eclampsia.

d. hypotension.

12. EMT’s need to be aware of the complications associated with a mother who develops eclampsia as 1.8% of them will die. EMT’s especially need to realize that eclampsia can develop AFTER the baby is born and usually within four weeks of delivery.

a. true.

b. false.

13. Significant stimulation such as a high speed transport or use of sirens is sometimes enough to cause a seizure.

a. true.

b. false.

14. Patients who have suffered an abruptio placenta often have:

a. vaginal bleeding.

b. a “tearing sensation” along with severe abdominal or back pain.

c. no complaints.

d. extensive leg pain from arterial occlusion.

15. The most common complaint associated with placenta previa is:

a. headache.

b. abdominal pain.

c. imminent delivery.

d. vaginal bleeding.