Indian Health Service Dental Program

National Oral Health Council Minutes

Executive Committee


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DATE: / Conference Call / PLACE: / QUOROM MET: / Leader: / RECORDER:
9 November 2006 / Yes / William Morningstar / Jan Colton
Aberdeen: Kim Sturm / X / Nashville: Marilyn Weeden / X / Specialist: Jan Colton / X
Alaska: George Bird / X / Navajo: Rickey Thompson / X / Hygiene: Travis Fisher / X
Albuquerque: Bill Morningstar / X / Oklahoma:Anthony Likes / X / Dental Assistant:
Linda Canada / X
Bemidji: Kirk Ritchie / X / Phoenix: Stuart Holmes / X / ADO: Rick Troyer / X
Billings: Phil Driscoll / X / Portland: Kevin Zimmerman / X / HQE Liaison: Pat Blahut / X
California: Richard Schoen / X / Tucson: Joe Hosek / X / HQE Representative: Chris Halliday / X

GUESTS: Dr. Jim Schaeffer

ADO Report / Continuing Resolution may continue until February 2007. Money for 2007 must be obligated by 20 June. There are assessments against the budget.
ADO’s have expressed concerns re: vacancies.
Discussion re: EF. Will need a “Train-the-Trainer” course.
88% success rate in CDE lottery (1st or 2nd choice). There were fewer applicants this year. Can still sign-up for Updates.
Want to increase budget for inactive reserve, salary and per diem..
Title 38-Market pay was effective in October. There has not yet been a group meeting
If you have any pay surveys please send the to Dr. Troyer. / Info only / Morningstar
Elections / Most Area representatives selected. Linda Canada to arrange DA election. Dr. Holmes would like to elect the Vice-Chair as soon as possible. / Canada to arrange DA election. Holmes and Colton to research electing Vice-Chair prior to Combined Councils. / Canada, Holmes, Colton
Providers Quick Cards / ECC have been mailed. / Possible topics for next provider card to be discussed on December call. / All
Combined Councils Meeting / Feb 25-Mar 2 2007 in San Diego.
Dr. Holmes raised the question as to whether it would be possible to have a facilitator. Dr. Schaeffer was suggested and he did not voice any objections. / Send potential agenda/discussion topics for Dr. Grim to Dr. Holmes.
Dr. Schaeffer to be facilitator at Combined Councils Meeting / Holmes
NOHC Website / Hello everyone,
I asked Ta-lee if it would be all right if I sent out the address to the restructured NOHC website. He had no problems with I the idea. He just does not want to make it public until there is more content on it.
Anyway, here is the address Over time I figure people will figure out whether we need to add more sections or possibly delete some.
If you have anything you need or want me to put up, please tell me where on the website you want it, and provide a brief description that explains the purpose and/or intention of the document. If you don’t do that, then I have to guess – and I don’t want to do that.
Thank you,
Phil / Driscoll
Acronyms / Dr. Sturm reported that the acronym list will include those acronyms specific to both CO’s and civil service dentists. The list is to be posted on the website. / Additions to the list are to be forwarded to Dr. Sturm. / Sturm
Dental Newsletter / A number of tasks need to be addressed periodically in order to produce a meaningful newsletter. The NOHC could take this project on as a high-profile way to remain “on the radar screen” throughout the year with our dental personnel.
Tasks are not necessarily recurring quarterly, even though the newsletter is published four times per year. A series of articles can be envisioned and assigned, or a series of Area profiles can be assigned far ahead of time.
There are experienced volunteer editors who may be willing to continue working on the newsletter.
Dr. Blahut asked the executive council for questions and discussion concerning this opportunity. / The group agreed to revisit this issue again / Blahut
HP/DP / .Deadline for submission of hp / dp proposals for funding was 30 October. Approximately 30 proposals were received. In recent years, we have had funding sufficient to fund between 15 and 18 proposals. Thus, the “success rate” has been approximately 50 to 60%. This remains one of the highest success rates of any funding opportunity.
Proposals will be distributed to reviewers this week, with the hope that all reviews can be completed prior to the Christmas holiday. / Blahut
GPRA / Final data for the last GPRA year (1 July 05 through 30 June 06, henceforth referred to as the 05/06 GPRA year) have finally been received. The dental program failed to meet two objectives, and achieved one objective.
Access to care fell to 23% in 05/06; the goal was 24%. This decrease continues a general trend that began in the late 1990’s.
We missed the sealant objective by approximately 1%. That is, we achieved about 99% of our stated goal.
We achieved our topical fluoride objective, exceeding the baseline production from 04/05 by 12%.
The NOHC can play an important role in our ongoing GPRA efforts. Dr. Blahut outlined the current HQ plan of action for this year, and future years. / Blahut
MCRP / Dr. Blahut has received questions about a recent cluster of recent malpractice claims. It is not appropriate to discuss details of ongoing cases. In an effort to address the circulating rumors, he discussed the general nature of these multiple claims with the NOHC executive committee. / Blahut
Other / Dr. Jim Schaeffer was introduced and his past positions reviewed. Welcome! / All
Next Conference Call / December 14th at 1:00 pm Eastern